Source code for garage.torch.algos.maml

"""Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) algorithm implementation for RL."""
import collections
import copy

from dowel import tabular
import numpy as np
import torch

from garage import _Default, make_optimizer
from garage import log_multitask_performance
from garage import TrajectoryBatch
from garage.misc import tensor_utils
from garage.sampler import OnPolicyVectorizedSampler
from garage.torch import update_module_params
from garage.torch.optimizers import ConjugateGradientOptimizer
from garage.torch.optimizers import DifferentiableSGD

[docs]class MAML: """Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML). Args: inner_algo (garage.torch.algos.VPG): The inner algorithm used for computing loss. env (garage.envs.GarageEnv): A gym environment. policy (garage.torch.policies.Policy): Policy. meta_optimizer (Union[torch.optim.Optimizer, tuple]): Type of optimizer. This can be an optimizer type such as `torch.optim.Adam` or a tuple of type and dictionary, where dictionary contains arguments to initialize the optimizer e.g. `(torch.optim.Adam, {'lr' : 1e-3})`. meta_batch_size (int): Number of tasks sampled per batch. inner_lr (float): Adaptation learning rate. outer_lr (float): Meta policy learning rate. num_grad_updates (int): Number of adaptation gradient steps. meta_evaluator (garage.experiment.MetaEvaluator): A meta evaluator for meta-testing. If None, don't do meta-testing. evaluate_every_n_epochs (int): Do meta-testing every this epochs. """ def __init__(self, inner_algo, env, policy, meta_optimizer, meta_batch_size=40, inner_lr=0.1, outer_lr=1e-3, num_grad_updates=1, meta_evaluator=None, evaluate_every_n_epochs=1): self.sampler_cls = OnPolicyVectorizedSampler self.max_path_length = inner_algo.max_path_length self._meta_evaluator = meta_evaluator self._policy = policy self._env = env self._value_function = copy.deepcopy(inner_algo._value_function) self._initial_vf_state = self._value_function.state_dict() self._num_grad_updates = num_grad_updates self._meta_batch_size = meta_batch_size self._inner_algo = inner_algo self._inner_optimizer = DifferentiableSGD(self._policy, lr=inner_lr) self._meta_optimizer = make_optimizer(meta_optimizer, module=policy, lr=_Default(outer_lr), eps=_Default(1e-5)) self._evaluate_every_n_epochs = evaluate_every_n_epochs
[docs] def train(self, runner): """Obtain samples and start training for each epoch. Args: runner (LocalRunner): LocalRunner is passed to give algorithm the access to runner.step_epochs(), which provides services such as snapshotting and sampler control. Returns: float: The average return in last epoch cycle. """ last_return = None for _ in runner.step_epochs(): all_samples, all_params = self._obtain_samples(runner) last_return = self.train_once(runner, all_samples, all_params) runner.step_itr += 1 return last_return
[docs] def train_once(self, runner, all_samples, all_params): """Train the algorithm once. Args: runner (garage.experiment.LocalRunner): The experiment runner. all_samples (list[list[MAMLTrajectoryBatch]]): A two dimensional list of MAMLTrajectoryBatch of size [meta_batch_size * (num_grad_updates + 1)] all_params (list[dict]): A list of named parameter dictionaries. Each dictionary contains key value pair of names (str) and parameters (torch.Tensor). Returns: float: Average return. """ itr = runner.step_itr old_theta = dict(self._policy.named_parameters()) kl_before = self._compute_kl_constraint(all_samples, all_params, set_grad=False) meta_objective = self._compute_meta_loss(all_samples, all_params) self._meta_optimizer.zero_grad() meta_objective.backward() self._meta_optimize(all_samples, all_params) # Log loss_after = self._compute_meta_loss(all_samples, all_params, set_grad=False) kl_after = self._compute_kl_constraint(all_samples, all_params, set_grad=False) with torch.no_grad(): policy_entropy = self._compute_policy_entropy( [task_samples[0] for task_samples in all_samples]) average_return = self.log_performance(itr, all_samples, meta_objective.item(), loss_after.item(), kl_before.item(), kl_after.item(), policy_entropy.mean().item()) if self._meta_evaluator and itr % self._evaluate_every_n_epochs == 0: self._meta_evaluator.evaluate(self) update_module_params(self._old_policy, old_theta) return average_return
def _train_value_function(self, paths): """Train the value function. Args: paths (list[dict]): A list of collected paths. Returns: torch.Tensor: Calculated mean scalar value of value function loss (float). """ # MAML resets a value function to its initial state before training. self._value_function.load_state_dict(self._initial_vf_state) obs = np.concatenate([path['observations'] for path in paths], axis=0) returns = np.concatenate([path['returns'] for path in paths]) obs = torch.Tensor(obs) returns = torch.Tensor(returns) vf_loss = self._value_function.compute_loss(obs, returns) # pylint: disable=protected-access self._inner_algo._vf_optimizer.zero_grad() vf_loss.backward() # pylint: disable=protected-access self._inner_algo._vf_optimizer.step() return vf_loss def _obtain_samples(self, runner): """Obtain samples for each task before and after the fast-adaptation. Args: runner (LocalRunner): A local runner instance to obtain samples. Returns: tuple: Tuple of (all_samples, all_params). all_samples (list[MAMLTrajectoryBatch]): A list of size [meta_batch_size * (num_grad_updates + 1)] all_params (list[dict]): A list of named parameter dictionaries. """ tasks = self._env.sample_tasks(self._meta_batch_size) all_samples = [[] for _ in range(len(tasks))] all_params = [] theta = dict(self._policy.named_parameters()) for i, task in enumerate(tasks): self._set_task(runner, task) for j in range(self._num_grad_updates + 1): paths = runner.obtain_samples(runner.step_itr) batch_samples = self._process_samples(paths) all_samples[i].append(batch_samples) # The last iteration does only sampling but no adapting if j < self._num_grad_updates: # A grad need to be kept for the next grad update # Except for the last grad update require_grad = j < self._num_grad_updates - 1 self._adapt(batch_samples, set_grad=require_grad) all_params.append(dict(self._policy.named_parameters())) # Restore to pre-updated policy update_module_params(self._policy, theta) return all_samples, all_params def _adapt(self, batch_samples, set_grad=True): """Performs one MAML inner step to update the policy. Args: batch_samples (MAMLTrajectoryBatch): Samples data for one task and one gradient step. set_grad (bool): if False, update policy parameters in-place. Else, allow taking gradient of functions of updated parameters with respect to pre-updated parameters. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access loss = self._inner_algo._compute_loss(*batch_samples[1:]) # Update policy parameters with one SGD step self._inner_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward(create_graph=set_grad) with torch.set_grad_enabled(set_grad): self._inner_optimizer.step() def _meta_optimize(self, all_samples, all_params): if isinstance(self._meta_optimizer, ConjugateGradientOptimizer): self._meta_optimizer.step( f_loss=lambda: self._compute_meta_loss( all_samples, all_params, set_grad=False), f_constraint=lambda: self._compute_kl_constraint( all_samples, all_params)) else: self._meta_optimizer.step(lambda: self._compute_meta_loss( all_samples, all_params, set_grad=False)) def _compute_meta_loss(self, all_samples, all_params, set_grad=True): """Compute loss to meta-optimize. Args: all_samples (list[list[MAMLTrajectoryBatch]]): A two dimensional list of MAMLTrajectoryBatch of size [meta_batch_size * (num_grad_updates + 1)] all_params (list[dict]): A list of named parameter dictionaries. Each dictionary contains key value pair of names (str) and parameters (torch.Tensor). set_grad (bool): Whether to enable gradient calculation or not. Returns: torch.Tensor: Calculated mean value of loss. """ theta = dict(self._policy.named_parameters()) old_theta = dict(self._old_policy.named_parameters()) losses = [] for task_samples, task_params in zip(all_samples, all_params): for i in range(self._num_grad_updates): require_grad = i < self._num_grad_updates - 1 or set_grad self._adapt(task_samples[i], set_grad=require_grad) update_module_params(self._old_policy, task_params) with torch.set_grad_enabled(set_grad): # pylint: disable=protected-access last_update = task_samples[-1] loss = self._inner_algo._compute_loss(*last_update[1:]) losses.append(loss) update_module_params(self._policy, theta) update_module_params(self._old_policy, old_theta) return torch.stack(losses).mean() def _compute_kl_constraint(self, all_samples, all_params, set_grad=True): """Compute KL divergence. For each task, compute the KL divergence between the old policy distribution and current policy distribution. Args: all_samples (list[list[MAMLTrajectoryBatch]]): Two dimensional list of MAMLTrajectoryBatch of size [meta_batch_size * (num_grad_updates + 1)] all_params (list[dict]): A list of named parameter dictionaries. Each dictionary contains key value pair of names (str) and parameters (torch.Tensor). set_grad (bool): Whether to enable gradient calculation or not. Returns: torch.Tensor: Calculated mean value of KL divergence. """ theta = dict(self._policy.named_parameters()) old_theta = dict(self._old_policy.named_parameters()) kls = [] for task_samples, task_params in zip(all_samples, all_params): for i in range(self._num_grad_updates): require_grad = i < self._num_grad_updates - 1 or set_grad self._adapt(task_samples[i], set_grad=require_grad) update_module_params(self._old_policy, task_params) with torch.set_grad_enabled(set_grad): # pylint: disable=protected-access kl = self._inner_algo._compute_kl_constraint( task_samples[-1].observations) kls.append(kl) update_module_params(self._policy, theta) update_module_params(self._old_policy, old_theta) return torch.stack(kls).mean() def _compute_policy_entropy(self, task_samples): """Compute policy entropy. Args: task_samples (list[MAMLTrajectoryBatch]): Samples data for one task. Returns: torch.Tensor: Computed entropy value. """ obs = torch.stack([samples.observations for samples in task_samples]) # pylint: disable=protected-access entropies = self._inner_algo._compute_policy_entropy(obs) return entropies.mean() def _set_task(self, runner, task): # pylint: disable=protected-access, no-self-use for env in runner._sampler._vec_env.envs: env.set_task(task) @property def policy(self): """Current policy of the inner algorithm. Returns: garage.torch.policies.Policy: Current policy of the inner algorithm. """ return self._policy @property def _old_policy(self): """Old policy of the inner algorithm. Returns: garage.torch.policies.Policy: Old policy of the inner algorithm. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access return self._inner_algo._old_policy def _process_samples(self, paths): """Process sample data based on the collected paths. Args: paths (list[dict]): A list of collected paths. Returns: MAMLTrajectoryBatch: Processed samples data. """ for path in paths: path['returns'] = tensor_utils.discount_cumsum( path['rewards'], self._train_value_function(paths) obs, actions, rewards, _, valids, baselines \ = self._inner_algo.process_samples(paths) return MAMLTrajectoryBatch(paths, obs, actions, rewards, valids, baselines)
