Source code for garage.sampler.sampler

"""Base sampler class."""

import abc
import copy

[docs]class Sampler(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class of all samplers. Implementations of this class should override `construct`, `obtain_samples`, and `shutdown_worker`. `construct` takes a `WorkerFactory`, which implements most of the RL-specific functionality a `Sampler` needs. Specifically, it specifies how to construct `Worker`s, which know how to perform rollouts and update both agents and environments. Currently, `__init__` is also part of the interface, but calling it is deprecated. `start_worker` is also deprecated, and does not need to be implemented. """ def __init__(self, algo, env): """Construct a Sampler from an Algorithm. Args: algo(garage.RLAlgorithm): The RL Algorithm controlling this sampler. env(gym.Env): The environment being sampled from. Calling this method is deprecated. """ self.algo = algo self.env = env
[docs] @classmethod def from_worker_factory(cls, worker_factory, agents, envs): """Construct this sampler. Args: worker_factory(WorkerFactory): Pickleable factory for creating workers. Should be transmitted to other processes / nodes where work needs to be done, then workers should be constructed there. agents(Agent or List[Agent]): Agent(s) to use to perform rollouts. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly `worker_factory.n_workers`, and will be spread across the workers. envs(gym.Env or List[gym.Env]): Environment rollouts are performed in. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly `worker_factory.n_workers`, and will be spread across the workers. Returns: Sampler: An instance of `cls`. """ # This implementation works for most current implementations. # Relying on this implementation is deprecated, but calling this method # is not. fake_algo = copy.copy(worker_factory) fake_algo.policy = agents return cls(fake_algo, envs)
[docs] def start_worker(self): """Initialize the sampler. i.e. launching parallel workers if necessary. This method is deprecated, please launch workers in construct instead. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def obtain_samples(self, itr, num_samples, agent_update, env_update=None): """Collect at least a given number transitions (timesteps). Args: itr(int): The current iteration number. Using this argument is deprecated. num_samples(int): Minimum number of transitions / timesteps to sample. agent_update(object): Value which will be passed into the `agent_update_fn` before doing rollouts. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly `factory.n_workers`, and will be spread across the workers. env_update(object): Value which will be passed into the `env_update_fn` before doing rollouts. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly `factory.n_workers`, and will be spread across the workers. Returns: garage.TrajectoryBatch: The batch of collected trajectories. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def shutdown_worker(self): """Terminate workers if necessary. Because Python object destruction can be somewhat unpredictable, this method isn't deprecated. """