Source code for

"""Natural Policy Gradient Optimization."""
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
import collections

from dowel import logger, tabular
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from garage import log_performance, TrajectoryBatch
from garage import make_optimizer
from garage.misc import tensor_utils as np_tensor_utils
from import RLAlgorithm
from garage.sampler import OnPolicyVectorizedSampler
from import paths_to_tensors
from import center_advs
from import compile_function
from import compute_advantages
from import discounted_returns
from import flatten_inputs
from import graph_inputs
from import positive_advs
from import LbfgsOptimizer
from import BatchSampler

[docs]class NPO(RLAlgorithm): """Natural Policy Gradient Optimization. Args: env_spec (garage.envs.EnvSpec): Environment specification. policy ( Policy. baseline ( The baseline. scope (str): Scope for identifying the algorithm. Must be specified if running multiple algorithms simultaneously, each using different environments and policies. max_path_length (int): Maximum length of a single rollout. discount (float): Discount. gae_lambda (float): Lambda used for generalized advantage estimation. center_adv (bool): Whether to rescale the advantages so that they have mean 0 and standard deviation 1. positive_adv (bool): Whether to shift the advantages so that they are always positive. When used in conjunction with center_adv the advantages will be standardized before shifting. fixed_horizon (bool): Whether to fix horizon. pg_loss (str): A string from: 'vanilla', 'surrogate', 'surrogate_clip'. The type of loss functions to use. lr_clip_range (float): The limit on the likelihood ratio between policies, as in PPO. max_kl_step (float): The maximum KL divergence between old and new policies, as in TRPO. optimizer (object): The optimizer of the algorithm. Should be the optimizers in optimizer_args (dict): The arguments of the optimizer. policy_ent_coeff (float): The coefficient of the policy entropy. Setting it to zero would mean no entropy regularization. use_softplus_entropy (bool): Whether to estimate the softmax distribution of the entropy to prevent the entropy from being negative. use_neg_logli_entropy (bool): Whether to estimate the entropy as the negative log likelihood of the action. stop_entropy_gradient (bool): Whether to stop the entropy gradient. entropy_method (str): A string from: 'max', 'regularized', 'no_entropy'. The type of entropy method to use. 'max' adds the dense entropy to the reward for each time step. 'regularized' adds the mean entropy to the surrogate objective. See for more details. flatten_input (bool): Whether to flatten input along the observation dimension. If True, for example, an observation with shape (2, 4) will be flattened to 8. name (str): The name of the algorithm. Note: sane defaults for entropy configuration: - entropy_method='max', center_adv=False, stop_gradient=True (center_adv normalizes the advantages tensor, which will significantly alleviate the effect of entropy. It is also recommended to turn off entropy gradient so that the agent will focus on high-entropy actions instead of increasing the variance of the distribution.) - entropy_method='regularized', stop_gradient=False, use_neg_logli_entropy=False """ def __init__(self, env_spec, policy, baseline, scope=None, max_path_length=100, discount=0.99, gae_lambda=1, center_adv=True, positive_adv=False, fixed_horizon=False, pg_loss='surrogate', lr_clip_range=0.01, max_kl_step=0.01, optimizer=None, optimizer_args=None, policy_ent_coeff=0.0, use_softplus_entropy=False, use_neg_logli_entropy=False, stop_entropy_gradient=False, entropy_method='no_entropy', flatten_input=True, name='NPO'): self.policy = policy self.scope = scope self.max_path_length = max_path_length self._env_spec = env_spec self._baseline = baseline self._discount = discount self._gae_lambda = gae_lambda self._center_adv = center_adv self._positive_adv = positive_adv self._fixed_horizon = fixed_horizon self._flatten_input = flatten_input self._name = name self._name_scope = tf.name_scope(self._name) self._old_policy = policy.clone('old_policy') self._old_policy.model.parameters = policy.model.parameters self._use_softplus_entropy = use_softplus_entropy self._use_neg_logli_entropy = use_neg_logli_entropy self._stop_entropy_gradient = stop_entropy_gradient self._pg_loss = pg_loss if optimizer is None: if optimizer_args is None: optimizer_args = dict() optimizer = LbfgsOptimizer self._check_entropy_configuration(entropy_method, center_adv, stop_entropy_gradient, use_neg_logli_entropy, policy_ent_coeff) if pg_loss not in ['vanilla', 'surrogate', 'surrogate_clip']: raise ValueError('Invalid pg_loss') self._optimizer = make_optimizer(optimizer, **optimizer_args) self._lr_clip_range = float(lr_clip_range) self._max_kl_step = float(max_kl_step) self._policy_ent_coeff = float(policy_ent_coeff) self._f_rewards = None self._f_returns = None self._f_policy_kl = None self._f_policy_entropy = None self._policy_network = None self._old_policy_network = None self._episode_reward_mean = collections.deque(maxlen=100) if policy.vectorized: self.sampler_cls = OnPolicyVectorizedSampler else: self.sampler_cls = BatchSampler self.init_opt()
