Source code for garage.misc.tensor_utils

"""Utiliy functions for tensors."""
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal

[docs]def discount_cumsum(x, discount): """Discounted cumulative sum. See # noqa: E501 Here, we have y[t] - discount*y[t+1] = x[t] or rev(y)[t] - discount*rev(y)[t-1] = rev(x)[t] Args: x (np.ndarrary): Input. discount (float): Discount factor. Returns: np.ndarrary: Discounted cumulative sum. """ return scipy.signal.lfilter([1], [1, float(-discount)], x[::-1], axis=0)[::-1]
[docs]def explained_variance_1d(ypred, y, valids=None): """Explained variation for 1D inputs. It is the proportion of the variance in one variable that is explained or predicted from another variable. Args: ypred (np.ndarray): Sample data from the first variable. Shape: :math:`(N, max_path_length)`. y (np.ndarray): Sample data from the second variable. Shape: :math:`(N, max_path_length)`. valids (np.ndarray): Optional argument. Array indicating valid indices. If None, it assumes the entire input array are valid. Shape: :math:`(N, max_path_length)`. Returns: float: The explained variance. """ if valids is not None: ypred = ypred[valids.astype(np.bool)] y = y[valids.astype(np.bool)] assert y.ndim == 1 and ypred.ndim == 1 vary = np.var(y) if np.isclose(vary, 0): if np.var(ypred) > 0: return 0 return 1 return 1 - np.var(y - ypred) / (vary + 1e-8)
[docs]def flatten_tensors(tensors): """Flatten a list of tensors. Args: tensors (list[numpy.ndarray]): List of tensors to be flattened. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Flattened tensors. """ if tensors: return np.concatenate([np.reshape(x, [-1]) for x in tensors]) return np.asarray([])
[docs]def unflatten_tensors(flattened, tensor_shapes): """Unflatten a flattened tensors into a list of tensors. Args: flattened (numpy.ndarray): Flattened tensors. tensor_shapes (tuple): Tensor shapes. Returns: list[numpy.ndarray]: Unflattened list of tensors. """ tensor_sizes = list(map(, tensor_shapes)) indices = np.cumsum(tensor_sizes)[:-1] return [ np.reshape(pair[0], pair[1]) for pair in zip(np.split(flattened, indices), tensor_shapes) ]
[docs]def pad_tensor(x, max_len, mode='zero'): """Pad tensors. Args: x (numpy.ndarray): Tensors to be padded. max_len (int): Maximum length. mode (str): If 'last', pad with the last element, otherwise pad with 0. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Padded tensor. """ padding = np.zeros_like(x[0]) if mode == 'last': padding = x[-1] return np.concatenate( [x, np.tile(padding, (max_len - len(x), ) + (1, ) * np.ndim(x[0]))])
[docs]def pad_tensor_n(xs, max_len): """Pad array of tensors. Args: xs (numpy.ndarray): Tensors to be padded. max_len (int): Maximum length. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Padded tensor. """ ret = np.zeros((len(xs), max_len) + xs[0].shape[1:], dtype=xs[0].dtype) for idx, x in enumerate(xs): ret[idx][:len(x)] = x return ret
[docs]def pad_tensor_dict(tensor_dict, max_len, mode='zero'): """Pad dictionary of tensors. Args: tensor_dict (dict[numpy.ndarray]): Tensors to be padded. max_len (int): Maximum length. mode (str): If 'last', pad with the last element, otherwise pad with 0. Returns: dict[numpy.ndarray]: Padded tensor. """ keys = list(tensor_dict.keys()) ret = dict() for k in keys: if isinstance(tensor_dict[k], dict): ret[k] = pad_tensor_dict(tensor_dict[k], max_len, mode=mode) else: ret[k] = pad_tensor(tensor_dict[k], max_len, mode=mode) return ret
[docs]def stack_tensor_dict_list(tensor_dict_list): """Stack a list of dictionaries of {tensors or dictionary of tensors}. Args: tensor_dict_list (dict[list]): a list of dictionaries of {tensors or dictionary of tensors}. Return: dict: a dictionary of {stacked tensors or dictionary of stacked tensors} """ keys = list(tensor_dict_list[0].keys()) ret = dict() for k in keys: example = tensor_dict_list[0][k] dict_list = [x[k] if k in x else [] for x in tensor_dict_list] if isinstance(example, dict): v = stack_tensor_dict_list(dict_list) else: v = np.array(dict_list) ret[k] = v return ret
[docs]def stack_and_pad_tensor_dict_list(tensor_dict_list, max_len): """Stack and pad array of list of tensors. Input paths are a list of N dicts, each with values of shape :math:`(D, S^*)`. This function stack and pad the values with the input key with max_len, so output will be shape :math:`(N, D, S^*)`. Args: tensor_dict_list (list[dict]): List of dict to be stacked and padded. Value of each dict will be shape of :math:`(D, S^*)`. max_len (int): Maximum length for padding. Returns: dict: a dictionary of {stacked tensors or dictionary of stacked tensors}. Shape: :math:`(N, D, S^*)` where N is the len of input paths. """ keys = list(tensor_dict_list[0].keys()) ret = dict() for k in keys: example = tensor_dict_list[0][k] dict_list = [x[k] if k in x else [] for x in tensor_dict_list] if isinstance(example, dict): v = stack_and_pad_tensor_dict_list(dict_list, max_len) else: v = pad_tensor_n(np.array(dict_list), max_len) ret[k] = v return ret
