Source code for garage.envs.point_env

"""Simple 2D environment containing a point and a goal location."""
import gym
import numpy as np

from garage.envs.step import Step

[docs]class PointEnv(gym.Env): """A simple 2D point environment. Attributes: observation_space (gym.spaces.Box): The observation space action_space (gym.spaces.Box): The action space Args: goal (np.ndarray): A 2D array representing the goal position arena_size (float): The size of arena where the point is constrained within (-arena_size, arena_size) in each dimension done_bonus (float): A numerical bonus added to the reward once the point as reached the goal never_done (bool): Never send a `done` signal, even if the agent achieves the goal """ def __init__( self, goal=np.array((1., 1.), dtype=np.float32), arena_size=5., done_bonus=0., never_done=False, ): goal = np.array(goal, dtype=np.float32) self._goal = goal self._done_bonus = done_bonus self._never_done = never_done self._arena_size = arena_size assert ((goal >= -arena_size) & (goal <= arena_size)).all() self._point = np.zeros_like(self._goal) self._task = {'goal': self._goal} @property def observation_space(self): """gym.spaces.Box: The observation space.""" return gym.spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(3, ), dtype=np.float32) @property def action_space(self): """gym.spaces.Box: The action space.""" return gym.spaces.Box(low=-0.1, high=0.1, shape=(2, ), dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the environment. Returns: np.ndarray: Observation of the environment. """ self._point = np.zeros_like(self._goal) dist = np.linalg.norm(self._point - self._goal) return np.concatenate([self._point, (dist, )])
[docs] def step(self, action): """Step the environment state. Args: action (np.ndarray): The action to take in the environment. Returns: np.ndarray: Observation. The observation of the environment. float: Reward. The reward acquired at this time step. boolean: Done. Whether the environment was completed at this time step. Always False for this environment. """ # enforce action space a = action.copy() # NOTE: we MUST copy the action before modifying it a = np.clip(a, self.action_space.low, self.action_space.high) self._point = np.clip(self._point + a, -self._arena_size, self._arena_size) dist = np.linalg.norm(self._point - self._goal) succ = dist < np.linalg.norm(self.action_space.low) # dense reward reward = -dist # done bonus if succ: reward += self._done_bonus # sometimes we don't want to terminate done = succ and not self._never_done obs = np.concatenate([self._point, (dist, )]) return Step(obs, reward, done, task=self._task, success=succ)
[docs] def render(self, mode='human'): """Draw the environment. Not implemented. Args: mode (str): Ignored. """
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def sample_tasks(self, num_tasks): """Sample a list of `num_tasks` tasks. Args: num_tasks (int): Number of tasks to sample. Returns: list[dict[str, np.ndarray]]: A list of "tasks", where each task is a dictionary containing a single key, "goal", mapping to a point in 2D space. """ goals = np.random.uniform(-2, 2, size=(num_tasks, 2)) tasks = [{'goal': goal} for goal in goals] return tasks
[docs] def set_task(self, task): """Reset with a task. Args: task (dict[str, np.ndarray]): A task (a dictionary containing a single key, "goal", which should be a point in 2D space). """ self._task = task self._goal = task['goal']