Source code for

"""Base model classes."""
import abc
from collections import namedtuple
import warnings

import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class BaseModel(abc.ABC): """Interface-only abstract class for models. A Model contains the structure/configuration of a set of computation graphs, or can be understood as a set of networks. Using a model requires calling `build()` with given input placeholder, which can be either tf.compat.v1.placeholder, or the output from another model. This makes composition of complex models with simple models much easier. Examples: model = SimpleModel(output_dim=2) # To use a model, first create a placeholder. # In the case of TensorFlow, we create a tf.compat.v1.placeholder. input_ph = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 2)) # Building the model output = # We can also pass the output of a model to another model. # Here we pass the output from the above SimpleModel object. model_2 = ComplexModel(output_dim=2) output_2 = """
[docs] def build(self, *inputs, name=None): """Output of model with the given input placeholder(s). This function is implemented by subclasses to create their computation graphs, which will be managed by Model. Generally, subclasses should implement `build()` directly. Args: inputs (object): Input(s) for the model. name (str): Name of the model. Return: list[tf.Tensor]: Output(s) of the model. """
@property @abc.abstractmethod def name(self): """Name for this Model.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def parameters(self): """Parameters of the Model. The output of a model is determined by its parameter. It could be the weights of a neural network model or parameters of a loss function model. Returns: list[tf.Tensor]: Parameters. """ @parameters.setter def parameters(self, parameters): """Set parameters of the Model. Args: parameters (list[tf.Tensor]): Parameters. """
[docs]class Network: """Network class For TensorFlow. A Network contains connectivity information by inputs/outputs. When a Network is built, it appears as a subgraph in the computation graphs, scoped by the Network name. All Networks built with the same model share the same parameters, i.e same inputs yield to same outputs. """ def __init__(self): self._inputs = None self._outputs = None @property def input(self): """Tensor input of the Network. Returns: tf.Tensor: Input. """ return self._inputs[0] @property def inputs(self): """Tensor inputs of the Network. Returns: list[tf.Tensor]: Inputs. """ return self._inputs @property def output(self): """Tensor output of the Network. Returns: tf.Tensor: Output. """ return self._outputs[0] @property def outputs(self): """Tensor outputs of the Network. Returns: list[tf.Tensor]: Outputs. """ return self._outputs
[docs]class Model(BaseModel): r"""Model class for TensorFlow. A TfModel only contains the structure/configuration of the underlying computation graphs. Connectivity information are all in Network class. A TfModel contains zero or more Network. When a Network is created, it reuses the parameter from the model. If a Network is built without given a name, the name "default" will be used. *** Do not call tf.global_variable_initializers() after building a model as it will reassign random weights to the model. The parameters inside a model will be initialized when calling build(). *** Pickling is handled automatcailly. The target weights should be assigned to self._default_parameters before pickling, so that the newly created model can check if target weights exist or not. When unpickled, the unserialized model will load the weights from self._default_parameters. The design is illustrated as the following: input_1 input_2 | | ============== Model (TfModel)=================== | | | | | | Parameters | | | ============= / \ ============ | | | default | / \ | Network2 | | | | (Network) |/ \|(Network) | | | ============= ============ | | | | | ================================================= | | | | (outputs from 'default' networks) | outputs from ['Network2'] network Examples are also available in tests/garage/tf/models/test_model. Args: name (str): Name of the model. It will also become the variable scope of the model. Every model should have a unique name. """ def __init__(self, name): super().__init__() self._name = name or type(self).__name__ # name default to class self._networks = {} self._default_parameters = None self._variable_scope = None # pylint: disable=protected-access, assignment-from-no-return
[docs] def build(self, *inputs, name=None): """Build a Network with the given input(s). *** Do not call tf.global_variable_initializers() after building a model as it will reassign random weights to the model. The parameters inside a model will be initialized when calling build(). *** It uses the same, fixed variable scope for all Networks, to ensure parameter sharing. Different Networks must have an unique name. Args: inputs (list[tf.Tensor]) : Tensor input(s), recommended to be positional arguments, for example, def build(self, state_input, action_input, name=None). name (str): Name of the model, which is also the name scope of the model. Raises: ValueError: When a Network with the same name is already built. Returns: list[tf.Tensor]: Output tensors of the model with the given inputs. """ network_name = name or 'default' if not self._networks: # First time building the model, so self._networks are empty # We store the variable_scope to reenter later when we reuse it with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(self._name) as vs: self._variable_scope = vs with tf.name_scope(name=network_name): network = Network() network._inputs = inputs network._outputs = self._build(*inputs, name) variables = self._get_variables().values() tf.compat.v1.get_default_session().run( tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(variables)) if self._default_parameters: self.parameters = self._default_parameters else: if network_name in self._networks: raise ValueError( 'Network {} already exists!'