Source code for

"""LSTM in TensorFlow."""
import tensorflow as tf

[docs]def lstm(name, lstm_cell, all_input_var, step_input_var, step_hidden_var, step_cell_var, output_nonlinearity_layer, hidden_state_init=tf.zeros_initializer(), hidden_state_init_trainable=False, cell_state_init=tf.zeros_initializer(), cell_state_init_trainable=False): r"""Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Args: name (str): Name of the variable scope. lstm_cell (tf.keras.layers.Layer): LSTM cell used to generate outputs. all_input_var (tf.Tensor): Place holder for entire time-seried inputs, with shape :math:`(N, T, S^*)`. step_input_var (tf.Tensor): Place holder for step inputs, with shape :math:`(N, S^*)`. step_hidden_var (tf.Tensor): Place holder for step hidden state, with shape :math:`(N, H)`. step_cell_var (tf.Tensor): Place holder for cell state, with shape :math:`(N, H)`. output_nonlinearity_layer (callable): Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation. hidden_state_init (callable): Initializer function for the initial hidden state. The functino should return a tf.Tensor. hidden_state_init_trainable (bool): Bool for whether the initial hidden state is trainable. cell_state_init (callable): Initializer function for the initial cell state. The functino should return a tf.Tensor. cell_state_init_trainable (bool): Bool for whether the initial cell state is trainable. Return: tf.Tensor: Entire time-seried outputs, with shape :math:`(N, T, S^*)`. tf.Tensor: Step output, with shape :math:`(N, S^*)`. tf.Tensor: Step hidden state, with shape :math:`(N, H)`. tf.Tensor: Step cell state, with shape :math:`(N, H)`. tf.Tensor: Initial hidden state, with shape :math:`(H, )`. tf.Tensor: Initial cell state, with shape :math:`(H, )`. """ with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(name): hidden_dim = lstm_cell.units output, [hidden, cell] = lstm_cell(step_input_var, states=(step_hidden_var, step_cell_var)) output = output_nonlinearity_layer(output) hidden_init_var = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name='initial_hidden', shape=(hidden_dim, ), initializer=hidden_state_init, trainable=hidden_state_init_trainable, dtype=tf.float32) cell_init_var = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name='initial_cell', shape=(hidden_dim, ), initializer=cell_state_init, trainable=cell_state_init_trainable, dtype=tf.float32) hidden_init_var_b = tf.broadcast_to( hidden_init_var, shape=[tf.shape(all_input_var)[0], hidden_dim]) cell_init_var_b = tf.broadcast_to( cell_init_var, shape=[tf.shape(all_input_var)[0], hidden_dim]) rnn = tf.keras.layers.RNN(lstm_cell, return_sequences=True) hs = rnn(all_input_var, initial_state=[hidden_init_var_b, cell_init_var_b]) outputs = output_nonlinearity_layer(hs) return outputs, output, hidden, cell, hidden_init_var, cell_init_var