
Policies for TensorFlow-based algorithms.

class Policy(name, env_spec)[source]


Base class for policies in TensorFlow.


Action space.

Returns:The action space of the environment.
Return type:akro.Space

Policy environment specification.

Returns:Environment specification.
Return type:garage.EnvSpec

Get action sampled from the policy.

Parameters:observation (np.ndarray) – Observation from the environment.
Returns:Action sampled from the policy.
Return type:(np.ndarray)

Get action sampled from the policy.

Parameters:observations (list[np.ndarray]) – Observations from the environment.
Returns:Actions sampled from the policy.
Return type:(np.ndarray)

Log extra information per iteration based on the collected paths.

Parameters:paths (dict[numpy.ndarray]) – Sample paths.

Observation space.

Returns:The observation space of the environment.
Return type:akro.Space

Boolean for vectorized.

Indicates whether the policy is vectorized. If True, it
should implement get_actions(), and support resetting with multiple simultaneous states.
Return type:bool
class StochasticPolicy(name, env_spec)[source]


Stochastic Policy.

class CategoricalCNNPolicy(env_spec, filters, strides, padding, name='CategoricalCNNPolicy', hidden_sizes=(32, 32), hidden_nonlinearity=<function relu>, hidden_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, hidden_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, layer_normalization=False)[source]



A policy that contains a CNN and a MLP to make prediction based on a categorical distribution.

It only works with akro.Discrete action space.

  • env_spec (garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • filters (Tuple[Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]], ..]) – Number and dimension of filters. For example, ((3, (3, 5)), (32, (3, 3))) means there are two convolutional layers. The filter for the first layer have 3 channels and its shape is (3 x 5), while the filter for the second layer have 32 channels and its shape is (3 x 3).
  • strides (tuple[int]) – The stride of the sliding window. For example, (1, 2) means there are two convolutional layers. The stride of the filter for first layer is 1 and that of the second layer is 2.
  • padding (str) – The type of padding algorithm to use, either ‘SAME’ or ‘VALID’.
  • name (str) – Policy name, also the variable scope of the policy.
  • hidden_sizes (list[int]) – Output dimension of dense layer(s). For example, (32, 32) means the MLP of this policy consists of two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units.
  • hidden_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • hidden_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • output_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • layer_normalization (bool) – Bool for using layer normalization or not.
build(state_input, name=None)[source]

Build policy.

  • state_input (tf.Tensor) – State input.
  • name (str) – Name of the policy, which is also the name scope.

Policy distribution.

Return type:



Return a clone of the policy.

It only copies the configuration of the primitive, not the parameters.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the newly created policy. It has to be different from source policy if cloned under the same computational graph.
Returns:Newly cloned policy.

Policy distribution.

Returns:Policy distribution.
Return type:tfp.Distribution.OneHotCategorical

Return a single action.

Parameters:observation (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
Returns:Action given input observation. dict(numpy.ndarray): Distribution parameters.
Return type:int

Return multiple actions.

Parameters:observations (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
Returns:Actions given input observations. dict(numpy.ndarray): Distribution parameters.
Return type:list[int]

Dimension of the policy input.


Vectorized or not.

Returns:True if primitive supports vectorized operations.
Return type:bool
class CategoricalGRUPolicy(env_spec, name='CategoricalGRUPolicy', hidden_dim=32, hidden_nonlinearity=<function tanh>, hidden_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, hidden_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, recurrent_nonlinearity=<function sigmoid>, recurrent_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, hidden_state_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, hidden_state_init_trainable=False, state_include_action=True, layer_normalization=False)[source]


Categorical GRU Policy.

A policy represented by a Categorical distribution which is parameterized by a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU).

It only works with akro.Discrete action space.

  • env_spec (garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • name (str) – Policy name, also the variable scope.
  • hidden_dim (int) – Hidden dimension for LSTM cell.
  • hidden_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • hidden_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • recurrent_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for recurrent layers. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • recurrent_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of recurrent layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • output_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_state_init (callable) – Initializer function for the initial hidden state. The functino should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_state_init_trainable (bool) – Bool for whether the initial hidden state is trainable.
  • state_include_action (bool) – Whether the state includes action. If True, input dimension will be (observation dimension + action dimension).
  • layer_normalization (bool) – Bool for using layer normalization or not.
build(state_input, name=None)[source]

Build policy.

