Source code for garage.experiment.experiment

# flake8: noqa
import base64
import collections
import datetime
import inspect
import os
import os.path as osp
import pickle
import re
import subprocess

import cloudpickle
import numpy as np

[docs]class AttrDict(dict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__dict__ = self
[docs]class VariantDict(AttrDict): def __init__(self, d, hidden_keys): super(VariantDict, self).__init__(d) self._hidden_keys = hidden_keys
[docs] def dump(self): return {k: v for k, v in self.items() if k not in self._hidden_keys}
[docs]class VariantGenerator: """ Usage: | vg = VariantGenerator() | vg.add("param1", [1, 2, 3]) | vg.add("param2", ['x', 'y']) | vg.variants() => # all combinations of [1,2,3] x ['x','y'] Supports noncyclic dependency among parameters: | vg = VariantGenerator() | vg.add("param1", [1, 2, 3]) | vg.add("param2", lambda param1: [param1+1, param1+2]) | vg.variants() => # .. """ def __init__(self): self._variants = [] self._populate_variants() self._hidden_keys = [] for k, vs, cfg in self._variants: if cfg.get('hide', False): self._hidden_keys.append(k)
[docs] def add(self, key, vals, **kwargs): self._variants.append((key, vals, kwargs))
def _populate_variants(self): methods = inspect.getmembers( self.__class__, predicate=lambda x: inspect.isfunction(x) or inspect.ismethod(x)) methods = [ x[1].__get__(self, self.__class__) for x in methods if getattr(x[1], '__is_variant', False) ] for m in methods: self.add(m.__name__, m, **getattr(m, '__variant_config', dict()))
[docs] def variants(self, randomized=False): ret = list(self.ivariants()) if randomized: np.random.shuffle(ret) return list(map(self.variant_dict, ret))
[docs] def variant_dict(self, variant): return VariantDict(variant, self._hidden_keys)
[docs] def to_name_suffix(self, variant): suffix = [] for k, vs, cfg in self._variants: if not cfg.get('hide', False): suffix.append(k + '_' + str(variant[k])) return '_'.join(suffix)
[docs] def ivariants(self): dependencies = list() for key, vals, _ in self._variants: if hasattr(vals, '__call__'): args = inspect.getfullargspec(vals).args if hasattr(vals, 'im_self') or hasattr(vals, '__self__'): # remove the first 'self' parameter args = args[1:] dependencies.append((key, set(args))) else: dependencies.append((key, set())) sorted_keys = [] # topo sort all nodes while len(sorted_keys) < len(self._variants): # get all nodes with zero in-degree free_nodes = [k for k, v in dependencies if not v] if not free_nodes: error_msg = 'Invalid parameter dependency: \n' for k, v in dependencies: if v: error_msg += k + ' depends on ' + ' & '.join(v) + '\n' raise ValueError(error_msg) dependencies = [(k, v) for k, v in dependencies if k not in free_nodes] # remove the free nodes from the remaining dependencies for _, v in dependencies: v.difference_update(free_nodes) sorted_keys += free_nodes return self._ivariants_sorted(sorted_keys)
def _ivariants_sorted(self, sorted_keys): if not sorted_keys: yield dict() else: first_keys = sorted_keys[:-1] first_variants = self._ivariants_sorted(first_keys) last_key = sorted_keys[-1] last_vals = [v for k, v, _ in self._variants if k == last_key][0] if hasattr(last_vals, '__call__'): last_val_keys = inspect.getfullargspec(last_vals).args if hasattr(last_vals, 'im_self') or hasattr( last_vals, '__self__'): last_val_keys = last_val_keys[1:] else: last_val_keys = None for variant in first_variants: if hasattr(last_vals, '__call__'): last_variants = last_vals( **{k: variant[k] for k in last_val_keys}) for last_choice in last_variants: yield AttrDict(variant, **{last_key: last_choice}) else: for last_choice in last_vals: yield AttrDict(variant, **{last_key: last_choice})
[docs]def variant(*args, **kwargs): def _variant(fn): fn.__is_variant = True fn.__variant_config = kwargs return fn if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], collections.Callable): return _variant(args[0]) return _variant
exp_count = 0 now = timestamp = now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')
