Source code for garage.experiment.local_runner

"""Provides algorithms with access to most of garage's features."""
import copy
import os
import time

import cloudpickle
from dowel import logger, tabular
import psutil

from garage.experiment.deterministic import get_seed, set_seed
from garage.experiment.snapshotter import Snapshotter
from garage.sampler import parallel_sampler
from garage.sampler.sampler_deprecated import BaseSampler
# This is avoiding a circular import
from garage.sampler.default_worker import DefaultWorker  # noqa: I100
from garage.sampler.worker_factory import WorkerFactory

[docs]class ExperimentStats: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Statistics of a experiment. Args: total_epoch (int): Total epoches. total_itr (int): Total Iterations. total_env_steps (int): Total environment steps collected. last_path (list[dict]): Last sampled paths. """ def __init__(self, total_epoch, total_itr, total_env_steps, last_path): self.total_epoch = total_epoch self.total_itr = total_itr self.total_env_steps = total_env_steps self.last_path = last_path
[docs]class SetupArgs: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Arguments to setup a runner. Args: sampler_cls (garage.sampler.Sampler): A sampler class. sampler_args (dict): Arguments to be passed to sampler constructor. seed (int): Random seed. """ def __init__(self, sampler_cls, sampler_args, seed): self.sampler_cls = sampler_cls self.sampler_args = sampler_args self.seed = seed
[docs]class TrainArgs: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Arguments to call train() or resume(). Args: n_epochs (int): Number of epochs. batch_size (int): Number of environment steps in one batch. plot (bool): Visualize policy by doing rollout after each epoch. store_paths (bool): Save paths in snapshot. pause_for_plot (bool): Pause for plot. start_epoch (int): The starting epoch. Used for resume(). """ def __init__(self, n_epochs, batch_size, plot, store_paths, pause_for_plot, start_epoch): self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.plot = plot self.store_paths = store_paths self.pause_for_plot = pause_for_plot self.start_epoch = start_epoch
[docs]class LocalRunner: """Base class of local runner. Use Runner.setup(algo, env) to setup algorithm and environement for runner and Runner.train() to start training. Args: snapshot_config (garage.experiment.SnapshotConfig): The snapshot configuration used by LocalRunner to create the snapshotter. If None, it will create one with default settings. max_cpus (int): The maximum number of parallel sampler workers. Note: For the use of any TensorFlow environments, policies and algorithms, please use LocalTFRunner(). Examples: | # to train | runner = LocalRunner() | env = Env(...) | policy = Policy(...) | algo = Algo( | env=env, | policy=policy, | ...) | runner.setup(algo, env) | runner.train(n_epochs=100, batch_size=4000) | # to resume immediately. | runner = LocalRunner() | runner.restore(resume_from_dir) | runner.resume() | # to resume with modified training arguments. | runner = LocalRunner() | runner.restore(resume_from_dir) | runner.resume(n_epochs=20) """ def __init__(self, snapshot_config, max_cpus=1): self._snapshotter = Snapshotter(snapshot_config.snapshot_dir, snapshot_config.snapshot_mode, snapshot_config.snapshot_gap) parallel_sampler.initialize(max_cpus) seed = get_seed() if seed is not None: parallel_sampler.set_seed(seed) self._has_setup = False self._plot = False self._setup_args = None self._train_args = None self._stats = ExperimentStats(total_itr=0, total_env_steps=0, total_epoch=0, last_path=None) self._algo = None self._env = None self._sampler = None self._plotter = None self._start_time = None self._itr_start_time = None self.step_itr = None self.step_path = None # only used for off-policy algorithms self.enable_logging = True self._n_workers = None self._worker_class = None self._worker_args = None
