Source code for garage.experiment.experiment

"""Tools for running experiments with Garage."""
import base64
import collections
import datetime
import enum
import functools
import gc
import inspect
import json
import os
import os.path as osp
import pathlib
import pickle
import re
import subprocess
import warnings

import cloudpickle
import dowel
from dowel import logger

import __main__ as main  # noqa: I100

exp_count = 0
now =
timestamp = now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')

[docs]def run_experiment(method_call=None, batch_tasks=None, exp_prefix='experiment', exp_name=None, log_dir=None, script='garage.experiment.experiment_wrapper', python_command='python', dry=False, env=None, variant=None, force_cpu=False, pre_commands=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc,too-many-branches,global-statement """Serialize the method call and run the experiment using specified mode. Args: method_call (callable): A method call. batch_tasks (list[dict]): A batch of method calls. exp_prefix (str): Name prefix for the experiment. exp_name (str): Name of the experiment. log_dir (str): Log directory for the experiment. script (str): The name of the entrance point python script. python_command (str): Python command to run the experiment. dry (bool): Whether to do a dry-run, which only prints the commands without executing them. env (dict): Extra environment variables. variant (dict): If provided, should be a dictionary of parameters. force_cpu (bool): Whether to set all GPU devices invisible to force use CPU. pre_commands (str): Pre commands to run the experiment. kwargs (dict): Additional parameters. """ warnings.warn( DeprecationWarning( 'run_experiment is deprecated, and will be removed in the next ' 'release. Please use wrap_experiment instead.')) if method_call is None and batch_tasks is None: raise Exception( 'Must provide at least either method_call or batch_tasks') for task in (batch_tasks or [method_call]): if not hasattr(task, '__call__'): raise ValueError('batch_tasks should be callable') # ensure variant exists if variant is None: variant = dict() if batch_tasks is None: batch_tasks = [ dict(kwargs, pre_commands=pre_commands, method_call=method_call, exp_name=exp_name, log_dir=log_dir, env=env, variant=variant) ] global exp_count if force_cpu: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1' for task in batch_tasks: call = task.pop('method_call') data = base64.b64encode(cloudpickle.dumps(call)).decode('utf-8') task['args_data'] = data exp_count += 1 if task.get('exp_name', None) is None: task['exp_name'] = '{}_{}_{:04n}'.format(exp_prefix, timestamp, exp_count) if task.get('log_dir', None) is None: task['log_dir'] = ( '{log_dir}/local/{exp_prefix}/{exp_name}'.format( log_dir=osp.join(os.getcwd(), 'data'), exp_prefix=exp_prefix.replace('_', '-'), exp_name=task['exp_name'])) if task.get('variant', None) is not None: variant = task.pop('variant') if 'exp_name' not in variant: variant['exp_name'] = task['exp_name'] task['variant_data'] = base64.b64encode( pickle.dumps(variant)).decode('utf-8') elif 'variant' in task: del task['variant'] task['env'] = task.get('env', dict()) or dict() task['env']['GARAGE_FORCE_CPU'] = str(force_cpu) for task in batch_tasks: env = task.pop('env', None) command = to_local_command(task, python_command=python_command, script=script) print(command) if dry: return try: if env is None: env = dict(), shell=True, env=dict(os.environ, **env), check=True) except Exception as e: print(e) raise
_find_unsafe = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_^@%+=:,./-]').search def _shellquote(s): """Return a shell-escaped version of the string *s*. Args: s (str): String to shell quote. Returns: str: The shell-quoted string. """ if not s: return "''" if _find_unsafe(s) is None: return s # use single quotes, and put single quotes into double quotes # the string $'b is then quoted as '$'"'"'b' return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'" def _to_param_val(v): """Return a shell-escaped version of v. Args: v (object): object to shell quote Returns: str: The shell-quoted string. """ if v is None: return '' elif isinstance(v, list): return ' '.join(map(_shellquote, list(map(str, v)))) else: return _shellquote(str(v))
