Save, load and resume experiments

This document provides solutions to a variety of use cases regarding saving, loading and resuming of Garage experiments.


import garage
from garage.experiment import Trainer, TFTrainer
from garage.experiment.deterministic import set_seed

Trainer & TFTrainer for Garage experiment

Trainer class in Garage provides users with a range of utilities to set up environment and train an algorithm for an experiment.

trainer = Trainer()

TFTrainer inherits Trainer class and provides a default TensorFlow session using Python context.

with TFTrainer(snapshot_config=ctxt) as trainer:

To perform the save, load and resume operations of an experiment, Local_trainer provides four core functions:

  • To save snapshot of a specific epoch. This function uses cloudpickle utility for serialization. All kind of Model, tensors and dictionaries objects related to the experiment setup and training statistics within the epoch with saved using this function.

  • Trainer.setup: To setup Trainer instance for algorithm and environment in an experiment.

  • Trainer.train: To train an algorithm given the training parameters.`

  • Trainer.restore: To restore an experiment from snapsnot. This function uses cloudpickle’s unplicking utilities to deserialize pickled object files and re-setup the environment and retrieve model data of a specified epoch.

  • Trainer.resume: To train an algorithm from a restored experiment. This function provides the same interface as train().

Saving & Training Models in an experiment

In general, saving and training models in an experiment includes the following steps:

  • Initialize the Trainer/ TFTrainer instance

  • Define the environment and algorithms for an experiment

  • Setup the trainer for algorithm and environment with Trainer.setup.

  • Run the training step with Trainer.train

trainer = Trainer()
env = Env(...)
policy = Policy(...)
algo = Algo(
trainer.setup(algo, env)
trainer.train(n_epochs=100, batch_size=4000)

Loading Models & Resuming an experiment

In general, loading models and resuming an experiment includes the following steps:

  • Initialize the Trainer/ TFTrainer instance

  • Restore the algorithm and experiment setup with Trainer.restore

  • Define for the parameters we want to update during training

  • Run the training step with Trainer.resume

# to resume immediately.
trainer = Trainer()

# to resume with modified training arguments.
trainer = Trainer()

Example on loading TRPO model & finetuning

To provide a setp-by-step example, we will walk you through how to load a pre-trained network and resume an experiment with TRPO.

First, we specify the directory of snapshot object. By default, snapshot objects stored in under data/local/experiment/.

snapshot_dir = 'mysnapshot/'  # specify the path

Next, we can load the pre-trained model with trainer.restore() by passing the directory path as an argument.

For fine-tunning, we can update the parameters i.e. n_epochs, batch_size for training.

Last but not least, we start the training by trainer.resume() with defined parameters as arguments.

def pre_trained_trpo_cartpole(ctxt=None,
    with TFTrainer(snapshot_config=ctxt) as trainer:
        trainer.resume(n_epochs=30, batch_size=8000)

Let’s start training now!


Congratulation, you successfully load a pre-trained model and start a new experiment!

Note that the experiment has been restored from the last epoch and start training from that epoch 10 in the example.

2020-06-26 13:42:00 | Setting seed to 1
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | Restore from snapshot saved in /garage/examples/jupyter/data
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | -- Train Args --     -- Value --
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | n_epochs             10
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | last_epoch           9
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | batch_size           10000
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | store_episodes       0
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | pause_for_plot       0
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | -- Stats --          -- Value --
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | last_itr             10
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | total_env_steps      101047
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | Obtaining samples...
2020-06-26 13:42:00 | epoch #10 | Obtaining samples for iteration 10...
2020-06-26 13:42:02 | epoch #10 | Logging diagnostics...
2020-06-26 13:42:02 | epoch #10 | Optimizing policy...
2020-06-26 13:42:02 | epoch #10 | Computing loss before
2020-06-26 13:42:02 | epoch #10 | Computing KL before
2020-06-26 13:42:02 | epoch #10 | Optimizing
2020-06-26 13:42:02 | epoch #10 | Start CG optimization:
#parameters: 1282, #inputs: 53, #subsample_inputs: 53
2020-06-26 13:42:02 | epoch #10 | computing loss before
2020-06-26 13:42:02 | epoch #10 | computing gradient
2020-06-26 13:42:02 | epoch #10 | gradient computed
2020-06-26 13:42:02 | epoch #10 | computing descent direction
2020-06-26 13:42:03 | epoch #10 | descent direction computed
2020-06-26 13:42:03 | epoch #10 | backtrack iters: 0
2020-06-26 13:42:03 | epoch #10 | optimization finished
2020-06-26 13:42:03 | epoch #10 | Computing KL after
2020-06-26 13:42:03 | epoch #10 | Computing loss after
2020-06-26 13:42:03 | epoch #10 | Fitting baseline...
2020-06-26 13:42:03 | epoch #10 | Saving snapshot...
2020-06-26 13:42:03 | epoch #10 | Saved
2020-06-26 13:42:03 | epoch #10 | Time 2.56 s
2020-06-26 13:42:03 | epoch #10 | EpochTime 2.56 s
---------------------------------------  ---------------
EnvExecTime                                   0.263958
Evaluation/AverageDiscountedReturn           85.0247
Evaluation/AverageReturn                    192.377
Evaluation/TerminationRate                    0.113208
Evaluation/Iteration                         10
Evaluation/MaxReturn                        200
Evaluation/MinReturn                         96
Evaluation/NumEpisodes                       53
Evaluation/StdReturn                         23.1755
Extras/EpisodeRewardMean                    195.81
LinearFeatureBaseline/ExplainedVariance       0.898543
PolicyExecTime                                1.18658
ProcessExecTime                               0.069674
TotalEnvSteps                            111243
policy/Entropy                                0.600691
policy/KL                                     0.00794985
policy/KLBefore                               0
policy/LossAfter                              0.00548463
policy/LossBefore                             0.0165238
policy/Perplexity                             1.82338
policy/dLoss                                  0.0110392

---------------------------------------  ---------------

You may find the full example at examples/tf/

This page was authored by Iris Liu (@irisliucy).