[docs] def make_sampler(self, sampler_cls, *, seed=None, n_workers=psutil.cpu_count(logical=False), max_path_length=None, worker_class=DefaultWorker, sampler_args=None, worker_args=None): """Construct a Sampler from a Sampler class. Args: sampler_cls (type): The type of sampler to construct. seed (int): Seed to use in sampler workers. max_path_length (int): Maximum path length to be sampled by the sampler. Paths longer than this will be truncated. n_workers (int): The number of workers the sampler should use. worker_class (type): Type of worker the Sampler should use. sampler_args (dict or None): Additional arguments that should be passed to the sampler. worker_args (dict or None): Additional arguments that should be passed to the sampler. Raises: ValueError: If `max_path_length` isn't passed and the algorithm doesn't contain a `max_path_length` field, or if the algorithm doesn't have a policy field. Returns: sampler_cls: An instance of the sampler class. """ if not hasattr(self._algo, 'policy'): raise ValueError('If the runner is used to construct a sampler, ' 'the algorithm must have a `policy` field.') if max_path_length is None: if hasattr(self._algo, 'max_path_length'): max_path_length = self._algo.max_path_length else: raise ValueError('If `sampler_cls` is specified in ' 'runner.setup, the algorithm must have ' 'a `max_path_length` field.') if seed is None: seed = get_seed() if sampler_args is None: sampler_args = {} if worker_args is None: worker_args = {} if issubclass(sampler_cls, BaseSampler): return sampler_cls(self._algo, self._env, **sampler_args) else: return sampler_cls.from_worker_factory(WorkerFactory( seed=seed, max_path_length=max_path_length, n_workers=n_workers, worker_class=worker_class, worker_args=worker_args), agents=self._algo.policy, envs=self._env)
[docs] def setup(self, algo, env, sampler_cls=None, sampler_args=None, n_workers=psutil.cpu_count(logical=False), worker_class=DefaultWorker, worker_args=None): """Set up runner for algorithm and environment. This method saves algo and env within runner and creates a sampler. Note: After setup() is called all variables in session should have been initialized. setup() respects existing values in session so policy weights can be loaded before setup(). Args: algo ( An algorithm instance. env (garage.envs.GarageEnv): An environement instance. sampler_cls (garage.sampler.Sampler): A sampler class. sampler_args (dict): Arguments to be passed to sampler constructor. n_workers (int): The number of workers the sampler should use. worker_class (type): Type of worker the sampler should use. worker_args (dict or None): Additional arguments that should be passed to the worker. Raises: ValueError: If sampler_cls is passed and the algorithm doesn't contain a `max_path_length` field. """ self._algo = algo self._env = env self._n_workers = n_workers self._worker_class = worker_class if sampler_args is None: sampler_args = {} if sampler_cls is None: sampler_cls = getattr(algo, 'sampler_cls', None) if worker_args is None: worker_args = {} self._worker_args = worker_args if sampler_cls is None: self._sampler = None else: self._sampler = self.make_sampler(sampler_cls, sampler_args=sampler_args, n_workers=n_workers, worker_class=worker_class, worker_args=worker_args) self._has_setup = True self._setup_args = SetupArgs(sampler_cls=sampler_cls, sampler_args=sampler_args, seed=get_seed())
def _start_worker(self): """Start Plotter and Sampler workers.""" if isinstance(self._sampler, BaseSampler): self._sampler.start_worker() if self._plot: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from garage.plotter import Plotter self._plotter = Plotter() self._plotter.init_plot(self.get_env_copy(), self._algo.policy) def _shutdown_worker(self): """Shutdown Plotter and Sampler workers.""" if self._sampler is not None: self._sampler.shutdown_worker() if self._plot: self._plotter.close()