[docs]def to_local_command( params, python_command='python', script='garage.experiment.experiment_wrapper'): # noqa: D103,E501 # noqa:E501 ; pylint: disable=eval-used,missing-return-doc,missing-return-type-doc,missing-function-docstring command = python_command + ' -m ' + script garage_env = eval(os.environ.get('GARAGE_ENV', '{}')) for k, v in garage_env.items(): command = '{}={} '.format(k, v) + command pre_commands = params.pop('pre_commands', None) post_commands = params.pop('post_commands', None) if pre_commands is not None or post_commands is not None: print('Not executing the pre_commands: ', pre_commands, ', nor post_commands: ', post_commands) for k, v in params.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): for nk, nv in v.items(): if str(nk) == '_name': command += ' --{} {}'.format(k, _to_param_val(nv)) else: command += \ ' --{}_{} {}'.format(k, nk, _to_param_val(nv)) else: command += ' --{} {}'.format(k, _to_param_val(v)) return command
def _make_sequential_log_dir(log_dir): """Creates log_dir, appending a number if necessary. Attempts to create the directory `log_dir`. If it already exists, appends "_1". If that already exists, appends "_2" instead, etc. Args: log_dir (str): The log directory to attempt to create. Returns: str: The log directory actually created. """ i = 0 while True: try: if i == 0: os.makedirs(log_dir) else: possible_log_dir = '{}_{}'.format(log_dir, i) os.makedirs(possible_log_dir) log_dir = possible_log_dir return log_dir except FileExistsError: i += 1 def _make_experiment_signature(function): """Generate an ExperimentTemplate's signature from its function. Checks that the first parameter is named ctxt and removes it from the signature. Makes all other parameters keyword only. Args: function (callable[ExperimentContext, ...]): The wrapped function. Returns: inspect.Signature: The signature of the ExperimentTemplate. Raises: ValueError: If the wrapped function's first parameter is not 'ctxt'. """ func_sig = inspect.signature(function) new_params = [] saw_first_param = False for param in func_sig.parameters.values(): if not saw_first_param: # Don't output it to the experiment params, since it will contain # the context. if != 'ctxt': raise ValueError( 'Experiment functions should have a first ' "parameter named 'ctxt' instead of {!r}".format( saw_first_param = True else: new_params.append( inspect.Parameter(, kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=param.default, annotation=param.annotation)) if not saw_first_param: raise ValueError( 'Experiment functions should have a first parameter ' "named 'ctxt', but {!r} has no parameters".format(function)) return inspect.Signature(new_params, return_annotation=func_sig.return_annotation)
[docs]class ExperimentContext: """Context in which an experiment is being run. Currently, this class implements the same interface as SnapshotConfig, but it will be extended in the future. Args: snapshot_dir (str): The full directory to put snapshots in. snapshot_mode (str): Policy for which snapshots to keep (or make at all). Can be either "all" (all iterations will be saved), "last" (only the last iteration will be saved), "gap" (every snapshot_gap iterations are saved), or "none" (do not save snapshots). snapshot_gap (int): Gap between snapshot iterations. Waits this number of iterations before taking another snapshot. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, *, snapshot_dir, snapshot_mode, snapshot_gap): self.snapshot_dir = snapshot_dir self.snapshot_mode = snapshot_mode self.snapshot_gap = snapshot_gap
[docs]class ExperimentTemplate: """Creates experiment log directories and runs an experiment. This class should only be created by calling garage.wrap_experiment. Generally, it's used as a decorator like this: @wrap_experiment(snapshot_mode='all') def my_experiment(ctxt, seed, lr=0.5): ... my_experiment(seed=1) Even though this class could be implemented as a closure in wrap_experiment(), it's more readable (and easier to pickle) implemented as a class. Note that the full path that will be created is f'{data}/local/{prefix}/{name}'. Args: function (callable or None): The experiment function to wrap. log_dir (str or None): The full log directory to log to. Will be computed from `name` if omitted. name (str or None): The name of this experiment template. Will be filled from the wrapped function's name if omitted. prefix (str): Directory under data/local in which to place the experiment directory. snapshot_mode (str): Policy for which snapshots to keep (or make at all). Can be either "all" (all iterations will be saved), "last" (only