Source code for

"""A regressor based on a GaussianMLP model."""
from dowel import tabular
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from garage import make_optimizer
from import tensor_utils
from import LbfgsOptimizer, PenaltyLbfgsOptimizer
from import (
from import StochasticRegressor

[docs]class GaussianCNNRegressor(StochasticRegressor): """Fits a Gaussian distribution to the outputs of a CNN. Args: input_shape(tuple[int]): Input shape of the model (without the batch dimension). output_dim (int): Output dimension of the model. filters (Tuple[Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]], ...]): Number and dimension of filters. For example, ((3, (3, 5)), (32, (3, 3))) means there are two convolutional layers. The filter for the first layer have 3 channels and its shape is (3 x 5), while the filter for the second layer have 32 channels and its shape is (3 x 3). strides(tuple[int]): The stride of the sliding window. For example, (1, 2) means there are two convolutional layers. The stride of the filter for first layer is 1 and that of the second layer is 2. padding (str): The type of padding algorithm to use, either 'SAME' or 'VALID'. name (str): Model name, also the variable scope. hidden_sizes (list[int]): Output dimension of dense layer(s) for the Convolutional model for mean. For example, (32, 32) means the network consists of two dense layers, each with 32 hidden units. hidden_nonlinearity (Callable): Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation. hidden_w_init (Callable): Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor. hidden_b_init (Callable): Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor. output_nonlinearity (Callable): Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation. output_w_init (Callable): Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor. output_b_init (Callable): Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor. name (str): Name of this model (also used as its scope). learn_std (bool): Whether to train the standard deviation parameter of the Gaussian distribution. init_std (float): Initial standard deviation for the Gaussian distribution. adaptive_std (bool): Whether to use a neural network to learn the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. Unless True, the standard deviation is learned as a parameter which is not conditioned on the inputs. std_share_network (bool): Boolean for whether the mean and standard deviation models share a CNN network. If True, each is a head from a single body network. Otherwise, the parameters are estimated using the outputs of two indepedent networks. std_filters (Tuple[Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]], ...]): Number and dimension of filters. For example, ((3, (3, 5)), (32, (3, 3))) means there are two convolutional layers. The filter for the first layer have 3 channels and its shape is (3 x 5), while the filter for the second layer have 32 channels and its shape is (3 x 3). std_strides(tuple[int]): The stride of the sliding window. For example, (1, 2) means there are two convolutional layers. The stride of the filter for first layer is 1 and that of the second layer is 2. std_padding (str): The type of padding algorithm to use in std network, either 'SAME' or 'VALID'. std_hidden_sizes (list[int]): Output dimension of dense layer(s) for the Conv for std. For example, (32, 32) means the Conv consists of two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units. std_hidden_nonlinearity (callable): Nonlinearity for each hidden layer in the std network. std_output_nonlinearity (Callable): Activation function for output dense layer in the std network. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation. layer_normalization (bool): Bool for using layer normalization or not. normalize_inputs (bool): Bool for normalizing inputs or not. normalize_outputs (bool): Bool for normalizing outputs or not. subsample_factor (float): The factor to subsample the data. By default it is 1.0, which means using all the data. optimizer ( Optimizer used for fitting the model. optimizer_args (dict): Arguments for the optimizer. Default is None, which means no arguments. use_trust_region (bool): Whether to use a KL-divergence constraint. max_kl_step (float): KL divergence constraint for each iteration, if `use_trust_region` is active. """ def __init__(self, input_shape, output_dim, filters, strides, padding, hidden_sizes, hidden_nonlinearity=tf.nn.tanh, hidden_w_init=tf.initializers.glorot_uniform(), hidden_b_init=tf.zeros_initializer(), output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=tf.initializers.glorot_uniform(), output_b_init=tf.zeros_initializer(), name='GaussianCNNRegressor', learn_std=True, init_std=1.0, adaptive_std=False, std_share_network=False, std_filters=(), std_strides=(), std_padding='SAME', std_hidden_sizes=(), std_hidden_nonlinearity=None, std_output_nonlinearity=None, layer_normalization=False, normalize_inputs=True, normalize_outputs=True, subsample_factor=1., optimizer=None, optimizer_args=None, use_trust_region=True, max_kl_step=0.01): super().