Source code for garage.replay_buffer.her_replay_buffer

"""This module implements a Hindsight Experience Replay (HER).

import inspect

import numpy as np

from garage.replay_buffer.base import ReplayBuffer

[docs]def make_her_sample(replay_k, reward_fun): """Generate a transition sampler for HER ReplayBuffer. Args: replay_k (float): Ratio between HER replays and regular replays reward_fun (callable): Function to re-compute the reward with substituted goals Returns: callable: A function that returns sample transitions for HER. """ future_p = 1 - (1. / (1 + replay_k)) def _her_sample_transitions(episode_batch, sample_batch_size): """Generate a dictionary of transitions. Args: episode_batch (dict): Original transitions which transitions[key] has shape :math:`(N, T, S^*)`. sample_batch_size (int): Batch size per sample. Returns: dict[numpy.ndarray]: Transitions. """ # Select which episodes to use time_horizon = episode_batch['action'].shape[1] rollout_batch_size = episode_batch['action'].shape[0] episode_idxs = np.random.randint(rollout_batch_size, size=sample_batch_size) # Select time steps to use t_samples = np.random.randint(time_horizon, size=sample_batch_size) transitions = { key: episode_batch[key][episode_idxs, t_samples] for key in episode_batch.keys() } her_idxs = np.where( np.random.uniform(size=sample_batch_size) < future_p) future_offset = np.random.uniform( size=sample_batch_size) * (time_horizon - t_samples) future_offset = future_offset.astype(int) future_t = (t_samples + future_offset)[her_idxs] future_ag = episode_batch['achieved_goal'][episode_idxs[her_idxs], future_t] transitions['goal'][her_idxs] = future_ag # Re-compute reward since we may have substituted the goal. reward_params_keys = inspect.signature(reward_fun).parameters.keys() reward_params = { rk: transitions[k] for k, rk in zip(['next_achieved_goal', 'goal'], list(reward_params_keys)[:-1]) } reward_params['info'] = {} transitions['reward'] = reward_fun(**reward_params) transitions = { k: transitions[k].reshape(sample_batch_size, *transitions[k].shape[1:]) for k in transitions.keys() } assert transitions['action'].shape[0] == sample_batch_size return transitions return _her_sample_transitions
[docs]class HerReplayBuffer(ReplayBuffer): """Replay buffer for HER (Hindsight Experience Replay). It constructs hindsight examples using future strategy. Args: replay_k (float): Ratio between HER replays and regular replays reward_fun (callable): Function to re-compute the reward with substituted goals env_spec (garage.envs.EnvSpec): Environment specification. size_in_transitions (int): total size of transitions in the buffer time_horizon (int): time horizon of rollout. """ def __init__(self, replay_k, reward_fun, env_spec, size_in_transitions, time_horizon): self._sample_transitions = make_her_sample(replay_k, reward_fun) self._replay_k = replay_k self._reward_fun = reward_fun super().__init__(env_spec, size_in_transitions, time_horizon)
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size): """Sample a transition of batch_size. Args: batch_size (int): Batch size to sample. Return: dict[numpy.ndarray]: Transitions which transitions[key] has the shape of :math:`(N, S^*)`. Keys include [`observation`, `action`, `goal`, `achieved_goal`, `terminal`, `next_observation`, `next_achieved_goal` and `reward`]. """ buffer = {} for key in self._buffer: buffer[key] = self._buffer[key][:self._current_size] transitions = self._sample_transitions(buffer, batch_size) for key in (['reward', 'next_observation', 'next_achieved_goal'] + list(self._buffer.keys())): assert key in transitions, 'key %s missing from transitions' % key return transitions
def __getstate__(self): """Object.__getstate__. Returns: dict: The state to be pickled for the instance. """ new_dict = self.__dict__.copy() del new_dict['_sample_transitions'] return new_dict # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __setstate__(self, state): """Object.__setstate__. Args: state (dict): Unpickled state. """ self.__dict__ = state replay_k = state['_replay_k'] reward_fun = state['_reward_fun'] self._sample_transitions = make_her_sample(replay_k, reward_fun)