  • state_input (tf.Tensor) – State input.
  • name (str) – Name of the policy, which is also the name scope.

Policy distribution. tf.Tensor: Step output, with shape \((N, S^*)\). tf.Tensor: Step hidden state, with shape \((N, S^*)\). tf.Tensor: Initial hidden state , used to reset the hidden state

when policy resets. Shape: \((S^*)\).

Return type:



Return a clone of the policy.

It only copies the configuration of the primitive, not the parameters.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the newly created policy. It has to be different from source policy if cloned under the same computational graph.
Returns:Newly cloned policy.

Policy distribution.

Returns:Policy distribution.
Return type:tfp.Distribution.OneHotCategorical

Return a single action.

Parameters:observation (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
Returns:Action given input observation. dict(numpy.ndarray): Distribution parameters.
Return type:int

Return multiple actions.

Parameters:observations (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
Returns:Actions given input observations. dict(numpy.ndarray): Distribution parameters.
Return type:list[int]

Dimension of the policy input.


Reset the policy.


If do_resets is None, it will be by default np.array([True]), which implies the policy will not be “vectorized”, i.e. number of paralle environments for training data sampling = 1.

Parameters:do_resets (numpy.ndarray) – Bool that indicates terminal state(s).

State info specifcation.

keys and shapes for the information related to the
policy’s state when taking an action.
Return type:List[str]

Vectorized or not.

Returns:True if primitive supports vectorized operations.
Return type:Bool
class CategoricalLSTMPolicy(env_spec, name='CategoricalLSTMPolicy', hidden_dim=32, hidden_nonlinearity=<function tanh>, hidden_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, hidden_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, recurrent_nonlinearity=<function sigmoid>, recurrent_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, hidden_state_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, hidden_state_init_trainable=False, cell_state_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, cell_state_init_trainable=False, state_include_action=True, forget_bias=True, layer_normalization=False)[source]


Categorical LSTM Policy.

A policy represented by a Categorical distribution which is parameterized by a Long short-term memory (LSTM).

It only works with akro.Discrete action space.

  • env_spec (garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • name (str) – Policy name, also the variable scope.
  • hidden_dim (int) – Hidden dimension for LSTM cell.
  • hidden_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • hidden_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • recurrent_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for recurrent layers. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • recurrent_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of recurrent layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • output_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_state_init (callable) – Initializer function for the initial hidden state. The functino should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_state_init_trainable (bool) – Bool for whether the initial hidden state is trainable.
  • cell_state_init (callable) – Initializer function for the initial cell state. The functino should return a tf.Tensor.
  • cell_state_init_trainable (bool) – Bool for whether the initial cell state is trainable.
  • state_include_action (bool) – Whether the state includes action. If True, input dimension will be (observation dimension + action dimension).
  • forget_bias (bool) – If True, add 1 to the bias of the forget gate at initialization. It’s used to reduce the scale of forgetting at the beginning of the training.
  • layer_normalization (bool) – Bool for using layer normalization or not.
build(state_input, name=None)[source]

Build policy.

  • state_input (tf.Tensor) – State input.
  • name (str) – Name of the policy, which is also the name scope.

Policy distribution. tf.Tensor: Step output, with shape \((N, S^*)\) tf.Tensor: Step hidden state, with shape \((N, S^*)\) tf.Tensor: Step cell state, with shape \((N, S^*)\) tf.Tensor: Initial hidden state, used to reset the hidden state

when policy resets. Shape: \((S^*)\)

tf.Tensor: Initial cell state, used to reset the cell state

when policy resets. Shape: \((S^*)\)

Return type:



Return a clone of the policy.

It only copies the configuration of the primitive, not the parameters.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the newly created policy. It has to be different from source policy if cloned under the same computational graph.
Returns:Newly cloned policy.

Policy distribution.

Returns:Policy distribution.
Return type:tfp.Distribution.OneHotCategorical

Return a single action.

Parameters:observation (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
Returns:Action given input observation. dict(numpy.ndarray): Distribution parameters.
Return type:int

Return multiple actions.

Parameters:observations (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
Returns:Actions given input observations. dict(numpy.ndarray): Distribution parameters.
Return type:list[int]

Dimension of the policy input.


