garage.torch.optimizers.conjugate_gradient_optimizer module

Conjugate Gradient Optimizer.

Computes the decent direction using the conjugate gradient method, and then computes the optimal step size that will satisfy the KL divergence constraint. Finally, it performs a backtracking line search to optimize the objective.

class ConjugateGradientOptimizer(params, max_constraint_value, cg_iters=10, max_backtracks=15, backtrack_ratio=0.8, hvp_reg_coeff=1e-05, accept_violation=False)[source]

Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject

Performs constrained optimization via backtracking line search.

The search direction is computed using a conjugate gradient algorithm, which gives x = A^{-1}g, where A is a second order approximation of the constraint and g is the gradient of the loss function.

  • params (iterable) – Iterable of parameters to optimize.
  • max_constraint_value (float) – Maximum constraint value.
  • cg_iters (int) – The number of CG iterations used to calculate A^-1 g
  • max_backtracks (int) – Max number of iterations for backtrack linesearch.
  • backtrack_ratio (float) – backtrack ratio for backtracking line search.
  • hvp_reg_coeff (float) – A small value so that A -> A + reg*I. It is used by Hessian Vector Product calculation.
  • accept_violation (bool) – whether to accept the descent step if it violates the line search condition after exhausting all backtracking budgets.

The hyper-parameters of the optimizer.

step(f_loss, f_constraint)[source]

Take an optimization step.

  • f_loss (callable) – Function to compute the loss.
  • f_constraint (callable) – Function to compute the constraint value.