Source code for garage.envs.multi_env_wrapper

"""A wrapper env that handles multiple tasks from different envs.

Useful while training multi-task reinforcement learning algorithms.
It provides observations augmented with one-hot representation of tasks.

import random

import akro
import gym
import numpy as np

[docs]def round_robin_strategy(num_tasks, last_task=None): """A function for sampling tasks in round robin fashion. Args: num_tasks (int): Total number of tasks. last_task (int): Previously sampled task. Returns: int: task id. """ if last_task is None: return 0 return (last_task + 1) % num_tasks
[docs]def uniform_random_strategy(num_tasks, _): """A function for sampling tasks uniformly at random. Args: num_tasks (int): Total number of tasks. _ (object): Ignored by this sampling strategy. Returns: int: task id. """ return random.randint(0, num_tasks - 1)
[docs]class MultiEnvWrapper(gym.Wrapper): """A wrapper class to handle multiple gym environments. Args: envs (list(gym.Env)): A list of objects implementing gym.Env. sample_strategy (function(int, int)): Sample strategy to be used when sampling a new task. """ def __init__(self, envs, sample_strategy=uniform_random_strategy): self._sample_strategy = sample_strategy self._num_tasks = len(envs) self._active_task_index = None self._observation_space = None super().__init__(envs[0]) self._task_envs = [] for env in envs: if (env.observation_space.shape != self.env.observation_space.shape): raise ValueError( 'Observation space of all envs should be same.') if env.action_space.shape != self.env.action_space.shape: raise ValueError('Action space of all envs should be same.') self._task_envs.append(env) self.env.spec.observation_space = self.observation_space @property def num_tasks(self): """Total number of tasks. Returns: int: number of tasks. """ return len(self._task_envs) @property def task_space(self): """Task Space. Returns: akro.Box: Task space. """ one_hot_ub = np.ones(self.num_tasks) one_hot_lb = np.zeros(self.num_tasks) return akro.Box(one_hot_lb, one_hot_ub) @property def active_task_index(self): """Index of active task env. Returns: int: Index of active task. """ return self._active_task_index @property def observation_space(self): """Observation space. Returns: akro.Box: Observation space. """ task_lb, task_ub = self.task_space.bounds env_lb, env_ub = self._observation_space.bounds return akro.Box(np.concatenate([task_lb, env_lb]), np.concatenate([task_ub, env_ub])) @observation_space.setter def observation_space(self, observation_space): """Observation space setter. Args: observation_space (akro.Box): Observation space. """ self._observation_space = observation_space @property def active_task_one_hot(self): """One-hot representation of active task. Returns: numpy.ndarray: one-hot representation of active task """ one_hot = np.zeros(self.task_space.shape) index = self.active_task_index or 0 one_hot[index] = self.task_space.high[index] return one_hot
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): """Sample new task and call reset on new task env. Args: kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to be passed to gym.Env.reset Returns: numpy.ndarray: active task one-hot representation + observation """ self._active_task_index = self._sample_strategy( self._num_tasks, self._active_task_index) self.env = self._task_envs[self._active_task_index] obs = self.env.reset(**kwargs) oh_obs = self._obs_with_one_hot(obs) return oh_obs
[docs] def step(self, action): """gym.Env step for the active task env. Args: action (object): object to be passed in gym.Env.reset(action) Returns: object: agent's observation of the current environment float: amount of reward returned after previous action bool: whether the episode has ended dict: contains auxiliary diagnostic information """ obs, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) oh_obs = self._obs_with_one_hot(obs) info['task_id'] = self._active_task_index return oh_obs, reward, done, info
[docs] def close(self): """Close all task envs.""" for env in self._task_envs: env.close()
def _obs_with_one_hot(self, obs): """Concatenate active task one-hot representation with observation. Args: obs (numpy.ndarray): observation Returns: numpy.ndarray: active task one-hot + observation """ oh_obs = np.concatenate([self.active_task_one_hot, obs]) return oh_obs