Reset the policy.


If do_resets is None, it will be by default np.array([True]), which implies the policy will not be “vectorized”, i.e. number of paralle environments for training data sampling = 1.

Parameters:do_resets (numpy.ndarray) – Bool that indicates terminal state(s).

State info specifcation.

keys and shapes for the information related to the
policy’s state when taking an action.
Return type:List[str]

Vectorized or not.

Returns:True if primitive supports vectorized operations.
Return type:Bool
class CategoricalMLPPolicy(env_spec, name='CategoricalMLPPolicy', hidden_sizes=(32, 32), hidden_nonlinearity=<function tanh>, hidden_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, hidden_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, layer_normalization=False)[source]


Categorical MLP Policy.

A policy represented by a Categorical distribution which is parameterized by a multilayer perceptron (MLP).

It only works with akro.Discrete action space.

  • env_spec (garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • name (str) – Policy name, also the variable scope.
  • hidden_sizes (list[int]) – Output dimension of dense layer(s). For example, (32, 32) means the MLP of this policy consists of two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units.
  • hidden_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • hidden_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • output_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • layer_normalization (bool) – Bool for using layer normalization or not.
build(state_input, name=None)[source]

Build policy.

  • state_input (tf.Tensor) – State input.
  • name (str) – Name of the policy, which is also the name scope.

Policy distribution.

Return type:



Return a clone of the policy.

It only copies the configuration of the primitive, not the parameters.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the newly created policy. It has to be different from source policy if cloned under the same computational graph.
Returns:Newly cloned policy.

Policy distribution.

Returns:Policy distribution.
Return type:tfp.Distribution.OneHotCategorical

Return a single action.

Parameters:observation (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
Returns:Action given input observation. dict(numpy.ndarray): Distribution parameters.
Return type:int

Return multiple actions.

Parameters:observations (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
Returns:Actions given input observations. dict(numpy.ndarray): Distribution parameters.
Return type:list[int]

Get regularizable weight variables under the Policy scope.

Returns:Trainable variables.
Return type:list[tf.Tensor]

Dimension of the policy input.


Vectorized or not.

Returns:True if primitive supports vectorized operations.
Return type:Bool
class ContinuousMLPPolicy(env_spec, name='ContinuousMLPPolicy', hidden_sizes=(64, 64), hidden_nonlinearity=<function relu>, hidden_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, hidden_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, output_nonlinearity=<function tanh>, output_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, layer_normalization=False)[source]


Continuous MLP Policy Network.

The policy network selects action based on the state of the environment. It uses neural nets to fit the function of pi(s).

  • env_spec (garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • name (str) – Policy name, also the variable scope.
  • hidden_sizes (list[int]) – Output dimension of dense layer(s). For example, (32, 32) means the MLP of this policy consists of two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units.
  • hidden_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • hidden_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • output_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • layer_normalization (bool) – Bool for using layer normalization or not.

Return a clone of the policy.

It only copies the configuration of the Q-function, not the parameters.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the newly created policy.
Returns:Clone of this object

Get single action from this policy for the input observation.

Parameters:observation (numpy.ndarray) – Observation from environment.
Returns:Predicted action. dict: Empty dict since this policy does not model a distribution.
Return type:numpy.ndarray
get_action_sym(obs_var, name=None)[source]

Symbolic graph of the action.

  • obs_var (tf.Tensor) – Tensor input for symbolic graph.
  • name (str) – Name for symbolic graph.

symbolic graph of the action.

Return type:



Get multiple actions from this policy for the input observations.

Parameters:observations (numpy.ndarray) – Observations from environment.
Returns:Predicted actions. dict: Empty dict since this policy does not model a distribution.
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Get regularizable weight variables under the Policy scope.

Returns:List of regularizable variables.
Return type:list(tf.Variable)

Dimension of the policy input.


Vectorized or not.

Returns:vectorized or not.
Return type:bool
class DiscreteQfDerivedPolicy(env_spec, qf, name='DiscreteQfDerivedPolicy')[source]


DiscreteQfDerived policy.

  • env_spec (garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • qf (garage.q_functions.QFunction) – The q-function used.
  • name (str) – Name of the policy.

