Source code for

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from import Distribution
from import Categorical

TINY = 1e-8

[docs]class RecurrentCategorical(Distribution): def __init__(self, dim, name='RecurrentCategorical'): self._cat = Categorical(dim, name) self._dim = dim self._name = name @property def dim(self): return self._dim
[docs] def kl_sym(self, old_dist_info_vars, new_dist_info_vars, name=None): """ Compute the symbolic KL divergence of two categorical distributions """ with tf.name_scope(name, 'kl_sym', [old_dist_info_vars, new_dist_info_vars]): old_prob_var = old_dist_info_vars['prob'] new_prob_var = new_dist_info_vars['prob'] # Assume layout is N * T * A return tf.reduce_sum( old_prob_var * (tf.math.log(old_prob_var + TINY) - tf.math.log(new_prob_var + TINY)), axis=2)
[docs] def kl(self, old_dist_info, new_dist_info): """ Compute the KL divergence of two categorical distributions """ old_prob = old_dist_info['prob'] new_prob = new_dist_info['prob'] return np.sum( old_prob * (np.log(old_prob + TINY) - np.log(new_prob + TINY)), axis=2)
[docs] def likelihood_ratio_sym(self, x_var, old_dist_info_vars, new_dist_info_vars, name=None): with tf.name_scope(name, 'likelihood_ratio_sym', [x_var, old_dist_info_vars, new_dist_info_vars]): old_prob_var = old_dist_info_vars['prob'] new_prob_var = new_dist_info_vars['prob'] # Assume layout is N * T * A a_dim = tf.shape(x_var)[2] flat_ratios = self._cat.likelihood_ratio_sym( tf.reshape(x_var, tf.stack([-1, a_dim])), dict(prob=tf.reshape(old_prob_var, tf.stack([-1, a_dim]))), dict(prob=tf.reshape(new_prob_var, tf.stack([-1, a_dim])))) return tf.reshape(flat_ratios, tf.shape(old_prob_var)[:2])
[docs] def entropy(self, dist_info): probs = dist_info['prob'] return -np.sum(probs * np.log(probs + TINY), axis=2)
[docs] def entropy_sym(self, dist_info_vars, name=None): with tf.name_scope(name, 'entropy_sym', [dist_info_vars]): probs = dist_info_vars['prob'] return -tf.reduce_sum(probs * tf.math.log(probs + TINY), 2)
[docs] def log_likelihood_sym(self, xs, dist_info_vars, name=None): with tf.name_scope(name, 'log_likelihood_sym', [xs, dist_info_vars]): probs = dist_info_vars['prob'] # Assume layout is N * T * A a_dim = tf.shape(probs)[2] flat_logli = self._cat.log_likelihood_sym( tf.reshape(xs, tf.stack([-1, a_dim])), dict(prob=tf.reshape(probs, tf.stack((-1, a_dim))))) return tf.reshape(flat_logli, tf.shape(probs)[:2])
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, xs, dist_info): probs = dist_info['prob'] # Assume layout is N * T * A a_dim = tf.shape(probs)[2] flat_logli = self._cat.log_likelihood_sym( xs.reshape((-1, a_dim)), dict(prob=probs.reshape((-1, a_dim)))) return flat_logli.reshape(probs.shape[:2])
@property def dist_info_specs(self): return [('prob', (self.dim, ))]