Source code for

"""Regressor base classes without Parameterized."""
import abc

import tensorflow as tf

from garage.misc.tensor_utils import flatten_tensors
from garage.misc.tensor_utils import unflatten_tensors

[docs]class Regressor(abc.ABC): """Regressor base class. Args: input_shape (tuple[int]): Input shape. output_dim (int): Output dimension. name (str): Name of the regressor. """ def __init__(self, input_shape, output_dim, name): self._input_shape = input_shape self._output_dim = output_dim self._name = name self._variable_scope = None self._cached_params = {} self._cached_param_shapes = {}
[docs] def fit(self, xs, ys): """Fit with input data xs and label ys. Args: xs (numpy.ndarray): Input data. ys (numpy.ndarray): Label of input data. """
[docs] def predict(self, xs): """Predict ys based on input xs. Args: xs (numpy.ndarray): Input data. Return: The predicted ys. """
[docs] def get_params_internal(self, **tags): """Get the list of parameters. This internal method does not perform caching, and should be implemented by subclasses. Return: A list of trainable variables of type list(tf.Variable) """
[docs] def get_params(self, **tags): """Get the list of parameters, filtered by the provided tags. Args: tags (dict): Some common tags include 'regularizable' and 'trainable' """ tag_tuple = tuple(sorted(list(tags.items()), key=lambda x: x[0])) if tag_tuple not in self._cached_params: self._cached_params[tag_tuple] = self.get_params_internal(**tags) return self._cached_params[tag_tuple]
[docs] def get_param_shapes(self, **tags): """Get the list of shapes for the parameters. Args: tags (dict): Some common tags include 'regularizable' and 'trainable' Returns: List[tuple[int]]: A list of shapes of each parameter. """ tag_tuple = tuple(sorted(list(tags.items()), key=lambda x: x[0])) if tag_tuple not in self._cached_param_shapes: params = self.get_params(**tags) param_values = tf.compat.v1.get_default_session().run(params) self._cached_param_shapes[tag_tuple] = [ val.shape for val in param_values ] return self._cached_param_shapes[tag_tuple]
[docs] def get_param_values(self, **tags): """Get the list of values for the parameters. Args: tags (dict): Some common tags include 'regularizable' and 'trainable' Returns: List[np.ndarray]: A list of values of each parameter. """ params = self.get_params(**tags) param_values = tf.compat.v1.get_default_session().run(params) return flatten_tensors(param_values)
[docs] def set_param_values(self, flattened_params, name=None, **tags): """Set the values for the parameters. Args: tags (dict): Some common tags include 'regularizable' and 'trainable' """ with tf.name_scope(name, 'set_param_values', [flattened_params]): param_values = unflatten_tensors(flattened_params, self.get_param_shapes(**tags)) for param, value in zip(self.get_params(**tags), param_values): param.load(value)
[docs] def flat_to_params(self, flattened_params, **tags): """Unflatten tensors according to their respective shapes. Args: flattened_params (np.ndarray): A numpy array of flattened params. tags (dict): Some common tags include 'regularizable' and 'trainable' Returns: tensors (List[np.ndarray]): A list of parameters reshaped to the shapes specified. """ return unflatten_tensors(flattened_params, self.get_param_shapes(**tags))
def __getstate__(self): """Object.__getstate__.""" new_dict = self.__dict__.copy() del new_dict['_cached_params'] return new_dict def __setstate__(self, state): """Object.__setstate__.""" self._cached_params = {} self.__dict__.update(state)
[docs]class StochasticRegressor(Regressor): """StochasticRegressor base class. Args: input_shape (tuple[int]): Input shape. output_dim (int): Output dimension. name (str): Name of the regressor. """ def __init__(self, input_shape, output_dim, name): super().__init__(input_shape, output_dim, name)
[docs] def log_likelihood_sym(self, x_var, y_var, name=None): """Symbolic graph of the log likelihood. Args: x_var (tf.Tensor): Input tf.Tensor for the input data. y_var (tf.Tensor): Input tf.Tensor for the label of data. name (str): Name of the new graph. Return: tf.Tensor output of the symbolic log likelihood. """
[docs] def dist_info_sym(self, x_var, name=None): """Symbolic graph of the distribution. Args: x_var (tf.Tensor): Input tf.Tensor for the input data. name (str): Name of the new graph. Return: tf.Tensor output of the symbolic distribution. """