Source code for

"""Default TensorFlow sampler Worker."""
import tensorflow as tf

from garage.sampler import Worker

[docs]class TFWorkerClassWrapper: """Acts like a Worker class, but is actually an object. When called, constructs the wrapped class and wraps it in a TFWorkerWrapper. Args: wrapped_class (type): The class to wrap. Should be a subclass of garage.sampler.Worker. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, wrapped_class): self._wrapped_class = wrapped_class def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Construct the inner class and wrap it. Args: *args: Passed on to inner worker class. **kwargs: Passed on to inner worker class. Returns: TFWorkerWrapper: The wrapped worker. """ wrapper = TFWorkerWrapper() # Need to construct the wrapped class after we've entered the Session. wrapper._inner_worker = self._wrapped_class(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class TFWorkerWrapper(Worker): """Wrapper around another workers that initializes a TensorFlow Session.""" def __init__(self): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self._inner_worker = None self._sess = None self._sess_entered = None self.worker_init()
[docs] def worker_init(self): """Initialize a worker.""" self._sess = tf.compat.v1.get_default_session() if not self._sess: # create a tf session for all # sampler worker processes in # order to execute the policy. self._sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() self._sess_entered = True self._sess.__enter__()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Perform shutdown processes for TF.""" self._inner_worker.shutdown() if tf.compat.v1.get_default_session() and self._sess_entered: self._sess_entered = False self._sess.__exit__(None, None, None)
@property def agent(self): """Returns the worker's agent. Returns: garage.Policy: the worker's agent. """ return self._inner_worker.agent @agent.setter def agent(self, agent): """Sets the worker's agent. Args: agent (garage.Policy): The agent. """ self._inner_worker.agent = agent @property def env(self): """Returns the worker's environment. Returns: gym.Env: the worker's environment. """ return self._inner_worker.env @env.setter def env(self, env): """Sets the worker's environment. Args: env (gym.Env): The environment. """ self._inner_worker.env = env
[docs] def update_agent(self, agent_update): """Update the worker's agent, using agent_update. Args: agent_update(object): An agent update. The exact type of this argument depends on the `Worker` implementation. """ self._inner_worker.update_agent(agent_update)
[docs] def update_env(self, env_update): """Update the worker's env, using env_update. Args: env_update(object): An environment update. The exact type of this argument depends on the `Worker` implementation. """ self._inner_worker.update_env(env_update)
[docs] def rollout(self): """Sample a single rollout of the agent in the environment. Returns: garage.TrajectoryBatch: Batch of sampled trajectories. May be truncated if max_path_length is set. """ return self._inner_worker.rollout()
[docs] def start_rollout(self): """Begin a new rollout.""" self._inner_worker.start_rollout()
[docs] def step_rollout(self): """Take a single time-step in the current rollout. Returns: bool: True iff the path is done, either due to the environment indicating termination of due to reaching `max_path_length`. """ return self._inner_worker.step_rollout()
[docs] def collect_rollout(self): """Collect the current rollout, clearing the internal buffer. Returns: garage.TrajectoryBatch: Batch of sampled trajectories. May be truncated if the rollouts haven't completed yet. """ return self._inner_worker.collect_rollout()