the last iteration will be saved), "gap" (every snapshot_gap iterations are saved), or "none" (do not save snapshots). snapshot_gap (int): Gap between snapshot iterations. Waits this number of iterations before taking another snapshot. archive_launch_repo (bool): Whether to save an archive of the repository containing the launcher script. This is a potentially expensive operation which is useful for ensuring reproducibility. name_parameters (str or None): Parameters to insert into the experiment name. Should be either None (the default), 'all' (all parameters will be used), or 'passed' (only passed parameters will be used). The used parameters will be inserted in the order they appear in the function definition. use_existing_dir (bool): If true, (re)use the directory for this experiment, even if it already contains data. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, *, function, log_dir, name, prefix, snapshot_mode, snapshot_gap, archive_launch_repo, name_parameters, use_existing_dir): self.function = function self.log_dir = log_dir = name self.prefix = prefix self.snapshot_mode = snapshot_mode self.snapshot_gap = snapshot_gap self.archive_launch_repo = archive_launch_repo self.name_parameters = name_parameters self.use_existing_dir = use_existing_dir if self.function is not None: self._update_wrap_params() def _update_wrap_params(self): """Update self to "look like" the wrapped funciton. Mostly, this involves creating a function signature for the ExperimentTemplate that looks like the wrapped function, but with the first argument (ctxt) excluded, and all other arguments required to be keyword only. """ functools.update_wrapper(self, self.function) self.__signature__ = _make_experiment_signature(self.function) @classmethod def _augment_name(cls, options, name, params): """Augment the experiment name with parameters. Args: options (dict): Options to `wrap_experiment` itself. See the function documentation for details. name (str): Name without parameter names. params (dict): Dictionary of parameters. Raises: ValueError: If self.name_parameters is not set to None, "passed", or "all". Returns: str: Returns the augmented name. """ name_parameters = collections.OrderedDict() if options['name_parameters'] == 'passed': for param in options['signature'].parameters.values(): try: name_parameters[] = params[] except KeyError: pass elif options['name_parameters'] == 'all': for param in options['signature'].parameters.values(): name_parameters[] = params.get(, param.default) elif options['name_parameters'] is not None: raise ValueError('wrap_experiment.name_parameters should be set ' 'to one of None, "passed", or "all"') param_str = '_'.join('{}={}'.format(k, v) for (k, v) in name_parameters.items()) if param_str: return '{}_{}'.format(name, param_str) else: return name def _get_options(self, *args): """Get the options for wrap_experiment. This method combines options passed to `wrap_experiment` itself and to the wrapped experiment. Args: args (list[dict]): Unnamed arguments to the wrapped experiment. May be an empty list or a list containing a single dictionary. Raises: ValueError: If args contains more than one value, or the value is not a dictionary containing at most the same keys as are arguments to `wrap_experiment`. Returns: dict: The final options. """ options = dict(, function=self.function, prefix=self.prefix, name_parameters=self.name_parameters, log_dir=self.log_dir, archive_launch_repo=self.archive_launch_repo, snapshot_gap=self.snapshot_gap, snapshot_mode=self.snapshot_mode, use_existing_dir=self.use_existing_dir, signature=self.__signature__) if args: if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): for k in args[0]: if k not in options: raise ValueError('Unknown key {} in wrap_experiment ' 'options'.format(k)) options.update(args[0]) else: raise ValueError('garage.experiment currently only supports ' 'keyword arguments') return options @classmethod def _make_context(cls, options, **kwargs): """Make a context from the template information and variant args. Currently, all arguments should be keyword arguments. Args: options (dict): Options to `wrap_experiment` itself. See the function documentation for details. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for the wrapped function. Will be logged to `variant.json` Returns: ExperimentContext: The created experiment context. """ name = options['name'] if name is None: name = options['function'].