Source code for garage._functions

"""Functions exposed directly in the garage namespace."""
from collections import defaultdict
import time

import click
from dowel import tabular
import numpy as np

from garage import EpisodeBatch, StepType
from import discount_cumsum, stack_tensor_dict_list

class _Default:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    """A wrapper class to represent default arguments.

        val (object): Argument value.


    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val

[docs]def make_optimizer(optimizer_type, module=None, **kwargs): """Create an optimizer for pyTorch & tensorflow algos. Args: optimizer_type (Union[type, tuple[type, dict]]): Type of optimizer. This can be an optimizer type such as 'torch.optim.Adam' or a tuple of type and dictionary, where dictionary contains arguments to initialize the optimizer e.g. (torch.optim.Adam, {'lr' : 1e-3}) module (optional): If the optimizer type is a `torch.optimizer`. The `torch.nn.Module` module whose parameters needs to be optimized must be specify. kwargs (dict): Other keyword arguments to initialize optimizer. This is not used when `optimizer_type` is tuple. Returns: torch.optim.Optimizer: Constructed optimizer. Raises: ValueError: Raises value error when `optimizer_type` is tuple, and non-default argument is passed in `kwargs`. """ if isinstance(optimizer_type, tuple): opt_type, opt_args = optimizer_type for name, arg in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(arg, _Default): raise ValueError('Should not specify {} and explicit \ optimizer args at the same time'.format(name)) if module is not None: return opt_type(module.parameters(), **opt_args) else: return opt_type(**opt_args) opt_args = { k: v.val if isinstance(v, _Default) else v for k, v in kwargs.items() } if module is not None: return optimizer_type(module.parameters(), **opt_args) else: return optimizer_type(**opt_args)
[docs]def rollout(env, agent, *, max_episode_length=np.inf, animated=False, pause_per_frame=None, deterministic=False): """Sample a single episode of the agent in the environment. Args: agent (Policy): Policy used to select actions. env (Environment): Environment to perform actions in. max_episode_length (int): If the episode reaches this many timesteps, it is truncated. animated (bool): If true, render the environment after each step. pause_per_frame (float): Time to sleep between steps. Only relevant if animated == true. deterministic (bool): If true, use the mean action returned by the stochastic policy instead of sampling from the returned action distribution. Returns: dict[str, np.ndarray or dict]: Dictionary, with keys: * observations(np.array): Flattened array of observations. There should be one more of these than actions. Note that observations[i] (for i < len(observations) - 1) was used by the agent to choose actions[i]. Should have shape :math:`(T + 1, S^*)`, i.e. the unflattened observation space of the current environment. * actions(np.array): Non-flattened array of actions. Should have shape :math:`(T, S^*)`, i.e. the unflattened action space of the current environment. * rewards(np.array): Array of rewards of shape :math:`(T,)`, i.e. a 1D array of length timesteps. * agent_infos(Dict[str, np.array]): Dictionary of stacked, non-flattened `agent_info` arrays. * env_infos(Dict[str, np.array]): Dictionary of stacked, non-flattened `env_info` arrays. * dones(np.array): Array of termination signals. """ env_steps = [] agent_infos = [] observations = [] last_obs, episode_infos = env.reset() agent.reset() episode_length = 0 if animated: env.visualize() while episode_length < (max_episode_length or np.inf): if pause_per_frame is not None: time.sleep(pause_per_frame) a, agent_info = agent.get_action(last_obs) if deterministic and 'mean' in agent_info: a = agent_info['mean'] es = env.step(a) env_steps.append(es) observations.append(last_obs) agent_infos.append(agent_info) episode_length += 1 if es.last: break last_obs = es.observation return dict( episode_infos=episode_infos, observations=np.array(observations), actions=np.array([es.action for es in env_steps]), rewards=np.array([es.reward for es in env_steps]), agent_infos=stack_tensor_dict_list(agent_infos), env_infos=stack_tensor_dict_list([es.env_info for es in env_steps]), dones=np.array([es.terminal for es in env_steps]), )