[docs]def concat_tensor_dict_list(tensor_dict_list): """Concatenate dictionary of list of tensor. Args: tensor_dict_list (dict[list]): a list of dictionaries of {tensors or dictionary of tensors}. Return: dict: a dictionary of {stacked tensors or dictionary of stacked tensors} """ keys = list(tensor_dict_list[0].keys()) ret = dict() for k in keys: example = tensor_dict_list[0][k] dict_list = [x[k] if k in x else [] for x in tensor_dict_list] if isinstance(example, dict): v = concat_tensor_dict_list(dict_list) else: v = np.concatenate(dict_list, axis=0) ret[k] = v return ret
[docs]def split_tensor_dict_list(tensor_dict): """Split dictionary of list of tensor. Args: tensor_dict (dict[numpy.ndarray]): a dictionary of {tensors or dictionary of tensors}. Return: dict: a dictionary of {stacked tensors or dictionary of stacked tensors} """ keys = list(tensor_dict.keys()) ret = None for k in keys: vals = tensor_dict[k] if isinstance(vals, dict): vals = split_tensor_dict_list(vals) if ret is None: ret = [{k: v} for v in vals] else: for v, cur_dict in zip(vals, ret): cur_dict[k] = v return ret
[docs]def truncate_tensor_dict(tensor_dict, truncated_len): """Truncate dictionary of list of tensor. Args: tensor_dict (dict[numpy.ndarray]): a dictionary of {tensors or dictionary of tensors}. truncated_len (int): Length to truncate. Return: dict: a dictionary of {stacked tensors or dictionary of stacked tensors} """ ret = dict() for k, v in tensor_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): ret[k] = truncate_tensor_dict(v, truncated_len) else: ret[k] = v[:truncated_len] return ret
[docs]def normalize_pixel_batch(observations): """Normalize the observations (images). Normalize pixel values to be between [0, 1]. Args: observations (numpy.ndarray): Observations from environment. obses should be unflattened and should contain pixel values. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Normalized observations. """ return [obs.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 for obs in observations]
[docs]def slice_nested_dict(dict_or_array, start, stop): """Slice a dictionary containing arrays (or dictionaries). This function is primarily intended for un-batching env_infos and action_infos. Args: dict_or_array (dict[str, dict or np.ndarray] or np.ndarray): A nested dictionary should only contain dictionaries and numpy arrays (recursively). start (int): First index to be included in the slice. stop (int): First index to be excluded from the slice. In other words, these are typical python slice indices. Returns: dict or np.ndarray: The input, but sliced. """ if isinstance(dict_or_array, dict): return { k: slice_nested_dict(v, start, stop) for (k, v) in dict_or_array.items() } else: # It *should* be a numpy array (unless someone ignored the type # signature). return dict_or_array[start:stop]
[docs]def rrse(actual, predicted): """Root Relative Squared Error. Args: actual (np.ndarray): The actual value. predicted (np.ndarray): The predicted value. Returns: float: The root relative square error between the actual and the predicted value. """ return np.sqrt( np.sum(np.square(actual - predicted)) / np.sum(np.square(actual - np.mean(actual))))
[docs]def sliding_window(t, window, smear=False): """Create a sliding window over a tensor. Args: t (np.ndarray): A tensor to create sliding window from, with shape :math:`(N, D)`, where N is the length of a trajectory, D is the dimension of each step in trajectory. window (int): Window size, mush be less than N. smear (bool): If true, copy the last window so that N windows are generated. Returns: np.ndarray: All windows generate over t, with shape :math:`(M, W, D)`, where W is the window size. If smear if False, M is :math:`N-W+1`, otherwise M is N. Raises: NotImplementedError: If step_size is not 1. ValueError: If window size is larger than the input tensor. """ if window > t.shape[0]: raise ValueError('`window` must be <= `t.shape[0]`') if window == t.shape[0]: return np.stack([t] * window) # The stride trick works only on the last dimension of an ndarray, so we # operate on the transpose, which reverses the dimensions of t. t_T = t.T shape = t_T.shape[:-1] + (t_T.shape[-1] - window, window) strides = t_T.strides + (t_T.strides[-1], ) t_T_win = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(t_T, shape=shape, strides=strides) # t_T_win has shape (d_k, d_k-1, ..., (n - window_size), window_size) # To arrive at the final shape, we first transpose the result to arrive at # (window_size, (n - window_size), d_1, ..., d_k), then swap the firs two # axes t_win = np.swapaxes(t_T_win.T, 0, 1) # Optionally smear the last element to preserve the first dimension if smear: t_win = pad_tensor(t_win, t.shape[0], mode='last') return t_win