Source code for garage.envs.grid_world_env

import gym
import numpy as np

from garage.envs.base import Step

MAPS = {
    '4x4_safe': [
    '4x4': [
    '8x8': [
}   # yapf: disable

[docs]class GridWorldEnv(gym.Env): """ | 'S' : starting point | 'F' or '.': free space | 'W' or 'x': wall | 'H' or 'o': hole (terminates episode) | 'G' : goal """ def __init__(self, desc='4x4'): if isinstance(desc, str): desc = MAPS[desc] desc = np.array(list(map(list, desc))) desc[desc == '.'] = 'F' desc[desc == 'o'] = 'H' desc[desc == 'x'] = 'W' self.desc = desc self.n_row, self.n_col = desc.shape (start_x, ), (start_y, ) = np.nonzero(desc == 'S') self.start_state = start_x * self.n_col + start_y self.state = None self.domain_fig = None
[docs] def reset(self): self.state = self.start_state return self.state
[docs] @staticmethod def action_from_direction(d): """ Return the action corresponding to the given direction. This is a helper method for debugging and testing purposes. :return: the action index corresponding to the given direction """ return dict(left=0, down=1, right=2, up=3)[d]
[docs] def step(self, action): """ action map: 0: left 1: down 2: right 3: up :param action: should be a one-hot vector encoding the action :return: """ possible_next_states = self.get_possible_next_states( self.state, action) probs = [x[1] for x in possible_next_states] next_state_idx = np.random.choice(len(probs), p=probs) next_state = possible_next_states[next_state_idx][0] next_x = next_state // self.n_col next_y = next_state % self.n_col next_state_type = self.desc[next_x, next_y] if next_state_type == 'H': done = True reward = 0 elif next_state_type in ['F', 'S']: done = False reward = 0 elif next_state_type == 'G': done = True reward = 1 else: raise NotImplementedError self.state = next_state return Step(observation=self.state, reward=reward, done=done)
[docs] def get_possible_next_states(self, state, action): """ Given the state and action, return a list of possible next states and their probabilities. Only next states with nonzero probabilities will be returned :param state: start state :param action: action :return: a list of pairs (s', p(s'|s,a)) """ # assert self.observation_space.contains(state) # assert self.action_space.contains(action) x = state // self.n_col y = state % self.n_col coords = np.array([x, y]) increments = np.array([[0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0]]) next_coords = np.clip(coords + increments[action], [0, 0], [self.n_row - 1, self.n_col - 1]) next_state = next_coords[0] * self.n_col + next_coords[1] state_type = self.desc[x, y] next_state_type = self.desc[next_coords[0], next_coords[1]] if next_state_type == 'W' or state_type == 'H' or state_type == 'G': return [(state, 1.)] else: return [(next_state, 1.)]
@property def action_space(self): return gym.spaces.Discrete(4) @property def observation_space(self): return gym.spaces.Discrete(self.n_row * self.n_col)
[docs] def render(self, mode='human'): pass
[docs] def log_diagnostics(self, paths): pass