garage.envs.multi_env_wrapper module

A wrapper env that handles multiple tasks from different envs.

Useful while training multi-task reinforcement learning algorithms. It provides observations augmented with one-hot representation of tasks.

class MultiEnvWrapper(envs, sample_strategy=<function uniform_random_strategy>, mode='add-onehot', env_names=None)[source]

Bases: gym.core.Wrapper

A wrapper class to handle multiple environments.

This wrapper adds an integer ‘task_id’ to env_info every timestep.

  • envs (list(gym.Env)) – A list of objects implementing gym.Env.
  • sample_strategy (function(int, int)) – Sample strategy to be used when sampling a new task.
  • mode (str) –

    A string from ‘vanilla`, ‘add-onehot’ and ‘del-onehot’. The type of observation to use. - ‘vanilla’ provides the observation as it is.

    Use case: metaworld environments with MT* algorithms,
    gym environments with Task Embedding.
    • ’add-onehot’ will append an one-hot task id to observation. Use case: gym environments with MT* algorithms.
    • ’del-onehot’ assumes an one-hot task id is appended to observation, and it excludes that. Use case: metaworld environments with Task Embedding.
  • env_names (list(str)) – The names of the environments corresponding to envs. The index of an env_name must correspond to the index of the corresponding env in envs. An env_name in env_names must be unique.

Index of active task env.

Returns:Index of active task.
Return type:int

Close all task envs.


Total number of tasks.

Returns:number of tasks.
Return type:int

Observation space.

Returns:Observation space.
Return type:akro.Box

Sample new task and call reset on new task env.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed to gym.Env.reset
Returns:active task one-hot representation + observation
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Describes the action and observation spaces of the wrapped envs.

the action and observation spaces of the
wrapped environments.
Return type:garage.envs.EnvSpec

gym.Env step for the active task env.

Parameters:action (object) – object to be passed in gym.Env.reset(action)
Returns:agent’s observation of the current environment float: amount of reward returned after previous action bool: whether the episode has ended dict: contains auxiliary diagnostic information
Return type:object

Task Space.

Returns:Task space.
Return type:akro.Box
round_robin_strategy(num_tasks, last_task=None)[source]

A function for sampling tasks in round robin fashion.

  • num_tasks (int) – Total number of tasks.
  • last_task (int) – Previously sampled task.

task id.

Return type:


uniform_random_strategy(num_tasks, _)[source]

A function for sampling tasks uniformly at random.

  • num_tasks (int) – Total number of tasks.
  • _ (object) – Ignored by this sampling strategy.

task id.

Return type:
