garage.torch.embeddings package

PyTorch embedding modules for meta-learning algorithms.

class MLPEncoder(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_sizes, hidden_nonlinearity=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, hidden_w_init=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, hidden_b_init=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, output_b_init=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, layer_normalization=False)[source]

Bases: garage.torch.modules.mlp_module.MLPModule,

This MLP network encodes context of RL tasks.

Context is stored in the terms of observation, action, and reward, and this network uses an MLP module for encoding it.

  • input_dim (int) – Dimension of the network input.
  • output_dim (int) – Dimension of the network output.
  • hidden_sizes (list[int]) – Output dimension of dense layer(s). For example, (32, 32) means this MLP consists of two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units.
  • hidden_nonlinearity (callable or torch.nn.Module) – Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a torch.Tensor.Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • hidden_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a torch.Tensor.
  • hidden_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a torch.Tensor.
  • output_nonlinearity (callable or torch.nn.Module) – Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a torch.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • output_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a torch.Tensor.
  • output_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a torch.Tensor.
  • layer_normalization (bool) – Bool for using layer normalization or not.

Dimension of the encoder input.


Dimension of the encoder output (embedding).


Reset the encoder.

This is effective only to recurrent encoder. do_resets is effective only to vectoried encoder.

For a vectorized encoder, do_resets is an array of boolean indicating which internal states to be reset. The length of do_resets should be equal to the length of inputs.

Parameters:do_resets (numpy.ndarray) – Bool array indicating which states to be reset.

Input and output space.
