garage.experiment.local_tf_runner module

The local runner for TensorFlow algorithms.

A runner setup context for algorithms during initialization and pipelines data between sampler and algorithm during training.

class LocalTFRunner(snapshot_config, sess=None, max_cpus=1)[source]

Bases: garage.experiment.local_runner.LocalRunner

This class implements a local runner for TensorFlow algorithms.

A local runner provides a default TensorFlow session using python context. This is useful for those experiment components (e.g. policy) that require a TensorFlow session during construction.

Use Runner.setup(algo, env) to setup algorithm and environement for runner and Runner.train() to start training.

  • snapshot_config (garage.experiment.SnapshotConfig) – The snapshot configuration used by LocalRunner to create the snapshotter. If None, it will create one with default settings.
  • max_cpus (int) – The maximum number of parallel sampler workers.
  • sess (tf.Session) – An optional TensorFlow session. A new session will be created immediately if not provided.


The local runner will set up a joblib task pool of size max_cpus possibly later used by BatchSampler. If BatchSampler is not used, the processes in the pool will remain dormant.

This setup is required to use TensorFlow in a multiprocess environment before a TensorFlow session is created because TensorFlow is not fork-safe. See

When resume via command line, new snapshots will be saved into the SAME directory if not specified.

When resume programmatically, snapshot directory should be specify manually or through run_experiment() interface.


# to train with LocalTFRunner() as runner:

env = gym.make(‘CartPole-v1’) policy = CategoricalMLPPolicy(

env_spec=env.spec, hidden_sizes=(32, 32))
algo = TRPO(
env=env, policy=policy, baseline=baseline, max_path_length=100, discount=0.99, max_kl_step=0.01)

runner.setup(algo, env) runner.train(n_epochs=100, batch_size=4000)

# to resume immediately. with LocalTFRunner() as runner:

runner.restore(resume_from_dir) runner.resume()

# to resume with modified training arguments. with LocalTFRunner() as runner:

runner.restore(resume_from_dir) runner.resume(n_epochs=20)

Initialize all uninitialized variables in session.

make_sampler(sampler_cls, *, seed=None, n_workers=1, max_path_length=None, worker_class=<class 'garage.sampler.default_worker.DefaultWorker'>, sampler_args=None, worker_args=None)[source]

Construct a Sampler from a Sampler class.

  • sampler_cls (type) – The type of sampler to construct.
  • seed (int) – Seed to use in sampler workers.
  • max_path_length (int) – Maximum path length to be sampled by the sampler. Paths longer than this will be truncated.
  • n_workers (int) – The number of workers the sampler should use.
  • worker_class (type) – Type of worker the sampler should use.
  • sampler_args (dict or None) – Additional arguments that should be passed to the sampler.
  • worker_args (dict or None) – Additional arguments that should be passed to the worker.

An instance of the sampler class.

Return type:


setup(algo, env, sampler_cls=None, sampler_args=None, n_workers=1, worker_class=<class 'garage.sampler.default_worker.DefaultWorker'>, worker_args=None)[source]

Set up runner and sessions for algorithm and environment.

This method saves algo and env within runner and creates a sampler, and initializes all uninitialized variables in session.


After setup() is called all variables in session should have been initialized. setup() respects existing values in session so policy weights can be loaded before setup().

  • algo ( – An algorithm instance.
  • env (garage.envs.GarageEnv) – An environement instance.
  • sampler_cls (garage.sampler.Sampler) – A sampler class.
  • sampler_args (dict) – Arguments to be passed to sampler constructor.
  • n_workers (int) – The number of workers the sampler should use.
  • worker_class (type) – Type of worker the sampler should use.
  • worker_args (dict or None) – Additional arguments that should be passed to the worker.