[docs] def obtain_samples(self, itr, batch_size=None, agent_update=None, env_update=None): """Obtain one batch of samples. Args: itr (int): Index of iteration (epoch). batch_size (int): Number of steps in batch. This is a hint that the sampler may or may not respect. agent_update (object): Value which will be passed into the `agent_update_fn` before doing rollouts. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly `factory.n_workers`, and will be spread across the workers. env_update (object): Value which will be passed into the `env_update_fn` before doing rollouts. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly `factory.n_workers`, and will be spread across the workers. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the runner was initialized without a sampler, or batch_size wasn't provided here or to train. Returns: list[dict]: One batch of samples. """ if self._sampler is None: raise ValueError('Runner was not initialized with `sampler_cls`. ' 'Either provide `sampler_cls` to runner.setup, ' ' or set `algo.sampler_cls`.') if batch_size is None and self._train_args.batch_size is None: raise ValueError('Runner was not initialized with `batch_size`. ' 'Either provide `batch_size` to runner.train, ' ' or pass `batch_size` to runner.obtain_samples.') paths = None if isinstance(self._sampler, BaseSampler): paths = self._sampler.obtain_samples( itr, (batch_size or self._train_args.batch_size)) else: if agent_update is None: agent_update = self._algo.policy.get_param_values() paths = self._sampler.obtain_samples( itr, (batch_size or self._train_args.batch_size), agent_update=agent_update, env_update=env_update) paths = paths.to_trajectory_list() self._stats.total_env_steps += sum([len(p['rewards']) for p in paths]) return paths
[docs] def save(self, epoch): """Save snapshot of current batch. Args: epoch (int): Epoch. Raises: NotSetupError: if save() is called before the runner is set up. """ if not self._has_setup: raise NotSetupError('Use setup() to setup runner before saving.') logger.log('Saving snapshot...') params = dict() # Save arguments params['setup_args'] = self._setup_args params['train_args'] = self._train_args params['stats'] = self._stats # Save states params['env'] = self._env params['algo'] = self._algo params['n_workers'] = self._n_workers params['worker_class'] = self._worker_class params['worker_args'] = self._worker_args self._snapshotter.save_itr_params(epoch, params) logger.log('Saved')
[docs] def restore(self, from_dir, from_epoch='last'): """Restore experiment from snapshot. Args: from_dir (str): Directory of the pickle file to resume experiment from. from_epoch (str or int): The epoch to restore from. Can be 'first', 'last' or a number. Not applicable when snapshot_mode='last'. Returns: TrainArgs: Arguments for train(). """ saved = self._snapshotter.load(from_dir, from_epoch) self._setup_args = saved['setup_args'] self._train_args = saved['train_args'] self._stats = saved['stats'] set_seed(self._setup_args.seed) self.setup(env=saved['env'], algo=saved['algo'], sampler_cls=self._setup_args.sampler_cls, sampler_args=self._setup_args.sampler_args, n_workers=saved['n_workers'], worker_class=saved['worker_class'], worker_args=saved['worker_args']) n_epochs = self._train_args.n_epochs last_epoch = self._stats.total_epoch last_itr = self._stats.total_itr total_env_steps = self._stats.total_env_steps batch_size = self._train_args.batch_size store_paths = self._train_args.store_paths pause_for_plot = self._train_args.pause_for_plot fmt = '{:<20} {:<15}' logger.log('Restore from snapshot saved in %s' % self._snapshotter.snapshot_dir) logger.log(fmt.format('-- Train Args --', '-- Value --')) logger.log(fmt.format('n_epochs', n_epochs)) logger.log(fmt.format('last_epoch', last_epoch)) logger.log(fmt.format('batch_size', batch_size)) logger.log(fmt.format('store_paths', store_paths)) logger.log(fmt.format('pause_for_plot', pause_for_plot)) logger.log(fmt.format('-- Stats --', '-- Value --')) logger.log(fmt.format('last_itr', last_itr)) logger.log(fmt.format('total_env_steps', total_env_steps)) self._train_args.start_epoch = last_epoch + 1 return copy.copy(self._train_args)
[docs] def log_diagnostics(self, pause_for_plot=False): """Log diagnostics. Args: pause_for_plot (bool): Pause for plot. """ logger.log('Time %.2f s' % (time.time() - self._start_time)) logger.log('EpochTime %.2f s' % (time.time() - self._itr_start_time)) tabular.record('TotalEnvSteps', self._stats.total_env_steps) logger.log(tabular) if self._plot: self._plotter.update_plot(self._algo.policy, self._algo.max_path_length) if pause_for_plot: input('Plotting evaluation run: Press Enter to " "continue...')