[docs] def init_opt(self): """Initialize optimizater.""" pol_loss_inputs, pol_opt_inputs = self._build_inputs() self._policy_opt_inputs = pol_opt_inputs pol_loss, pol_kl = self._build_policy_loss(pol_loss_inputs) self._optimizer.update_opt(loss=pol_loss, target=self.policy, leq_constraint=(pol_kl, self._max_kl_step), inputs=flatten_inputs( self._policy_opt_inputs), constraint_name='mean_kl')
[docs] def train(self, runner): """Obtain samplers and start actual training for each epoch. Args: runner (LocalRunner): LocalRunner is passed to give algorithm the access to runner.step_epochs(), which provides services such as snapshotting and sampler control. Returns: float: The average return in last epoch cycle. """ last_return = None for _ in runner.step_epochs(): runner.step_path = runner.obtain_samples(runner.step_itr) last_return = self.train_once(runner.step_itr, runner.step_path) runner.step_itr += 1 return last_return
[docs] def train_once(self, itr, paths): """Perform one step of policy optimization given one batch of samples. Args: itr (int): Iteration number. paths (list[dict]): A list of collected paths. Returns: numpy.float64: Average return. """ # -- Stage: Calculate baseline paths = [ dict( observations=self._env_spec.observation_space.flatten_n( path['observations']) if self._flatten_input else path['observations'], actions=( self._env_spec.action_space.flatten_n( # noqa: E126 path['actions'])), rewards=path['rewards'], env_infos=path['env_infos'], agent_infos=path['agent_infos'], dones=path['dones']) for path in paths ] if hasattr(self._baseline, 'predict_n'): baseline_predictions = self._baseline.predict_n(paths) else: baseline_predictions = [ self._baseline.predict(path) for path in paths ] # -- Stage: Pre-process samples based on collected paths samples_data = paths_to_tensors(paths, self.max_path_length, baseline_predictions, self._discount, self._gae_lambda) # -- Stage: Run and calculate performance of the algorithm undiscounted_returns = log_performance( itr, TrajectoryBatch.from_trajectory_list(self._env_spec, paths), discount=self._discount) self._episode_reward_mean.extend(undiscounted_returns) tabular.record('Extras/EpisodeRewardMean', np.mean(self._episode_reward_mean)) samples_data['average_return'] = np.mean(undiscounted_returns) self.log_diagnostics(samples_data) logger.log('Optimizing policy...') self.optimize_policy(samples_data) return samples_data['average_return']
[docs] def log_diagnostics(self, paths): """Log diagnostic information. Args: paths (list[dict]): A list of collected paths. """ logger.log('Logging diagnostics...') self.policy.log_diagnostics(paths) self._baseline.log_diagnostics(paths)
[docs] def optimize_policy(self, samples_data): """Optimize policy. Args: samples_data (dict): Processed sample data. See for details. """ policy_opt_input_values = self._policy_opt_input_values(samples_data) logger.log('Computing loss before') loss_before = self._optimizer.loss(policy_opt_input_values) logger.log('Computing KL before') policy_kl_before = self._f_policy_kl(*policy_opt_input_values) logger.log('Optimizing') self._optimizer.optimize(policy_opt_input_values) logger.log('Computing KL after') policy_kl = self._f_policy_kl(*policy_opt_input_values) logger.log('Computing loss after') loss_after = self._optimizer.loss(policy_opt_input_values) tabular.record('{}/LossBefore'.format(, loss_before) tabular.record('{}/LossAfter'.format(, loss_after) tabular.record('{}/dLoss'.format(, loss_before - loss_after) tabular.record('{}/KLBefore'.format(, policy_kl_before) tabular.record('{}/KL'.format(, policy_kl) pol_ent = self._f_policy_entropy(*policy_opt_input_values) ent = np.sum(pol_ent) / np.sum(samples_data['valids']) tabular.record('{}/Entropy'.format(, ent) tabular.record('{}/Perplexity'.format(, np.exp(ent)) self._fit_baseline_with_data(samples_data) ev = np_tensor_utils.explained_variance_1d(samples_data['baselines'], samples_data['returns'], samples_data['valids']) tabular.record('{}/ExplainedVariance'.format(, ev) self._old_policy.model.parameters = self.policy.model.parameters