.format(network_name)) with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(self._variable_scope, reuse=True, auxiliary_name_scope=False): with tf.name_scope(name=network_name): network = Network() network._inputs = inputs network._outputs = self._build(*inputs, name) custom_in_spec = self.network_input_spec() custom_out_spec = self.network_output_spec() in_spec = ['input', 'inputs'] out_spec = ['output', 'outputs'] in_args = [network.input, network.inputs] out_args = [network.output, network.outputs] if isinstance(network.inputs, tuple) and len(network.inputs) > 1: assert len(custom_in_spec) == len(network.inputs), ( 'network_input_spec must have same length as inputs!') in_spec.extend(custom_in_spec) in_args.extend(network.inputs) if isinstance(network.outputs, tuple) and len(network.outputs) > 1: assert len(custom_out_spec) == len(network.outputs), ( 'network_output_spec must have same length as outputs!') out_spec.extend(custom_out_spec) out_args.extend(network.outputs) elif len(custom_out_spec) > 0: if not isinstance(network.outputs, tuple): assert len(custom_out_spec) == 1, ( 'network_input_spec must have same length as outputs!') out_spec.extend(custom_out_spec) out_args.extend([network.outputs]) else: assert len(custom_out_spec) == len(network.outputs), ( 'network_input_spec must have same length as outputs!') out_spec.extend(custom_out_spec) out_args.extend(network.outputs) c = namedtuple(network_name, [*in_spec, *out_spec]) all_args = in_args + out_args out_network = c(*all_args) self._networks[network_name] = out_network return out_network
def _build(self, *inputs, name=None): """Output of the model given input placeholder(s). User should implement _build() inside their subclassed model, and construct the computation graphs in this function. Args: inputs: Tensor input(s), recommended to be position arguments, e.g. def _build(self, state_input, action_input, name=None). It would be usually same as the inputs in build(). name (str): Inner model name, also the variable scope of the inner model, if exist. One example is Return: list[tf.Tensor]: Tensor output(s) of the model. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def network_input_spec(self): """Network input spec. Return: list[str]: List of key(str) for the network inputs. """ return []
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def network_output_spec(self): """Network output spec. Return: list[str]: List of key(str) for the network outputs. """ return []
@property def parameters(self): """Parameters of the model. Returns: np.ndarray: Parameters """ _variables = self._get_variables() if _variables: return tf.compat.v1.get_default_session().run(_variables) else: return _variables @parameters.setter def parameters(self, parameters): """Set model parameters. Args: parameters (tf.Tensor): Parameters. """ variables = self._get_variables() for name, var in variables.items(): found = False # param name without model name param_name = name[name.find( + len( + 1:] for k, v in parameters.items(): if param_name in k: var.load(v) found = True continue if not found: warnings.warn('No value provided for variable {}'.format(name)) @property def name(self): """Name (str) of the model. This is also the variable scope of the model. Returns: str: Name of the model. """ return self._name @property def input(self): """Default input of the model. When the model is built the first time, by default it creates the 'default' network. This property creates a reference to the input of the network. Returns: tf.Tensor: Default input of the model. """ return self._networks['default'].input @property def output(self): """Default output of the model. When the model is built the first time, by default it creates the 'default' network. This property creates a reference to the output of the network. Returns: tf.Tensor: Default output of the model. """ return self._networks['default'].output @property def inputs(self): """Default inputs of the model. When the model is built the first time, by default it creates the 'default' network. This property creates a reference to the inputs of the network. Returns: list[tf.Tensor]: Default inputs of the model. """ return self._networks['default'].inputs @property def outputs(self): """Default outputs of the model. When the model is built the first time, by default it creates the 'default' network. This property creates a reference to the outputs of the network. Returns: list[tf.Tensor]: Default outputs of the model. """ return self._networks['default'].outputs def _get_variables(self): """Get variables of this model. Returns: dict[str: tf.Tensor]: Variables of this model. """ if self._variable_scope: return { v for v in self._variable_scope.global_variables()} else: return dict() def __getstate__(self): """Get the pickle state. Returns: dict: The pickled state. """ new_dict = self.__dict__.copy() del new_dict['_networks'] new_dict['_default_parameters'] = self.parameters return new_dict def __setstate__(self, state): """Object.__setstate__. Args: state (dict): unpickled state. """ self.__dict__.update(state) self._networks = {}