Source code for garage.envs.task_onehot_wrapper

"""Wrapper for appending one-hot task encodings to individual task envs.

See `~TaskOnehotWrapper.wrap_env_list` for the main way of using this module.

import akro
import gym
import numpy as np

from garage.envs.env_spec import EnvSpec

[docs]class TaskOnehotWrapper(gym.Wrapper): """Append a one-hot task representation to an environment. See TaskOnehotWrapper.wrap_env_list for the recommended way of creating this class. Args: env (gym.Env): The environment to wrap. task_index (int): The index of this task among the tasks. n_total_tasks (int): The number of total tasks. """ def __init__(self, env, task_index, n_total_tasks): assert 0 <= task_index < n_total_tasks super().__init__(env) self._task_index = task_index self._n_total_tasks = n_total_tasks env_lb = self.env.observation_space.low env_ub = self.env.observation_space.high one_hot_ub = np.ones(self._n_total_tasks) one_hot_lb = np.zeros(self._n_total_tasks) self.observation_space = akro.Box(np.concatenate([env_lb, one_hot_lb]), np.concatenate([env_ub, one_hot_ub])) self.__spec = EnvSpec(action_space=self.action_space, observation_space=self.observation_space) @property def spec(self): """Return the environment specification. Returns: garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec: The envionrment specification. """ return self.__spec
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): """Sample new task and call reset on new task env. Args: kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to be passed to env.reset Returns: numpy.ndarray: active task one-hot representation + observation """ return self._obs_with_one_hot(self.env.reset(**kwargs))
[docs] def step(self, action): """gym.Env step for the active task env. Args: action (np.ndarray): Action performed by the agent in the environment. Returns: tuple: np.ndarray: Agent's observation of the current environment. float: Amount of reward yielded by previous action. bool: True iff the episode has ended. dict[str, np.ndarray]: Contains auxiliary diagnostic information about this time-step. """ obs, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) oh_obs = self._obs_with_one_hot(obs) info['task_id'] = self._task_index return oh_obs, reward, done, info
def _obs_with_one_hot(self, obs): """Concatenate observation and task one-hot. Args: obs (numpy.ndarray): observation Returns: numpy.ndarray: observation + task one-hot. """ one_hot = np.zeros(self._n_total_tasks) one_hot[self._task_index] = 1.0 return np.concatenate([obs, one_hot])
[docs] @classmethod def wrap_env_list(cls, envs): """Wrap a list of environments, giving each environment a one-hot. This is the primary way of constructing instances of this class. It's mostly useful when training multi-task algorithms using a multi-task aware sampler. For example: ''' .. code-block:: python envs = get_mt10_envs() wrapped = TaskOnehotWrapper.wrap_env_list(envs) sampler = runner.make_sampler(LocalSampler, env=wrapped) ''' Args: envs (list[gym.Env]): List of environments to wrap. Note that the order these environments are passed in determines the value of their one-hot encoding. It is essential that this list is always in the same order, or the resulting encodings will be inconsistent. Returns: list[TaskOnehotWrapper]: The wrapped environments. """ n_total_tasks = len(envs) wrapped = [] for i, env in enumerate(envs): wrapped.append(cls(env, task_index=i, n_total_tasks=n_total_tasks)) return wrapped
[docs] @classmethod def wrap_env_cons_list(cls, env_cons): """Wrap a list of environment constructors, giving each a one-hot. This function is useful if you want to avoid constructing any environments in the main experiment process, and are using a multi-task aware remote sampler (i.e. `~RaySampler`). For example: ''' .. code-block:: python env_constructors = get_mt10_env_cons() wrapped = TaskOnehotWrapper.wrap_env_cons_list(env_constructors) env_updates = [NewEnvUpdate(wrapped_con) for wrapped_con in wrapped] sampler = runner.make_sampler(RaySampler, env=env_updates) ''' Args: env_cons (list[Callable[gym.Env]]): List of environment constructor to wrap. Note that the order these constructors are passed in determines the value of their one-hot encoding. It is essential that this list is always in the same order, or the resulting encodings will be inconsistent. Returns: list[Callable[TaskOnehotWrapper]]: The wrapped environments. """ n_total_tasks = len(env_cons) wrapped = [] for i, con in enumerate(env_cons): # Manually capture this value of i by introducing a new scope. wrapped.append(lambda i=i, con=con: cls( con(), task_index=i, n_total_tasks=n_total_tasks)) return wrapped