def _build_inputs(self): """Build input variables. Returns: namedtuple: Collection of variables to compute policy loss. namedtuple: Collection of variables to do policy optimization. """ observation_space = self.policy.observation_space action_space = self.policy.action_space with tf.name_scope('inputs'): if self._flatten_input: obs_var = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=[None, None, observation_space.flat_dim], name='obs') else: obs_var = observation_space.to_tf_placeholder(name='obs', batch_dims=2) action_var = action_space.to_tf_placeholder(name='action', batch_dims=2) reward_var = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None], name='reward') valid_var = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None], name='valid') baseline_var = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None], name='baseline') policy_state_info_vars = { k: tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None] * 2 + list(shape), name=k) for k, shape in self.policy.state_info_specs } policy_state_info_vars_list = [ policy_state_info_vars[k] for k in self.policy.state_info_keys ] augmented_obs_var = obs_var for k in self.policy.state_info_keys: extra_state_var = policy_state_info_vars[k] extra_state_var = tf.cast(extra_state_var, tf.float32) augmented_obs_var = tf.concat([augmented_obs_var, extra_state_var], -1) self._policy_network =, name='policy') self._old_policy_network =, name='policy') policy_loss_inputs = graph_inputs( 'PolicyLossInputs', action_var=action_var, reward_var=reward_var, baseline_var=baseline_var, valid_var=valid_var, policy_state_info_vars=policy_state_info_vars, ) policy_opt_inputs = graph_inputs( 'PolicyOptInputs', obs_var=obs_var, action_var=action_var, reward_var=reward_var, baseline_var=baseline_var, valid_var=valid_var, policy_state_info_vars_list=policy_state_info_vars_list, ) return policy_loss_inputs, policy_opt_inputs # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements def _build_policy_loss(self, i): """Build policy loss and other output tensors. Args: i (namedtuple): Collection of variables to compute policy loss. Returns: tf.Tensor: Policy loss. tf.Tensor: Mean policy KL divergence. """ policy_entropy = self._build_entropy_term(i) rewards = i.reward_var if self._maximum_entropy: with tf.name_scope('augmented_rewards'): rewards = i.reward_var + (self._policy_ent_coeff * policy_entropy) with tf.name_scope('policy_loss'): adv = compute_advantages(self._discount, self._gae_lambda, self.max_path_length, i.baseline_var, rewards, name='adv') adv = tf.reshape(adv, [-1, self.max_path_length]) # Optionally normalize advantages eps = tf.constant(1e-8, dtype=tf.float32) if self._center_adv: adv = center_advs(adv, axes=[0], eps=eps) if self._positive_adv: adv = positive_advs(adv, eps) old_policy_dist = self._old_policy_network.dist policy_dist = self._policy_network.dist with tf.name_scope('kl'): kl = old_policy_dist.kl_divergence(policy_dist) pol_mean_kl = tf.reduce_mean(kl) # Calculate vanilla loss with tf.name_scope('vanilla_loss'): ll = policy_dist.log_prob(i.action_var, name='log_likelihood') vanilla = ll * adv # Calculate surrogate loss with tf.name_scope('surrogate_loss'): lr = tf.exp(ll - old_policy_dist.log_prob(i.action_var)) surrogate = lr * adv # Finalize objective function with tf.name_scope('loss'): if self._pg_loss == 'vanilla': # VPG uses the vanilla objective obj = tf.identity(vanilla, name='vanilla_obj') elif self._pg_loss == 'surrogate': # TRPO uses the standard surrogate objective obj = tf.identity(surrogate, name='surr_obj') elif self._pg_loss == 'surrogate_clip': lr_clip = tf.clip_by_value(lr, 1 - self._lr_clip_range, 1 + self._lr_clip_range, name='lr_clip') surr_clip = lr_clip * adv obj = tf.minimum(surrogate, surr_clip, name='surr_obj') if self._entropy_regularzied: obj += self._policy_ent_coeff * policy_entropy # filter only the valid values obj = tf.boolean_mask(obj, i.valid_var) # Maximize E[surrogate objective] by minimizing # -E_t[surrogate objective] loss = -tf.reduce_mean(obj) # Diagnostic functions self._f_policy_kl = tf.compat.v1.get_default_session( ).make_callable(pol_mean_kl, feed_list=flatten_inputs(self._policy_opt_inputs)) self._f_rewards = tf.compat.v1.get_default_session().make_callable( rewards, feed_list=flatten_inputs(self._policy_opt_inputs)) returns = discounted_returns(self._discount, self.max_path_length, rewards) self._f_returns = tf.compat.v1.get_default_session().make_callable( returns, feed_list=flatten_inputs(self._policy_opt_inputs)) return loss, pol_mean_kl def _build_entropy_term(self, i): """Build policy entropy tensor. Args: i (namedtuple): Collection of variables to compute policy loss. Returns: tf.Tensor: Policy entropy. """ pol_dist = self._policy_network.dist with tf.name_scope('policy_entropy'): if self._use_neg_logli_entropy: policy_entropy = -pol_dist.log_prob(i.action_var, name='policy_log_likeli') else: policy_entropy = pol_dist.entropy() # This prevents entropy from becoming negative for small policy std if self._use_softplus_entropy: policy_entropy = tf.nn.softplus(policy_entropy) if self._stop_entropy_gradient: policy_entropy = tf.stop_gradient(policy_entropy) # dense form, match the shape of advantage policy_entropy = tf.reshape(policy_entropy, [-1, self.max_path_length]) self._f_policy_entropy = compile_function( flatten_inputs(self._policy_opt_inputs), policy_entropy) return policy_entropy def _fit_baseline_with_data(self, samples_data): """Update baselines from samples. Args: samples_data (dict): Processed sample data. See for details. """ policy_opt_input_values = self._policy_opt_input_values(samples_data) # Augment reward from baselines rewards_tensor = self._f_rewards(*policy_opt_input_values) returns_tensor = self._f_returns(*policy_opt_input_values) returns_tensor = np.squeeze(returns_tensor, -1) paths = samples_data['paths'] valids = samples_data['valids'] # Recompute parts of samples_data aug_rewards = [] aug_returns = [] for rew, ret, val, path in zip(rewards_tensor, returns_tensor, valids, paths): path['rewards'] = rew[val.astype(np.bool)] path['returns'] = ret[val.astype(np.bool)] aug_rewards.append(path['rewards']) aug_returns.append(path['returns']) samples_data['rewards'] = np_tensor_utils.pad_tensor_n( aug_rewards, self.max_path_length) samples_data['returns'] = np_tensor_utils.pad_tensor_n( aug_returns, self.max_path_length) # Fit baseline logger.log('Fitting baseline...') def _policy_opt_input_values(self, samples_data): """Map rollout samples to the policy optimizer inputs. Args: samples_data (dict): Processed sample data. See for details. Returns: list(np.ndarray): Flatten policy optimization input values. """ policy_state_info_list = [ samples_data['agent_infos'][k] for k in self.policy.state_info_keys ] # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg policy_opt_input_values = self._policy_opt_inputs._replace( obs_var=samples_data['observations'], action_var=samples_data['actions'], reward_var=samples_data['rewards'], baseline_var=samples_data['baselines'], valid_var=samples_data['valids'], policy_state_info_vars_list=policy_state_info_list, ) return flatten_inputs(policy_opt_input_values) def _check_entropy_configuration(self, entropy_method, center_adv, stop_entropy_gradient, use_neg_logli_entropy, policy_ent_coeff): """Check entropy configuration. Args: entropy_method (str): A string from: 'max', 'regularized', 'no_entropy'. The type of entropy method to use. 'max' adds the dense entropy to the reward for each time step. 'regularized' adds the mean entropy to the surrogate objective. See for more details. center_adv (bool): Whether to rescale the advantages so that they have mean 0 and standard deviation 1. stop_entropy_gradient (bool): Whether to stop the entropy gradient. use_neg_logli_entropy (bool): Whether to estimate the entropy as the negative log likelihood of the action. policy_ent_coeff (float): The coefficient of the policy entropy. Setting it to zero would mean no entropy regularization. Raises: ValueError: If center_adv is True when entropy_method is max. ValueError: If stop_gradient is False when entropy_method is max. ValueError: If policy_ent_coeff is non-zero when there is no entropy method. ValueError: If entropy_method is not one of 'max', 'regularized', 'no_entropy'. """ del use_neg_logli_entropy if entropy_method == 'max': if center_adv: raise ValueError('center_adv should be False when ' 'entropy_method is max') if not stop_entropy_gradient: raise ValueError('stop_gradient should be True when ' 'entropy_method is max') self._maximum_entropy = True self._entropy_regularzied = False elif entropy_method == 'regularized': self._maximum_entropy = False self._entropy_regularzied = True elif entropy_method == 'no_entropy': if policy_ent_coeff != 0.0: raise ValueError('policy_ent_coeff should be zero ' 'when there is no entropy method') self._maximum_entropy = False self._entropy_regularzied = False else: raise ValueError('Invalid entropy_method') def __getstate__(self): """Parameters to save in snapshot. Returns: dict: Parameters to save. """ data = self.__dict__.copy() del data['_name_scope'] del data['_policy_opt_inputs'] del data['_f_policy_entropy'] del data['_f_policy_kl'] del data['_f_rewards'] del data['_f_returns'] del data['_policy_network'] del data['_old_policy_network'] return data def __setstate__(self, state): """Parameters to restore from snapshot. Args: state (dict): Parameters to restore from. """ self.__dict__ = state self._name_scope = tf.name_scope(self._name) self.init_opt()