[docs]def obtain_evaluation_episodes(policy, env, max_episode_length=1000, num_eps=100, deterministic=True): """Sample the policy for num_eps episodes and return average values. Args: policy (Policy): Policy to use as the actor when gathering samples. env (Environment): The environement used to obtain episodes. max_episode_length (int): Maximum episode length. The episode will truncated when length of episode reaches max_episode_length. num_eps (int): Number of episodes. deterministic (bool): Whether the a deterministic approach is used in rollout. Returns: EpisodeBatch: Evaluation episodes, representing the best current performance of the algorithm. """ episodes = [] # Use a finite length rollout for evaluation. with click.progressbar(range(num_eps), label='Evaluating') as pbar: for _ in pbar: eps = rollout(env, policy, max_episode_length=max_episode_length, deterministic=deterministic) episodes.append(eps) return EpisodeBatch.from_list(env.spec, episodes)
[docs]def log_multitask_performance(itr, batch, discount, name_map=None): r"""Log performance of episodes from multiple tasks. Args: itr (int): Iteration number to be logged. batch (EpisodeBatch): Batch of episodes. The episodes should have either the "task_name" or "task_id" `env_infos`. If the "task_name" is not present, then `name_map` is required, and should map from task id's to task names. discount (float): Discount used in computing returns. name_map (dict[int, str] or None): Mapping from task id's to task names. Optional if the "task_name" environment info is present. Note that if provided, all tasks listed in this map will be logged, even if there are no episodes present for them. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Undiscounted returns averaged across all tasks. Has shape :math:`(N \bullet [T])`. """ eps_by_name = defaultdict(list) for eps in batch.split(): task_name = '__unnamed_task__' if 'task_name' in eps.env_infos: task_name = eps.env_infos['task_name'][0] elif 'task_id' in eps.env_infos: name_map = {} if name_map is None else name_map task_id = eps.env_infos['task_id'][0] task_name = name_map.get(task_id, 'Task #{}'.format(task_id)) eps_by_name[task_name].append(eps) if name_map is None: task_names = eps_by_name.keys() else: task_names = name_map.values() for task_name in task_names: if task_name in eps_by_name: episodes = eps_by_name[task_name] log_performance(itr, EpisodeBatch.concatenate(*episodes), discount, prefix=task_name) else: with tabular.prefix(task_name + '/'): tabular.record('Iteration', itr) tabular.record('NumEpisodes', 0) tabular.record('AverageDiscountedReturn', np.nan) tabular.record('AverageReturn', np.nan) tabular.record('StdReturn', np.nan) tabular.record('MaxReturn', np.nan) tabular.record('MinReturn', np.nan) tabular.record('TerminationRate', np.nan) tabular.record('SuccessRate', np.nan) return log_performance(itr, batch, discount=discount, prefix='Average')
[docs]def log_performance(itr, batch, discount, prefix='Evaluation'): """Evaluate the performance of an algorithm on a batch of episodes. Args: itr (int): Iteration number. batch (EpisodeBatch): The episodes to evaluate with. discount (float): Discount value, from algorithm's property. prefix (str): Prefix to add to all logged keys. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Undiscounted returns. """ returns = [] undiscounted_returns = [] termination = [] success = [] for eps in batch.split(): returns.append(discount_cumsum(eps.rewards, discount)) undiscounted_returns.append(sum(eps.rewards)) termination.append( float( any(step_type == StepType.TERMINAL for step_type in eps.step_types))) if 'success' in eps.env_infos: success.append(float(eps.env_infos['success'].any())) average_discounted_return = np.mean([rtn[0] for rtn in returns]) with tabular.prefix(prefix + '/'): tabular.record('Iteration', itr) tabular.record('NumEpisodes', len(returns)) tabular.record('AverageDiscountedReturn', average_discounted_return) tabular.record('AverageReturn', np.mean(undiscounted_returns)) tabular.record('StdReturn', np.std(undiscounted_returns)) tabular.record('MaxReturn', np.max(undiscounted_returns)) tabular.record('MinReturn', np.min(undiscounted_returns)) tabular.record('TerminationRate', np.mean(termination)) if success: tabular.record('SuccessRate', np.mean(success)) return undiscounted_returns