__init__(input_shape, output_dim, name) self._use_trust_region = use_trust_region self._subsample_factor = subsample_factor self._max_kl_step = max_kl_step self._normalize_inputs = normalize_inputs self._normalize_outputs = normalize_outputs with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(self._name, reuse=False) as vs: self._variable_scope = vs if optimizer_args is None: optimizer_args = dict() if optimizer is None: if use_trust_region: self._optimizer = make_optimizer(PenaltyLbfgsOptimizer, **optimizer_args) else: self._optimizer = make_optimizer(LbfgsOptimizer, **optimizer_args) else: self._optimizer = make_optimizer(optimizer, **optimizer_args) self.model = GaussianCNNRegressorModel( input_shape=input_shape, output_dim=output_dim, filters=filters, strides=strides, padding=padding, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes, hidden_nonlinearity=hidden_nonlinearity, hidden_w_init=hidden_w_init, hidden_b_init=hidden_b_init, output_nonlinearity=output_nonlinearity, output_w_init=output_w_init, output_b_init=output_b_init, learn_std=learn_std, adaptive_std=adaptive_std, std_share_network=std_share_network, init_std=init_std, min_std=None, max_std=None, std_filters=std_filters, std_strides=std_strides, std_padding=std_padding, std_hidden_sizes=std_hidden_sizes, std_hidden_nonlinearity=std_hidden_nonlinearity, std_output_nonlinearity=std_output_nonlinearity, std_parameterization='exp', layer_normalization=layer_normalization) self._network = None self._initialize() def _initialize(self): input_var = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, ) + self._input_shape) with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(self._variable_scope): self._network = ys_var = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name='ys', shape=(None, self._output_dim)) old_means_var = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name='old_means', shape=(None, self._output_dim)) old_log_stds_var = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( dtype=tf.float32, name='old_log_stds', shape=(None, self._output_dim)) y_mean_var = self._network.y_mean y_std_var = self._network.y_std means_var = self._network.means log_stds_var = self._network.log_stds normalized_means_var = self._network.normalized_means normalized_log_stds_var = self._network.normalized_log_stds normalized_ys_var = (ys_var - y_mean_var) / y_std_var normalized_old_means_var = (old_means_var - y_mean_var) / y_std_var normalized_old_log_stds_var = (old_log_stds_var - tf.math.log(y_std_var)) normalized_dist_info_vars = dict(mean=normalized_means_var, log_std=normalized_log_stds_var) mean_kl = tf.reduce_mean( self._network.dist.kl_sym( dict(mean=normalized_old_means_var, log_std=normalized_old_log_stds_var), normalized_dist_info_vars, )) loss = -tf.reduce_mean( self._network.dist.log_likelihood_sym( normalized_ys_var, normalized_dist_info_vars)) self._f_predict = tensor_utils.compile_function([input_var], means_var) self._f_pdists = tensor_utils.compile_function( [input_var], [means_var, log_stds_var]) optimizer_args = dict( loss=loss, target=self, network_outputs=[ normalized_means_var, normalized_log_stds_var ], ) if self._use_trust_region: optimizer_args['leq_constraint'] = (mean_kl, self._max_kl_step) optimizer_args['inputs'] = [ input_var, ys_var, old_means_var, old_log_stds_var ] else: optimizer_args['inputs'] = [input_var, ys_var] with tf.name_scope('update_opt'): self._optimizer.update_opt(**optimizer_args)
[docs] def fit(self, xs, ys): """Fit with input data xs and label ys. Args: xs (numpy.ndarray): Input data. ys (numpy.ndarray): Label of input data. """ if self._subsample_factor < 1: num_samples_tot = xs.shape[0] idx = np.random.randint( 0, num_samples_tot, int(num_samples_tot * self._subsample_factor)) xs, ys = xs[idx], ys[idx] if self._normalize_inputs: # recompute normalizing constants for inputs self._network.x_mean.load(np.mean(xs, axis=0, keepdims=True)) self._network.x_std.load(np.std(xs, axis=0, keepdims=True) + 1e-8) if self._normalize_outputs: # recompute normalizing constants for outputs self._network.y_mean.load(np.mean(ys, axis=0, keepdims=True)) self._network.y_std.load(np.std(ys, axis=0, keepdims=True) + 1e-8) if self._use_trust_region: old_means, old_log_stds = self._f_pdists(xs) inputs = [xs, ys, old_means, old_log_stds] else: inputs = [xs, ys] loss_before = self._optimizer.loss(inputs) tabular.record('{}/LossBefore'.format(self._name), loss_before) self._optimizer.optimize(inputs) loss_after = self._optimizer.loss(inputs) tabular.record('{}/LossAfter'.format(self._name), loss_after) if self._use_trust_region: tabular.record('{}/MeanKL'.format(self._name), self._optimizer.constraint_val(inputs)) tabular.record('{}/dLoss'.format(self._name), loss_before - loss_after)
[docs] def predict(self, xs): """Predict ys based on input xs. Args: xs (numpy.ndarray): Input data. Return: numpy.ndarray: The predicted ys. """ return self._f_predict(xs)
[docs] def log_likelihood_sym(self, x_var, y_var, name=None): """Create a symbolic graph of the log likelihood. Args: x_var (tf.Tensor): Input tf.Tensor for the input data. y_var (tf.Tensor): Input tf.Tensor for the label of data. name (str): Name of the new graph. Return: tf.Tensor: Output of the symbolic log-likelihood graph. """ params = self.dist_info_sym(x_var, name=name) means_var = params['mean'] log_stds_var = params['log_std'] return self._network.dist.log_likelihood_sym( y_var, dict(mean=means_var, log_std=log_stds_var))
[docs] def dist_info_sym(self, input_var, state_info_vars=None, name=None): """Create a symbolic graph of the distribution parameters. Args: input_var (tf.Tensor): tf.Tensor of the input data. state_info_vars (dict): a dictionary whose values should contain information about the state of the regressor at the time it received the input. name (str): Name of the new graph. Return: dict[tf.Tensor]: Outputs of the symbolic distribution parameter graph. """ del state_info_vars with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(self._variable_scope): network =, name=name) means_var = network.means log_stds_var = network.log_stds return dict(mean=means_var, log_std=log_stds_var)
@property def recurrent(self): """bool: If this module has a hidden state.""" return False @property def vectorized(self): """bool: If this module supports vectorization input.""" return True @property def distribution(self): """ Distribution.""" return self._network.dist def __getstate__(self): """Object.__getstate__. Returns: dict: The state to be pickled for the instance. """ new_dict = super().__getstate__() del new_dict['_f_predict'] del new_dict['_f_pdists'] del new_dict['_network'] return new_dict def __setstate__(self, state): """Object.__setstate__. Args: state (dict): Unpickled state. """ super().__setstate__(state) self._initialize()