Get action from this policy for the input observation.

Parameters:observation (numpy.ndarray) – Observation from environment.
Returns:Single optimal action from this policy. dict: Predicted action and agent information. It returns an empty
dict since there is no parameterization.
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Get actions from this policy for the input observations.

Parameters:observations (numpy.ndarray) – Observations from environment.
Returns:Optimal actions from this policy. dict: Predicted action and agent information. It returns an empty
dict since there is no parameterization.
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Vectorized or not.

Returns:True if primitive supports vectorized operations.
Return type:Bool
class GaussianGRUPolicy(env_spec, hidden_dim=32, name='GaussianGRUPolicy', hidden_nonlinearity=<function tanh>, hidden_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, hidden_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, recurrent_nonlinearity=<function sigmoid>, recurrent_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, hidden_state_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, hidden_state_init_trainable=False, learn_std=True, std_share_network=False, init_std=1.0, layer_normalization=False, state_include_action=True)[source]


Gaussian GRU Policy.

A policy represented by a Gaussian distribution which is parameterized by a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU).

  • env_spec (garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • name (str) – Model name, also the variable scope.
  • hidden_dim (int) – Hidden dimension for GRU cell for mean.
  • hidden_nonlinearity (Callable) – Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • hidden_w_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_b_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • recurrent_nonlinearity (Callable) – Activation function for recurrent layers. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • recurrent_w_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the weight of recurrent layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_nonlinearity (Callable) – Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • output_w_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_b_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_state_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the initial hidden state. The functino should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_state_init_trainable (bool) – Bool for whether the initial hidden state is trainable.
  • learn_std (bool) – Is std trainable.
  • std_share_network (bool) – Boolean for whether mean and std share the same network.
  • init_std (float) – Initial value for std.
  • layer_normalization (bool) – Bool for using layer normalization or not.
  • state_include_action (bool) – Whether the state includes action. If True, input dimension will be (observation dimension + action dimension).
build(state_input, name=None)[source]

Build policy.

  • state_input (tf.Tensor) – State input.
  • name (str) – Name of the policy, which is also the name scope.

Policy distribution. tf.Tensor: Step means, with shape \((N, S^*)\). tf.Tensor: Step log std, with shape \((N, S^*)\). tf.Tensor: Step hidden state, with shape \((N, S^*)\). tf.Tensor: Initial hidden state, with shape \((S^*)\).

Return type:



Return a clone of the policy.

It only copies the configuration of the primitive, not the parameters.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the newly created policy. It has to be different from source policy if cloned under the same computational graph.
Returns:Newly cloned policy.

Policy distribution.

Returns:Policy distribution.
Return type:tfp.Distribution.MultivariateNormalDiag

Get single action from this policy for the input observation.

Parameters:observation (numpy.ndarray) – Observation from environment.
Returns:Actions dict: Predicted action and agent information.
Return type:numpy.ndarray


It returns an action and a dict, with keys - mean (numpy.ndarray): Mean of the distribution. - log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviation of the

  • prev_action (numpy.ndarray): Previous action, only present if
    self._state_include_action is True.

Get multiple actions from this policy for the input observations.

Parameters:observations (numpy.ndarray) – Observations from environment.
Returns:Actions dict: Predicted action and agent information.
Return type:numpy.ndarray


It returns an action and a dict, with keys - mean (numpy.ndarray): Means of the distribution. - log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviations of the

  • prev_action (numpy.ndarray): Previous action, only present if
    self._state_include_action is True.

Dimension of the policy input.


Reset the policy.


If do_resets is None, it will be by default np.array([True]) which implies the policy will not be “vectorized”, i.e. number of parallel environments for training data sampling = 1.

Parameters:do_resets (numpy.ndarray) – Bool that indicates terminal state(s).

State info specifcation.

keys and shapes for the information related to the
policy’s state when taking an action.
Return type:List[str]

Vectorized or not.

Returns:True if primitive supports vectorized operations.
Return type:Bool
class GaussianLSTMPolicy(env_spec, hidden_dim=32, name='GaussianLSTMPolicy', hidden_nonlinearity=<function tanh>, hidden_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, hidden_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, recurrent_nonlinearity=<function sigmoid>, recurrent_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, hidden_state_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, hidden_state_init_trainable=False, cell_state_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, cell_state_init_trainable=False, forget_bias=True, learn_std=True, std_share_network=False, init_std=1.0, layer_normalization=False, state_include_action=True)[source]


Gaussian LSTM Policy.

