garage.replay_buffer package

Replay buffers.

The replay buffer primitives can be used for RL algorithms.

class ReplayBuffer(env_spec, size_in_transitions, time_horizon)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class for Replay Buffer.

  • env_spec (garage.envs.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • size_in_transitions (int) – total size of transitions in the buffer
  • time_horizon (int) – time horizon of rollout.

Add one transition into the replay buffer.

Parameters:kwargs (dict(str, [numpy.ndarray])) – Dictionary that holds the transitions.

Add multiple transitions into the replay buffer.

A transition contains one or multiple entries, e.g. observation, action, reward, terminal and next_observation. The same entry of all the transitions are stacked, e.g. {‘observation’: [obs1, obs2, obs3]} where obs1 is one numpy.ndarray observation from the environment.

Parameters:kwargs (dict(str, [numpy.ndarray])) – Dictionary that holds the transitions.

Whether the buffer is full.

True of the buffer has reachd its maximum size.
False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Return the size of the replay buffer.

Returns:Size of the current replay buffer.
Return type:int

Sample a transition of batch_size.

Parameters:batch_size (int) – The number of transitions to be sampled.

Add an episode to the buffer.

class HERReplayBuffer(replay_k, reward_fn, capacity_in_transitions, env_spec)[source]

Bases: garage.replay_buffer.path_buffer.PathBuffer

Replay buffer for HER (Hindsight Experience Replay).

It constructs hindsight examples using future strategy.

  • replay_k (int) – Number of HER transitions to add for each regular Transition. Setting this to 0 means that no HER replays will be added.
  • reward_fn (callable) – Function to re-compute the reward with substituted goals.
  • capacity_in_transitions (int) – total size of transitions in the buffer.
  • env_spec (garage.envs.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.

Adds a path to the replay buffer.

For each transition in the given path except the last one, replay_k HER transitions will added to the buffer in addition to the one in the path. The last transition is added without sampling additional HER goals.

Parameters:path (dict[str, np.ndarray]) – Each key in the dict must map to a np.ndarray of shape \((T, S^*)\).
class PathBuffer(capacity_in_transitions)[source]

Bases: object

A replay buffer that stores and can sample whole paths.

This buffer only stores valid steps, and doesn’t require paths to have a maximum length.

Parameters:capacity_in_transitions (int) – Total memory allocated for the buffer.

Add a path to the buffer.

Parameters:path (dict) – A dict of array of shape (path_len, flat_dim).
Raises:ValueError – If a key is missing from path or path has wrong shape.

Clear buffer.


Return the size of the replay buffer.

Returns:Size of the current replay buffer.
Return type:int

Sample a single path from the buffer.

Returns:A dict of arrays of shape (path_len, flat_dim).
Return type:path

Sample a batch of transitions from the buffer.

Parameters:batch_size (int) – Number of transitions to sample.
Returns:A dict of arrays of shape (batch_size, flat_dim).
Return type:dict