__name__ name = cls._augment_name(options, name, kwargs) log_dir = options['log_dir'] if log_dir is None: log_dir = ('{data}/local/{prefix}/{name}'.format( data=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data'), prefix=options['prefix'], name=name)) if options['use_existing_dir']: os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) else: log_dir = _make_sequential_log_dir(log_dir) tabular_log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, 'progress.csv') text_log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, 'debug.log') variant_log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, 'variant.json') metadata_log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, 'metadata.json') dump_json(variant_log_file, kwargs) git_root_path, metadata = get_metadata() dump_json(metadata_log_file, metadata) if git_root_path and options['archive_launch_repo']: make_launcher_archive(git_root_path=git_root_path, log_dir=log_dir) logger.add_output(dowel.TextOutput(text_log_file)) logger.add_output(dowel.CsvOutput(tabular_log_file)) logger.add_output( dowel.TensorBoardOutput(log_dir, x_axis='TotalEnvSteps')) logger.add_output(dowel.StdOutput()) logger.push_prefix('[{}] '.format(name)) logger.log('Logging to {}'.format(log_dir)) return ExperimentContext(snapshot_dir=log_dir, snapshot_mode=options['snapshot_mode'], snapshot_gap=options['snapshot_gap']) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap a function to turn it into an ExperimentTemplate. Note that this docstring will be overriden to match the function's docstring on the ExperimentTemplate once a function is passed in. Args: args (list): If no function has been set yet, must be a list containing a single callable. If the function has been set, may be a single value, a dictionary containing overrides for the original arguments to `wrap_experiment`. kwargs (dict): Arguments passed onto the wrapped function. Returns: object: The returned value of the wrapped function. Raises: ValueError: If not passed a single callable argument. """ if self.function is None: if len(args) != 1 or len(kwargs) != 0 or not callable(args[0]): raise ValueError('Please apply the result of ' 'wrap_experiment() to a single function') # Apply ourselves as a decorator self.function = args[0] self._update_wrap_params() return self else: ctxt = self._make_context(self._get_options(*args), **kwargs) result = self.function(ctxt, **kwargs) logger.remove_all() logger.pop_prefix() gc.collect() # See dowel issue #44 return result
[docs]def wrap_experiment(function=None, *, log_dir=None, prefix='experiment', name=None, snapshot_mode='last', snapshot_gap=1, archive_launch_repo=True, name_parameters=None, use_existing_dir=False): """Decorate a function to turn it into an ExperimentTemplate. When invoked, the wrapped function will receive an ExperimentContext, which will contain the log directory into which the experiment should log information. This decorator can be invoked in two differed ways. Without arguments, like this: @wrap_experiment def my_experiment(ctxt, seed, lr=0.5): ... Or with arguments: @wrap_experiment(snapshot_mode='all') def my_experiment(ctxt, seed, lr=0.5): ... All arguments must be keyword arguments. Args: function (callable or None): The experiment function to wrap. log_dir (str or None): The full log directory to log to. Will be computed from `name` if omitted. name (str or None): The name of this experiment template. Will be filled from the wrapped function's name if omitted. prefix (str): Directory under data/local in which to place the experiment directory. snapshot_mode (str): Policy for which snapshots to keep (or make at all). Can be either "all" (all iterations will be saved), "last" (only the last iteration will be saved), "gap" (every snapshot_gap iterations are saved), or "none" (do not save snapshots). snapshot_gap (int): Gap between snapshot iterations. Waits this number of iterations before taking another snapshot. archive_launch_repo (bool): Whether to save an archive of the repository containing the launcher script. This is a potentially expensive operation which is useful for ensuring reproducibility. name_parameters (str or None): Parameters to insert into the experiment name. Should be either None (the default), 'all' (all parameters will be used), or 'passed' (only passed parameters will be used). The used parameters will be inserted in the order they appear in the function definition. use_existing_dir (bool): If true, (re)use the directory for this experiment, even if it already contains data. Returns: callable: The wrapped function. """ return ExperimentTemplate(function=function, log_dir=log_dir, prefix=prefix, name=name, snapshot_mode=snapshot_mode, snapshot_gap=snapshot_gap, archive_launch_repo=archive_launch_repo, name_parameters=name_parameters, use_existing_dir=use_existing_dir)