[docs]def run_experiment(method_call=None, batch_tasks=None, exp_prefix='experiment', exp_name=None, log_dir=None, script='garage.experiment.experiment_wrapper', python_command='python', dry=False, env=None, variant=None, force_cpu=False, pre_commands=None, **kwargs): """Serialize the method call and run the experiment using the specified mode. Args: method_call (callable): A method call. batch_tasks (list[dict]): A batch of method calls. exp_prefix (str): Name prefix for the experiment. exp_name (str): Name of the experiment. log_dir (str): Log directory for the experiment. script (str): The name of the entrance point python script. python_command (str): Python command to run the experiment. dry (bool): Whether to do a dry-run, which only prints the commands without executing them. env (dict): Extra environment variables. variant (dict): If provided, should be a dictionary of parameters. force_cpu (bool): Whether to set all GPU devices invisible to force use CPU. pre_commands (str): Pre commands to run the experiment. """ if method_call is None and batch_tasks is None: raise Exception( 'Must provide at least either method_call or batch_tasks') for task in (batch_tasks or [method_call]): if not hasattr(task, '__call__'): raise ValueError('batch_tasks should be callable') # ensure variant exists if variant is None: variant = dict() if batch_tasks is None: batch_tasks = [ dict(kwargs, pre_commands=pre_commands, method_call=method_call, exp_name=exp_name, log_dir=log_dir, env=env, variant=variant) ] global exp_count if force_cpu: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1' for task in batch_tasks: call = task.pop('method_call') data = base64.b64encode(cloudpickle.dumps(call)).decode('utf-8') task['args_data'] = data exp_count += 1 if task.get('exp_name', None) is None: task['exp_name'] = '{}_{}_{:04n}'.format(exp_prefix, timestamp, exp_count) if task.get('log_dir', None) is None: task['log_dir'] = ( '{log_dir}/local/{exp_prefix}/{exp_name}'.format( log_dir=osp.join(os.getcwd(), 'data'), exp_prefix=exp_prefix.replace('_', '-'), exp_name=task['exp_name'])) if task.get('variant', None) is not None: variant = task.pop('variant') if 'exp_name' not in variant: variant['exp_name'] = task['exp_name'] task['variant_data'] = base64.b64encode( pickle.dumps(variant)).decode('utf-8') elif 'variant' in task: del task['variant'] task['env'] = task.get('env', dict()) or dict() task['env']['GARAGE_FORCE_CPU'] = str(force_cpu) for task in batch_tasks: env = task.pop('env', None) command = to_local_command(task, python_command=python_command, script=script) print(command) if dry: return try: if env is None: env = dict(), shell=True, env=dict(os.environ, **env)) except Exception as e: print(e) if isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt): raise
_find_unsafe = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_^@%+=:,./-]').search def _shellquote(s): """Return a shell-escaped version of the string *s*.""" if not s: return "''" if _find_unsafe(s) is None: return s # use single quotes, and put single quotes into double quotes # the string $'b is then quoted as '$'"'"'b' return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'" def _to_param_val(v): if v is None: return '' elif isinstance(v, list): return ' '.join(map(_shellquote, list(map(str, v)))) else: return _shellquote(str(v))
[docs]def to_local_command(params, python_command='python', script='garage.experiment.experiment_wrapper'): command = python_command + ' -m ' + script garage_env = eval(os.environ.get('GARAGE_ENV', '{}')) for k, v in garage_env.items(): command = '{}={} '.format(k, v) + command pre_commands = params.pop('pre_commands', None) post_commands = params.pop('post_commands', None) if pre_commands is not None or post_commands is not None: print('Not executing the pre_commands: ', pre_commands, ', nor post_commands: ', post_commands) for k, v in params.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): for nk, nv in v.items(): if str(nk) == '_name': command += ' --{} {}'.format(k, _to_param_val(nv)) else: command += \ ' --{}_{} {}'.format(k, nk, _to_param_val(nv)) else: command += ' --{} {}'.format(k, _to_param_val(v)) return command