Source code for garage.sampler.on_policy_vectorized_sampler

"""BatchSampler which uses VecEnvExecutor to run multiple environments."""
import itertools
import pickle
import time

from dowel import logger, tabular
import numpy as np

from garage.experiment import deterministic
from garage.misc import tensor_utils
from garage.misc.prog_bar_counter import ProgBarCounter
from garage.sampler.batch_sampler import BatchSampler
from garage.sampler.stateful_pool import singleton_pool
from garage.sampler.utils import truncate_paths
from garage.sampler.vec_env_executor import VecEnvExecutor

[docs]class OnPolicyVectorizedSampler(BatchSampler): """BatchSampler which uses VecEnvExecutor to run multiple environments. Args: algo ( A garage algo object env (gym.Env): A gym/akro env object n_envs (int): Number of parallel environments used for sampling. """ def __init__(self, algo, env, n_envs=None): if n_envs is None: n_envs = singleton_pool.n_parallel * 4 super().__init__(algo, env) self.n_envs = n_envs self.env_spec = self.env.spec self.vec_env = None
[docs] def start_worker(self): """Start workers.""" n_envs = self.n_envs envs = [pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self.env)) for _ in range(n_envs)] # Deterministically set environment seeds based on the global seed. for (i, e) in enumerate(envs): e.seed(deterministic.get_seed() + i) self.vec_env = VecEnvExecutor( envs=envs, max_path_length=self.algo.max_path_length)
[docs] def shutdown_worker(self): """Shutdown workers.""" self.vec_env.close()
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
[docs] def obtain_samples(self, itr, batch_size=None, whole_paths=True): """Sample the policy for new trajectories. Args: itr (int): Iteration number. batch_size (int): Number of samples to be collected. If None, it will be default [algo.max_path_length * n_envs]. whole_paths (bool): Whether return all the paths or not. True by default. It's possible for the paths to have total actual sample size larger than batch_size, and will be truncated if this flag is true. Returns: list[dict]: Sample paths, each path with key * observations: (numpy.ndarray) * actions: (numpy.ndarray) * rewards: (numpy.ndarray) * agent_infos: (dict) * env_infos: (dict) """ logger.log('Obtaining samples for iteration %d...' % itr) if not batch_size: batch_size = self.algo.max_path_length * self.n_envs paths = [] n_samples = 0 obses = self.vec_env.reset() completes = np.asarray([True] * self.vec_env.num_envs) running_paths = [None] * self.vec_env.num_envs pbar = ProgBarCounter(batch_size) policy_time = 0 env_time = 0 process_time = 0 policy = self.algo.policy while n_samples < batch_size: t = time.time() policy.reset(completes) actions, agent_infos = policy.get_actions(obses) policy_time += time.time() - t t = time.time() next_obses, rewards, _, env_infos, completes = \ self.vec_env.step(actions) env_time += time.time() - t t = time.time() agent_infos = tensor_utils.split_tensor_dict_list(agent_infos) env_infos = tensor_utils.split_tensor_dict_list(env_infos) if env_infos is None: env_infos = [dict() for _ in range(self.vec_env.num_envs)] if agent_infos is None: agent_infos = [dict() for _ in range(self.vec_env.num_envs)] for idx, observation, action, reward, env_info, agent_info, complete in zip( # noqa: E501 itertools.count(), obses, actions, rewards, env_infos, agent_infos, completes): if running_paths[idx] is None: running_paths[idx] = dict( observations=[], actions=[], rewards=[], env_infos=[], agent_infos=[], ) running_paths[idx]['observations'].append(observation) running_paths[idx]['actions'].append(action) running_paths[idx]['rewards'].append(reward) running_paths[idx]['env_infos'].append(env_info) running_paths[idx]['agent_infos'].append(agent_info) if complete: obs = np.asarray(running_paths[idx]['observations']) actions = np.asarray(running_paths[idx]['actions']) paths.append( dict(observations=obs, actions=actions, rewards=np.asarray(running_paths[idx]['rewards']), env_infos=tensor_utils.stack_tensor_dict_list( running_paths[idx]['env_infos']), agent_infos=tensor_utils.stack_tensor_dict_list( running_paths[idx]['agent_infos']))) n_samples += len(running_paths[idx]['rewards']) running_paths[idx] = None process_time += time.time() - t obses = next_obses pbar.stop() tabular.record('PolicyExecTime', policy_time) tabular.record('EnvExecTime', env_time) tabular.record('ProcessExecTime', process_time) return paths if whole_paths else truncate_paths(paths, batch_size)