Source code for

"""MLP in TensorFlow."""

import tensorflow as tf

[docs]def mlp(input_var, output_dim, hidden_sizes, name, input_var2=None, concat_layer=-2, hidden_nonlinearity=tf.nn.relu, hidden_w_init=tf.initializers.glorot_uniform(), hidden_b_init=tf.zeros_initializer(), output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=tf.initializers.glorot_uniform(), output_b_init=tf.zeros_initializer(), layer_normalization=False): """Multi-layer perceptron (MLP). It maps real-valued inputs to real-valued outputs. Args: input_var (tf.Tensor): Input tf.Tensor to the MLP. output_dim (int): Dimension of the network output. hidden_sizes (list[int]): Output dimension of dense layer(s). For example, (32, 32) means this MLP consists of two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units. name (str): Network name, also the variable scope. input_var2 (tf.Tensor): Second input tf.Tensor to the MLP if input needs to be concatenated with a layer in the model. concat_layer (int): The index of layers at which to concatenate input_var2 with the network. If input_var2 is not supplied, this arguments is ignored. The indexing works like standard python list indexing. Index of 0 refers to the input layer (input_var) while an index of -1 points to the last hidden layer. Default parameter points to second layer from the end. If the model has only one layer, input_var2 is concatenated with that layer. hidden_nonlinearity (callable): Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation. hidden_w_init (callable): Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor. hidden_b_init (callable): Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor. output_nonlinearity (callable): Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation. output_w_init (callable): Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor. output_b_init (callable): Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor. layer_normalization (bool): Bool for using layer normalization or not. Return: tf.Tensor: The output tf.Tensor of the MLP. """ n_layers = len(hidden_sizes) + 1 _merge_inputs = False if input_var2 is not None: _merge_inputs = True if n_layers > 1: _concat_layer = (concat_layer % n_layers + n_layers) % n_layers else: _concat_layer = 0 with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(name): l_hid = input_var for idx, hidden_size in enumerate(hidden_sizes): if _merge_inputs and idx == _concat_layer: l_hid = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([l_hid, input_var2]) l_hid = tf.compat.v1.layers.dense(inputs=l_hid, units=hidden_size, activation=hidden_nonlinearity, kernel_initializer=hidden_w_init, bias_initializer=hidden_b_init, name='hidden_{}'.format(idx)) if layer_normalization: l_hid = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization()(l_hid) if _merge_inputs and _concat_layer == len(hidden_sizes): l_hid = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([l_hid, input_var2]) l_out = tf.compat.v1.layers.dense(inputs=l_hid, units=output_dim, activation=output_nonlinearity, kernel_initializer=output_w_init, bias_initializer=output_b_init, name='output') return l_out