[docs] def train(self, n_epochs, batch_size=None, plot=False, store_paths=False, pause_for_plot=False): """Start training. Args: n_epochs (int): Number of epochs. batch_size (int or None): Number of environment steps in one batch. plot (bool): Visualize policy by doing rollout after each epoch. store_paths (bool): Save paths in snapshot. pause_for_plot (bool): Pause for plot. Raises: NotSetupError: If train() is called before setup(). Returns: float: The average return in last epoch cycle. """ if not self._has_setup: raise NotSetupError('Use setup() to setup runner before training.') # Save arguments for restore self._train_args = TrainArgs(n_epochs=n_epochs, batch_size=batch_size, plot=plot, store_paths=store_paths, pause_for_plot=pause_for_plot, start_epoch=0) self._plot = plot average_return = self._algo.train(self) self._shutdown_worker() return average_return
[docs] def step_epochs(self): """Step through each epoch. This function returns a magic generator. When iterated through, this generator automatically performs services such as snapshotting and log management. It is used inside train() in each algorithm. The generator initializes two variables: `self.step_itr` and `self.step_path`. To use the generator, these two have to be updated manually in each epoch, as the example shows below. Yields: int: The next training epoch. Examples: for epoch in runner.step_epochs(): runner.step_path = runner.obtain_samples(...) self.train_once(...) runner.step_itr += 1 """ self._start_worker() self._start_time = time.time() self.step_itr = self._stats.total_itr self.step_path = None # Used by integration tests to ensure examples can run one epoch. n_epochs = int( os.environ.get('GARAGE_EXAMPLE_TEST_N_EPOCHS', self._train_args.n_epochs)) logger.log('Obtaining samples...') for epoch in range(self._train_args.start_epoch, n_epochs): self._itr_start_time = time.time() with logger.prefix('epoch #%d | ' % epoch): yield epoch save_path = (self.step_path if self._train_args.store_paths else None) self._stats.last_path = save_path self._stats.total_epoch = epoch self._stats.total_itr = self.step_itr if self.enable_logging: self.log_diagnostics(self._train_args.pause_for_plot) logger.dump_all(self.step_itr) tabular.clear()
[docs] def resume(self, n_epochs=None, batch_size=None, plot=None, store_paths=None, pause_for_plot=None): """Resume from restored experiment. This method provides the same interface as train(). If not specified, an argument will default to the saved arguments from the last call to train(). Args: n_epochs (int): Number of epochs. batch_size (int): Number of environment steps in one batch. plot (bool): Visualize policy by doing rollout after each epoch. store_paths (bool): Save paths in snapshot. pause_for_plot (bool): Pause for plot. Raises: NotSetupError: If resume() is called before restore(). Returns: float: The average return in last epoch cycle. """ if self._train_args is None: raise NotSetupError('You must call restore() before resume().') self._train_args.n_epochs = n_epochs or self._train_args.n_epochs self._train_args.batch_size = batch_size or self._train_args.batch_size if plot is not None: self._train_args.plot = plot if store_paths is not None: self._train_args.store_paths = store_paths if pause_for_plot is not None: self._train_args.pause_for_plot = pause_for_plot average_return = self._algo.train(self) self._shutdown_worker() return average_return
[docs] def get_env_copy(self): """Get a copy of the environment. Returns: garage.envs.GarageEnv: An environement instance. """ return cloudpickle.loads(cloudpickle.dumps(self._env))
@property def total_env_steps(self): """Total environment steps collected. Returns: int: Total environment steps collected. """ return self._stats.total_env_steps
[docs]class NotSetupError(Exception): """Raise when an experiment is about to run without setup."""