A policy represented by a Gaussian distribution which is parameterized by a Long short-term memory (LSTM).

  • env_spec (garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • name (str) – Model name, also the variable scope.
  • hidden_dim (int) – Hidden dimension for LSTM cell for mean.
  • hidden_nonlinearity (Callable) – Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • hidden_w_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_b_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • recurrent_nonlinearity (Callable) – Activation function for recurrent layers. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • recurrent_w_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the weight of recurrent layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_nonlinearity (Callable) – Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • output_w_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_b_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_state_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the initial hidden state. The functino should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_state_init_trainable (bool) – Bool for whether the initial hidden state is trainable.
  • cell_state_init (Callable) – Initializer function for the initial cell state. The functino should return a tf.Tensor.
  • cell_state_init_trainable (bool) – Bool for whether the initial cell state is trainable.
  • forget_bias (bool) – If True, add 1 to the bias of the forget gate at initialization. It’s used to reduce the scale of forgetting at the beginning of the training.
  • learn_std (bool) – Is std trainable.
  • std_share_network (bool) – Boolean for whether mean and std share the same network.
  • init_std (float) – Initial value for std.
  • layer_normalization (bool) – Bool for using layer normalization or not.
  • state_include_action (bool) – Whether the state includes action. If True, input dimension will be (observation dimension + action dimension).
build(state_input, name=None)[source]

Build policy.

  • state_input (tf.Tensor) – State input.
  • name (str) – Name of the policy, which is also the name scope.

Policy distribution. tf.Tensor: Step means, with shape \((N, S^*)\). tf.Tensor: Step log std, with shape \((N, S^*)\). tf.Tensor: Step hidden state, with shape \((N, S^*)\). tf.Tensor: Step cell state, with shape \((N, S^*)\). tf.Tensor: Initial hidden state, with shape \((S^*)\). tf.Tensor: Initial cell state, with shape \((S^*)\)

Return type:



Return a clone of the policy.

It only copies the configuration of the primitive, not the parameters.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the newly created policy. It has to be different from source policy if cloned under the same computational graph.
Returns:Newly cloned policy.

Policy distribution.

Returns:Policy distribution.
Return type:tfp.Distribution.MultivariateNormalDiag

Get single action from this policy for the input observation.

Parameters:observation (numpy.ndarray) – Observation from environment.
Returns:Actions dict: Predicted action and agent information.
Return type:numpy.ndarray


It returns an action and a dict, with keys - mean (numpy.ndarray): Mean of the distribution. - log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviation of the

  • prev_action (numpy.ndarray): Previous action, only present if
    self._state_include_action is True.

Get multiple actions from this policy for the input observations.

Parameters:observations (numpy.ndarray) – Observations from environment.
Returns:Actions dict: Predicted action and agent information.
Return type:numpy.ndarray


It returns an action and a dict, with keys - mean (numpy.ndarray): Means of the distribution. - log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviations of the

  • prev_action (numpy.ndarray): Previous action, only present if
    self._state_include_action is True.

Dimension of the policy input.


Reset the policy.


If do_resets is None, it will be by default np.array([True]), which implies the policy will not be “vectorized”, i.e. number of paralle environments for training data sampling = 1.

Parameters:do_resets (numpy.ndarray) – Bool that indicates terminal state(s).

State info specifcation.

keys and shapes for the information related to the
policy’s state when taking an action.
Return type:List[str]

Vectorized or not.

Returns:True if primitive supports vectorized operations.
Return type:Bool
class GaussianMLPPolicy(env_spec, name='GaussianMLPPolicy', hidden_sizes=(32, 32), hidden_nonlinearity=<function tanh>, hidden_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, hidden_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, learn_std=True, adaptive_std=False, std_share_network=False, init_std=1.0, min_std=1e-06, max_std=None, std_hidden_sizes=(32, 32), std_hidden_nonlinearity=<function tanh>, std_output_nonlinearity=None, std_parameterization='exp', layer_normalization=False)[source]


Gaussian MLP Policy.