[docs]def dump_json(filename, data): """Dump a dictionary to a file in JSON format. Args: filename(str): Filename for the file. data(dict): Data to save to file. """ pathlib.Path(os.path.dirname(filename)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True, cls=LogEncoder)
[docs]def get_metadata(): """Get metadata about the main script. The goal of this function is to capture the additional information needed to re-run an experiment, assuming that the launcher script that started the experiment is located in a clean git repository. Returns: tuple[str, dict[str, str]]: * Absolute path to root directory of launcher's git repo. * Directory containing: * githash (str): Hash of the git revision of the repo the experiment was started from. "-dirty" will be appended to this string if the repo has uncommitted changes. May not be present if the main script is not in a git repo. * launcher (str): Relative path to the main script from the base of the repo the experiment was started from. If the main script was not started from a git repo, this will instead be an absolute path to the main script. """ main_file = getattr(main, '__file__', None) if not main_file: return None, {} main_file_path = os.path.abspath(main_file) try: git_root_path = subprocess.check_output( ('git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'), cwd=os.path.dirname(main_file_path), stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) git_root_path = git_root_path.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # This file is always considered not to exist. git_root_path = '' # We check that the path exists since in old versions of git the above # rev-parse command silently exits with 0 when run outside of a git repo. if not os.path.exists(git_root_path): return None, { 'launcher': main_file_path, } launcher_path = os.path.relpath(bytes(main_file_path, encoding='utf8'), git_root_path) git_hash = subprocess.check_output(('git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'), cwd=git_root_path) git_hash = git_hash.decode('utf-8').strip() git_status = subprocess.check_output(('git', 'status', '--short'), cwd=git_root_path) git_status = git_status.decode('utf-8').strip() if git_status != '': git_hash = git_hash + '-dirty' return git_root_path, { 'githash': git_hash, 'launcher': launcher_path.decode('utf-8'), }
[docs]def make_launcher_archive(*, git_root_path, log_dir): """Saves an archive of the launcher's git repo to the log directory. Args: git_root_path (str): Absolute path to git repo to archive. log_dir (str): Absolute path to the log directory. """ git_files = subprocess.check_output( ('git', 'ls-files', '--others', '--exclude-standard', '--cached', '-z'), cwd=git_root_path).strip() repo_size = 0 files_to_archive = [] for f in git_files.split(b'\0'): try: file_size = os.stat(os.path.join(git_root_path, f)).st_size repo_size += file_size if file_size < EIGHT_MEBIBYTES: files_to_archive.append(f) except FileNotFoundError: pass if repo_size >= EIGHT_MEBIBYTES: warnings.warn('Archiving a launch repo larger than 8MiB. This may be ' 'slow. Set archive_launch_repo=False in wrap_experiment ' 'to disable this behavior.') archive_path = os.path.join(log_dir, 'launch_archive.tar.xz')'tar', '--null', '--files-from', '-', '--xz', '--create', '--file', archive_path), input=b'\0'.join(files_to_archive), cwd=git_root_path, check=True)
[docs]class LogEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Encoder to be used as cls in json.dump."""
[docs] def default(self, o): """Perform JSON encoding. Args: o (object): Object to encode. Returns: str: Object encoded in JSON. """ # Why is this method hidden? What does that mean? # pylint: disable=method-hidden if isinstance(o, type): return {'$class': o.__module__ + '.' + o.__name__} elif isinstance(o, enum.Enum): return { '$enum': o.__module__ + '.' + o.__class__.__name__ + '.' + } elif callable(o): return {'$function': o.__module__ + '.' + o.__name__} return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)