Source code for garage.torch.algos.ppo

"""Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)."""
import torch

from garage.torch.algos import VPG
from garage.torch.optimizers import OptimizerWrapper

[docs]class PPO(VPG): """Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). Args: env_spec (garage.envs.EnvSpec): Environment specification. policy (garage.torch.policies.Policy): Policy. value_function (garage.torch.value_functions.ValueFunction): The value function. policy_optimizer (garage.torch.optimizer.OptimizerWrapper): Optimizer for policy. vf_optimizer (garage.torch.optimizer.OptimizerWrapper): Optimizer for value function. max_path_length (int): Maximum length of a single rollout. lr_clip_range (float): The limit on the likelihood ratio between policies. num_train_per_epoch (int): Number of train_once calls per epoch. discount (float): Discount. gae_lambda (float): Lambda used for generalized advantage estimation. center_adv (bool): Whether to rescale the advantages so that they have mean 0 and standard deviation 1. positive_adv (bool): Whether to shift the advantages so that they are always positive. When used in conjunction with center_adv the advantages will be standardized before shifting. policy_ent_coeff (float): The coefficient of the policy entropy. Setting it to zero would mean no entropy regularization. use_softplus_entropy (bool): Whether to estimate the softmax distribution of the entropy to prevent the entropy from being negative. stop_entropy_gradient (bool): Whether to stop the entropy gradient. entropy_method (str): A string from: 'max', 'regularized', 'no_entropy'. The type of entropy method to use. 'max' adds the dense entropy to the reward for each time step. 'regularized' adds the mean entropy to the surrogate objective. See for more details. """ def __init__(self, env_spec, policy, value_function, policy_optimizer=None, vf_optimizer=None, max_path_length=500, lr_clip_range=2e-1, num_train_per_epoch=1, discount=0.99, gae_lambda=0.97, center_adv=True, positive_adv=False, policy_ent_coeff=0.0, use_softplus_entropy=False, stop_entropy_gradient=False, entropy_method='no_entropy'): if policy_optimizer is None: policy_optimizer = OptimizerWrapper( (torch.optim.Adam, dict(lr=2.5e-4)), policy, max_optimization_epochs=10, minibatch_size=64) if vf_optimizer is None: vf_optimizer = OptimizerWrapper( (torch.optim.Adam, dict(lr=2.5e-4)), value_function, max_optimization_epochs=10, minibatch_size=64) super().__init__(env_spec=env_spec, policy=policy, value_function=value_function, policy_optimizer=policy_optimizer, vf_optimizer=vf_optimizer, max_path_length=max_path_length, num_train_per_epoch=num_train_per_epoch, discount=discount, gae_lambda=gae_lambda, center_adv=center_adv, positive_adv=positive_adv, policy_ent_coeff=policy_ent_coeff, use_softplus_entropy=use_softplus_entropy, stop_entropy_gradient=stop_entropy_gradient, entropy_method=entropy_method) self._lr_clip_range = lr_clip_range def _compute_objective(self, advantages, obs, actions, rewards): r"""Compute objective value. Args: advantages (torch.Tensor): Advantage value at each step with shape :math:`(N \dot [T], )`. obs (torch.Tensor): Observation from the environment with shape :math:`(N \dot [T], O*)`. actions (torch.Tensor): Actions fed to the environment with shape :math:`(N \dot [T], A*)`. rewards (torch.Tensor): Acquired rewards with shape :math:`(N \dot [T], )`. Returns: torch.Tensor: Calculated objective values with shape :math:`(N \dot [T], )`. """ # Compute constraint with torch.no_grad(): old_ll = self._old_policy(obs)[0].log_prob(actions) new_ll = self.policy(obs)[0].log_prob(actions) likelihood_ratio = (new_ll - old_ll).exp() # Calculate surrogate surrogate = likelihood_ratio * advantages # Clipping the constraint likelihood_ratio_clip = torch.clamp(likelihood_ratio, min=1 - self._lr_clip_range, max=1 + self._lr_clip_range) # Calculate surrotate clip surrogate_clip = likelihood_ratio_clip * advantages return torch.min(surrogate, surrogate_clip)