A policy represented by a Gaussian distribution which is parameterized by a multilayer perceptron (MLP).

  • env_spec (garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • name (str) – Model name, also the variable scope.
  • hidden_sizes (list[int]) – Output dimension of dense layer(s) for the MLP for mean. For example, (32, 32) means the MLP consists of two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units.
  • hidden_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • hidden_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • output_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • learn_std (bool) – Is std trainable.
  • adaptive_std (bool) – Is std a neural network. If False, it will be a parameter.
  • std_share_network (bool) – Boolean for whether mean and std share the same network.
  • init_std (float) – Initial value for std.
  • std_hidden_sizes (list[int]) – Output dimension of dense layer(s) for the MLP for std. For example, (32, 32) means the MLP consists of two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units.
  • min_std (float) – If not None, the std is at least the value of min_std, to avoid numerical issues.
  • max_std (float) – If not None, the std is at most the value of max_std, to avoid numerical issues.
  • std_hidden_nonlinearity (callable) – Nonlinearity for each hidden layer in the std network. The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • std_output_nonlinearity (callable) – Nonlinearity for output layer in the std network. The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • std_parameterization (str) – How the std should be parametrized. There are a few options:
  • exp (-) – the logarithm of the std will be stored, and applied a exponential transformation
  • softplus (-) – the std will be computed as log(1+exp(x))
  • layer_normalization (bool) – Bool for using layer normalization or not.
build(state_input, name=None)[source]

Build policy.

  • state_input (tf.Tensor) – State input.
  • name (str) – Name of the policy, which is also the name scope.

Distribution. tf.tensor: Mean. tf.Tensor: Log of standard deviation.

Return type:



Return a clone of the policy.

It only copies the configuration of the primitive, not the parameters.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the newly created policy. It has to be different from source policy if cloned under the same computational graph.
Returns:Newly cloned policy.

Policy distribution.

Returns:Policy distribution.
Return type:tfp.Distribution.MultivariateNormalDiag

Get single action from this policy for the input observation.

Parameters:observation (numpy.ndarray) – Observation from environment.
Returns:Actions dict: Predicted action and agent information.
Return type:numpy.ndarray


It returns an action and a dict, with keys - mean (numpy.ndarray): Mean of the distribution. - log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviation of the


Get multiple actions from this policy for the input observations.

Parameters:observations (numpy.ndarray) – Observations from environment.
Returns:Actions dict: Predicted action and agent information.
Return type:numpy.ndarray


It returns actions and a dict, with keys - mean (numpy.ndarray): Means of the distribution. - log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviations of the


Dimension of the policy input.


Vectorized or not.

Returns:True if primitive supports vectorized operations.
Return type:Bool
class GaussianMLPTaskEmbeddingPolicy(env_spec, encoder, name='GaussianMLPTaskEmbeddingPolicy', hidden_sizes=(32, 32), hidden_nonlinearity=<function tanh>, hidden_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, hidden_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, output_nonlinearity=None, output_w_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.GlorotUniform object>, output_b_init=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops_v2.Zeros object>, learn_std=True, adaptive_std=False, std_share_network=False, init_std=1.0, min_std=1e-06, max_std=None, std_hidden_sizes=(32, 32), std_hidden_nonlinearity=<function tanh>, std_output_nonlinearity=None, std_parameterization='exp', layer_normalization=False)[source]



  • env_spec (garage.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • encoder ( – Embedding network.
  • name (str) – Model name, also the variable scope.
  • hidden_sizes (list[int]) – Output dimension of dense layer(s) for the MLP for mean. For example, (32, 32) means the MLP consists of two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units.
  • hidden_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for intermediate dense layer(s). It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • hidden_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • hidden_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of intermediate dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_nonlinearity (callable) – Activation function for output dense layer. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • output_w_init (callable) – Initializer function for the weight of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • output_b_init (callable) – Initializer function for the bias of output dense layer(s). The function should return a tf.Tensor.
  • learn_std (bool) – Is std trainable.
  • adaptive_std (bool) – Is std a neural network. If False, it will be a parameter.
  • std_share_network (bool) – Boolean for whether mean and std share the same network.
  • init_std (float) – Initial value for std.
  • std_hidden_sizes (list[int]) – Output dimension of dense layer(s) for the MLP for std. For example, (32, 32) means the MLP consists of two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units.
  • min_std (float) – If not None, the std is at least the value of min_std, to avoid numerical issues.
  • max_std (float) – If not None, the std is at most the value of max_std, to avoid numerical issues.
  • std_hidden_nonlinearity (callable) – Nonlinearity for each hidden layer in the std network. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • std_output_nonlinearity (callable) – Nonlinearity for output layer in the std network. It should return a tf.Tensor. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation.
  • std_parameterization (str) –