[docs] def log_performance(self, itr, all_samples, loss_before, loss_after, kl_before, kl, policy_entropy): """Evaluate performance of this batch. Args: itr (int): Iteration number. all_samples (list[list[MAMLTrajectoryBatch]]): Two dimensional list of MAMLTrajectoryBatch of size [meta_batch_size * (num_grad_updates + 1)] loss_before (float): Loss before optimization step. loss_after (float): Loss after optimization step. kl_before (float): KL divergence before optimization step. kl (float): KL divergence after optimization step. policy_entropy (float): Policy entropy. Returns: float: The average return in last epoch cycle. """ tabular.record('Iteration', itr) name_map = None if hasattr(self._env, 'all_task_names'): names = self._env.all_task_names name_map = dict(zip(names, names)) rtns = log_multitask_performance( itr, TrajectoryBatch.from_trajectory_list( env_spec=self._env.spec, paths=[ path for task_paths in all_samples for path in task_paths[self._num_grad_updates].paths ]),, name_map=name_map) with tabular.prefix( + '/'): tabular.record('LossBefore', loss_before) tabular.record('LossAfter', loss_after) tabular.record('dLoss', loss_before - loss_after) tabular.record('KLBefore', kl_before) tabular.record('KLAfter', kl) tabular.record('Entropy', policy_entropy) return np.mean(rtns)
[docs] def get_exploration_policy(self): """Return a policy used before adaptation to a specific task. Each time it is retrieved, this policy should only be evaluated in one task. Returns: garage.Policy: The policy used to obtain samples that are later used for meta-RL adaptation. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._policy)
[docs] def adapt_policy(self, exploration_policy, exploration_trajectories): """Adapt the policy by one gradient steps for a task. Args: exploration_policy (garage.Policy): A policy which was returned from get_exploration_policy(), and which generated exploration_trajectories by interacting with an environment. The caller may not use this object after passing it into this method. exploration_trajectories (garage.TrajectoryBatch): Trajectories to adapt to, generated by exploration_policy exploring the environment. Returns: garage.Policy: A policy adapted to the task represented by the exploration_trajectories. """ old_policy, self._policy = self._policy, exploration_policy self._inner_algo.policy = exploration_policy self._inner_optimizer.module = exploration_policy paths = exploration_trajectories.to_trajectory_list() batch_samples = self._process_samples(paths) self._adapt(batch_samples, set_grad=False) self._policy = old_policy self._inner_algo.policy = self._inner_optimizer.module = old_policy return exploration_policy
[docs]class MAMLTrajectoryBatch( collections.namedtuple('MAMLTrajectoryBatch', [ 'paths', 'observations', 'actions', 'rewards', 'valids', 'baselines' ])): r"""A tuple representing a batch of whole trajectories in MAML. A :class:`MAMLTrajectoryBatch` represents a batch of whole trajectories produced from one environment. +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Symbol | Description | +=======================+=================================================+ | :math:`N` | Trajectory index dimension | +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | :math:`T` | Maximum length of a trajectory | +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | :math:`S^*` | Single-step shape of a time-series tensor | +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ Attributes: paths (list[dict[str, np.ndarray or dict[str, np.ndarray]]]): Nonflatten original paths from sampler. observations (torch.Tensor): A torch tensor of shape :math:`(N \bullet T, O^*)` containing the (possibly multi-dimensional) observations for all time steps in this batch. These must conform to :obj:`env_spec.observation_space`. actions (torch.Tensor): A torch tensor of shape :math:`(N \bullet T, A^*)` containing the (possibly multi-dimensional) actions for all time steps in this batch. These must conform to :obj:`env_spec.action_space`. rewards (torch.Tensor): A torch tensor of shape :math:`(N \bullet T)` containing the rewards for all time steps in this batch. valids (numpy.ndarray): An integer numpy array of shape :math:`(N, )` containing the length of each trajectory in this batch. This may be used to reconstruct the individual trajectories. baselines (numpy.ndarray): An numpy array of shape :math:`(N \bullet T, )` containing the value function estimation at all time steps in this batch. Raises: ValueError: If any of the above attributes do not conform to their prescribed types and shapes. """