Source code for garage.envs.base

"""Wrapper class that converts gym.Env into GarageEnv."""

import collections

import akro
import gym

from garage.envs.env_spec import EnvSpec

# The gym environments using one of the packages in the following lists as
# entry points don't close their viewer windows.
    # Please keep alphabetized

    # Please keep alphabetized

[docs]class GarageEnv(gym.Wrapper): """Returns an abstract Garage wrapper class for gym.Env. In order to provide pickling (serialization) and parameterization for gym.Envs, they must be wrapped with a GarageEnv. This ensures compatibility with existing samplers and checkpointing when the envs are passed internally around garage. Furthermore, classes inheriting from GarageEnv should silently convert action_space and observation_space from gym.Spaces to akro.spaces. Args: env (gym.Env): An env that will be wrapped env_name (str): If the env_name is speficied, a gym environment with that name will be created. If such an environment does not exist, a `gym.error` is thrown. """ def __init__(self, env=None, env_name=''): # Needed for deserialization self._env_name = env_name self._env = env if env_name: super().__init__(gym.make(env_name)) else: super().__init__(env) self.action_space = akro.from_gym(self.env.action_space) self.observation_space = akro.from_gym(self.env.observation_space) if self.spec: self.spec.action_space = self.action_space self.spec.observation_space = self.observation_space else: self.spec = EnvSpec(action_space=self.action_space, observation_space=self.observation_space)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the wrapped env.""" self._close_viewer_window() self.env.close()
def _close_viewer_window(self): """Close viewer window. Unfortunately, some gym environments don't close the viewer windows properly, which leads to "out of memory" issues when several of these environments are tested one after the other. This method searches for the viewer object of type MjViewer, Viewer or SimpleImageViewer, based on environment, and if the environment is wrapped in other environment classes, it performs depth search in those as well. This method can be removed once OpenAI solves the issue. """ # We need to do some strange things here to fix-up flaws in gym # pylint: disable=protected-access, import-outside-toplevel if self.env.spec: if any(package in self.env.spec._entry_point for package in KNOWN_GYM_NOT_CLOSE_MJ_VIEWER): # This import is not in the header to avoid a MuJoCo dependency # with non-MuJoCo environments that use this base class. try: from mujoco_py.mjviewer import MjViewer import glfw except ImportError: # If we can't import mujoco_py, we must not have an # instance of a class that we know how to close here. return if (hasattr(self.env, 'viewer') and isinstance(self.env.viewer, MjViewer)): glfw.destroy_window(self.env.viewer.window) elif any(package in self.env.spec._entry_point for package in KNOWN_GYM_NOT_CLOSE_VIEWER): if hasattr(self.env, 'viewer'): from gym.envs.classic_control.rendering import ( Viewer, SimpleImageViewer) if (isinstance(self.env.viewer, (SimpleImageViewer, Viewer))): self.env.viewer.close()
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): """Call reset on wrapped env. This method is necessary to suppress a deprecated warning thrown by gym.Wrapper. Args: kwargs: Keyword args Returns: object: The initial observation. """ return self.env.reset(**kwargs)
[docs] def step(self, action): """Call step on wrapped env. This method is necessary to suppress a deprecated warning thrown by gym.Wrapper. Args: action (object): An action provided by the agent. Returns: object: Agent's observation of the current environment float : Amount of reward returned after previous action bool : Whether the episode has ended, in which case further step() calls will return undefined results dict: Contains auxiliary diagnostic information (helpful for debugging, and sometimes learning) """ return self.env.step(action)
def __setstate__(self, state): """See `Object.__setstate__. Args: state (dict): Unpickled state of this object. """ obj = type(self)(state['_env'], state['_env_name']) self.__dict__.update(obj.__dict__)
[docs]def Step(observation, reward, done, **kwargs): # noqa: N802 """Create a namedtuple from the results of environment.step(action). Provides the option to put extra diagnostic info in the kwargs (if it exists) without demanding an explicit positional argument. Args: observation (object): Agent's observation of the current environment reward (float) : Amount of reward returned after previous action done (bool): Whether the episode has ended, in which case further step() calls will return undefined results kwargs: Keyword args Returns: collections.namedtuple: A named tuple of the arguments. """ return _Step(observation, reward, done, kwargs)
_Step = collections.namedtuple('Step', ['observation', 'reward', 'done', 'info'])