    How the std should be parametrized. There are a few options: - exp: the logarithm of the std will be stored, and applied a

    exponential transformation
    • softplus: the std will be computed as log(1+exp(x))
  • layer_normalization (bool) – Bool for using layer normalization or not.
build(obs_input, task_input, name=None)[source]

Build policy.

  • obs_input (tf.Tensor) – Observation input.
  • task_input (tf.Tensor) – One-hot task id input.
  • name (str) – Name of the model, which is also the name scope.

Policy network. namedtuple: Encoder network.

Return type:



Return a clone of the policy.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the newly created policy. It has to be different from source policy if cloned under the same computational graph.
Returns:Cloned policy.

Policy action distribution.

Returns:Policy distribution.
Return type:tfp.Distribution.MultivariateNormalDiag

Get action sampled from the policy.

Parameters:observation (np.ndarray) – Augmented observation from the environment, with shape \((O+N, )\). O is the dimension of observation, N is the number of tasks.
Action sampled from the policy,
with shape \((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.
dict: Action distribution information, with keys:
  • mean (numpy.ndarray): Mean of the distribution,
    with shape \((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.
  • log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviation of the
    distribution, with shape \((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.
Return type:np.ndarray
get_action_given_latent(observation, latent)[source]

Sample an action given observation and latent.

  • observation (np.ndarray) – Observation from the environment, with shape \((O, )\). O is the dimension of observation.
  • latent (np.ndarray) – Latent, with shape \((Z, )\). Z is the dimension of the latent embedding.

Action sampled from the policy,

with shape \((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.

dict: Action distribution information, with keys:
  • mean (numpy.ndarray): Mean of the distribution,
    with shape \((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.
  • log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviation of the
    distribution, with shape \((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.

Return type:


get_action_given_task(observation, task_id)[source]

Sample an action given observation and task id.

  • observation (np.ndarray) – Observation from the environment, with shape \((O, )\). O is the dimension of the observation.
  • task_id (np.ndarray) – One-hot task id, with shape :math:`(N, ). N is the number of tasks.

Action sampled from the policy, with shape

\((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.

dict: Action distribution information, with keys:
  • mean (numpy.ndarray): Mean of the distribution,
    with shape \((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.
  • log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviation of the
    distribution, with shape \((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.

Return type:



Get actions sampled from the policy.

Parameters:observations (np.ndarray) – Augmented observation from the environment, with shape \((T, O+N)\). T is the number of environment steps, O is the dimension of observation, N is the number of tasks.
Actions sampled from the policy,
with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps, A is the dimension of action.
dict: Action distribution information, with keys:
  • mean (numpy.ndarray): Mean of the distribution,
    with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps, A is the dimension of action.
  • log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviation of the
    distribution, with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps, Z is the dimension of action.
Return type:np.ndarray
get_actions_given_latents(observations, latents)[source]

Sample a batch of actions given observations and latents.

  • observations (np.ndarray) – Observations from the environment, with shape \((T, O)\). T is the number of environment steps, O is the dimension of observation.
  • latents (np.ndarray) – Latents, with shape \((T, Z)\). T is the number of environment steps, Z is the dimension of latent embedding.

Actions sampled from the policy,

with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps, A is the dimension of action.

dict: Action distribution information, , with keys:
  • mean (numpy.ndarray): Mean of the distribution,
    with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps. A is the dimension of action.
  • log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviation of the
    distribution, with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps. A is the dimension of action.

Return type:


get_actions_given_tasks(observations, task_ids)[source]

Sample a batch of actions given observations and task ids.

  • observations (np.ndarray) – Observations from the environment, with shape \((T, O)\). T is the number of environment steps, O is the dimension of observation.
  • task_ids (np.ndarry) – One-hot task ids, with shape \((T, N)\). T is the number of environment steps, N is the number of tasks.

