Source code for garage.replay_buffer.her_replay_buffer

"""This module implements a Hindsight Experience Replay (HER).

import copy

import numpy as np

from garage.replay_buffer.path_buffer import PathBuffer

[docs]class HERReplayBuffer(PathBuffer): """Replay buffer for HER (Hindsight Experience Replay). It constructs hindsight examples using future strategy. Args: replay_k (int): Number of HER transitions to add for each regular Transition. Setting this to 0 means that no HER replays will be added. reward_fn (callable): Function to re-compute the reward with substituted goals. capacity_in_transitions (int): total size of transitions in the buffer. env_spec (garage.envs.EnvSpec): Environment specification. """ def __init__(self, replay_k, reward_fn, capacity_in_transitions, env_spec): self._replay_k = replay_k self._reward_fn = reward_fn self._env_spec = env_spec if not float(replay_k).is_integer() or replay_k < 0: raise ValueError('replay_k must be an integer and >= 0.') super().__init__(capacity_in_transitions) def _sample_her_goals(self, path, transition_idx): """Samples HER goals from the given path. Goals are randomly sampled starting from the index after transition_idx in the given path. Args: path (dict[str, np.ndarray]): A dict containing the transition keys, where each key contains an ndarray of shape :math:`(T, S^*)`. transition_idx (int): index of the current transition. Only transitions after the current transitions will be randomly sampled for HER goals. Returns: np.ndarray: A numpy array of HER goals with shape (replay_k, goal_dim). """ goal_indexes = np.random.randint(transition_idx + 1, len(path['observations']), size=self._replay_k) return [ goal['achieved_goal'] for goal in np.asarray(path['observations'])[goal_indexes] ] def _flatten_dicts(self, path): for key in ['observations', 'next_observations']: if not isinstance(path[key], dict): path[key] = self._env_spec.observation_space.flatten_n( path[key]) else: path[key] = self._env_spec.observation_space.flatten(path[key])
[docs] def add_path(self, path): """Adds a path to the replay buffer. For each transition in the given path except the last one, replay_k HER transitions will added to the buffer in addition to the one in the path. The last transition is added without sampling additional HER goals. Args: path(dict[str, np.ndarray]): Each key in the dict must map to a np.ndarray of shape :math:`(T, S^*)`. """ obs_space = self._env_spec.observation_space if not isinstance(path['observations'][0], dict): # unflatten dicts if they've been flattened path['observations'] = obs_space.unflatten_n(path['observations']) path['next_observations'] = (obs_space.unflatten_n( path['next_observations'])) # create HER transitions and add them to the buffer for idx in range(path['actions'].shape[0] - 1): transition = {key: sample[idx] for key, sample in path.items()} her_goals = self._sample_her_goals(path, idx) # create replay_k transitions using the HER goals for goal in her_goals: t_new = copy.deepcopy(transition) a_g = t_new['next_observations']['achieved_goal'] t_new['rewards'] = np.array(self._reward_fn(a_g, goal, None)) t_new['observations']['desired_goal'] = goal t_new['next_observations']['desired_goal'] = copy.deepcopy( goal) t_new['terminals'] = np.array(False) # flatten the observation dicts now that we're done with them self._flatten_dicts(t_new) for key in t_new.keys(): t_new[key] = t_new[key].reshape(1, -1) # Since we're using a PathBuffer, add each new transition # as its own path. super().add_path(t_new) self._flatten_dicts(path) super().add_path(path)
def __getstate__(self): """Object.__getstate__. Returns: dict: The state to be pickled for the instance. """ new_dict = self.__dict__.copy() return new_dict def __setstate__(self, state): """Object.__setstate__. Args: state (dict): Unpickled state. """ self.__dict__ = state