Actions sampled from the policy,

with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps, A is the dimension of action.

dict: Action distribution information, , with keys:
  • mean (numpy.ndarray): Mean of the distribution,
    with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps. A is the dimension of action.
  • log_std (numpy.ndarray): Log standard deviation of the
    distribution, with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps. A is the dimension of action.

Return type:


class TaskEmbeddingPolicy(name, env_spec, encoder)[source]


Base class for Task Embedding policies in TensorFlow.

This policy needs a task id in addition to observation to sample an action.


Concatenated observation space and one-hot task id.



Encoder distribution.

Get action sampled from the policy.

Parameters:observation (np.ndarray) – Augmented observation from the environment, with shape \((O+N, )\). O is the dimension of observation, N is the number of tasks.
Action sampled from the policy,
with shape \((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.

dict: Action distribution information.

Return type:np.ndarray
get_action_given_latent(observation, latent)[source]

Sample an action given observation and latent.

  • observation (np.ndarray) – Observation from the environment, with shape \((O, )\). O is the dimension of observation.
  • latent (np.ndarray) – Latent, with shape \((Z, )\). Z is the dimension of latent embedding.

Action sampled from the policy,

with shape \((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.

dict: Action distribution information.

Return type:


get_action_given_task(observation, task_id)[source]

Sample an action given observation and task id.

  • observation (np.ndarray) – Observation from the environment, with shape \((O, )\). O is the dimension of the observation.
  • task_id (np.ndarray) – One-hot task id, with shape :math:`(N, ). N is the number of tasks.

Action sampled from the policy, with shape

\((A, )\). A is the dimension of action.

dict: Action distribution information.

Return type:



Get actions sampled from the policy.

Parameters:observations (np.ndarray) – Augmented observation from the environment, with shape \((T, O+N)\). T is the number of environment steps, O is the dimension of observation, N is the number of tasks.
Actions sampled from the policy,
with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps, A is the dimension of action.

dict: Action distribution information.

Return type:np.ndarray
get_actions_given_latents(observations, latents)[source]

Sample a batch of actions given observations and latents.

  • observations (np.ndarray) – Observations from the environment, with shape \((T, O)\). T is the number of environment steps, O is the dimension of observation.
  • latents (np.ndarray) – Latents, with shape \((T, Z)\). T is the number of environment steps, Z is the dimension of latent embedding.

Actions sampled from the policy,

with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps, A is the dimension of action.

dict: Action distribution information.

Return type:


get_actions_given_tasks(observations, task_ids)[source]

Sample a batch of actions given observations and task ids.

  • observations (np.ndarray) – Observations from the environment, with shape \((T, O)\). T is the number of environment steps, O is the dimension of observation.
  • task_ids (np.ndarry) – One-hot task ids, with shape \((T, N)\). T is the number of environment steps, N is the number of tasks.

Actions sampled from the policy,

with shape \((T, A)\). T is the number of environment steps, A is the dimension of action.

dict: Action distribution information.

Return type:



Get global variables.

The global vars of a multitask policy should be the global vars of its model and the trainable vars of its embedding model.

A list of global variables in the current
variable scope.
Return type:List[tf.Variable]

Get embedded task id in latent space.

Parameters:task_id (np.ndarray) – One-hot task id, with shape \((N, )\). N is the number of tasks.
An embedding sampled from embedding distribution, with
shape \((Z, )\). Z is the dimension of the latent embedding.

dict: Embedding distribution information.

Return type:np.ndarray

Get trainable variables.

The trainable vars of a multitask policy should be the trainable vars of its model and the trainable vars of its embedding model.

A list of trainable variables in the current
variable scope.
Return type:List[tf.Variable]

Space of latent.


Splits up observation into one-hot task and environment observation.

Parameters:collated (np.ndarray) – Environment observation concatenated with task one-hot, with shape \((O+N, )\). O is the dimension of observation, N is the number of tasks.
Vanilla environment observation,
with shape \((O, )\). O is the dimension of observation.
np.ndarray: Task one-hot, with shape \((N, )\). N is the number
of tasks.
Return type:np.ndarray

One-hot space of task id.
