Source code for garage.torch.optimizers.conjugate_gradient_optimizer

"""Conjugate Gradient Optimizer.

Computes the decent direction using the conjugate gradient method, and then
computes the optimal step size that will satisfy the KL divergence constraint.
Finally, it performs a backtracking line search to optimize the objective.

import warnings

from dowel import logger
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.optim import Optimizer

from garage.misc.tensor_utils import unflatten_tensors

def _build_hessian_vector_product(func, params, reg_coeff=1e-5):
    """Computes Hessian-vector product using Pearlmutter's algorithm.

    `Pearlmutter, Barak A. "Fast exact multiplication by the Hessian." Neural
    computation 6.1 (1994): 147-160.`

        func (callable): A function that returns a torch.Tensor. Hessian of
            the return value will be computed.
        params (list[torch.Tensor]): A list of function parameters.
        reg_coeff (float): A small value so that A -> A + reg*I.

        function: It can be called to get the final result.

    param_shapes = [p.shape or torch.Size([1]) for p in params]
    f = func()
    f_grads = torch.autograd.grad(f, params, create_graph=True)

    def _eval(vector):
        """The evaluation function.

            vector (torch.Tensor): The vector to be multiplied with

            torch.Tensor: The product of Hessian of function f and v.

        unflatten_vector = unflatten_tensors(vector, param_shapes)

        assert len(f_grads) == len(unflatten_vector)
        grad_vector_product = torch.sum(
                [torch.sum(g * x) for g, x in zip(f_grads, unflatten_vector)]))

        hvp = list(
            torch.autograd.grad(grad_vector_product, params,
        for i, (hx, p) in enumerate(zip(hvp, params)):
            if hx is None:
                hvp[i] = torch.zeros_like(p)

        flat_output =[h.reshape(-1) for h in hvp])
        return flat_output + reg_coeff * vector

    return _eval

def _conjugate_gradient(f_Ax, b, cg_iters, residual_tol=1e-10):
    """Use Conjugate Gradient iteration to solve Ax = b. Demmel p 312.

        f_Ax (callable): A function to compute Hessian vector product.
        b (torch.Tensor): Right hand side of the equation to solve.
        cg_iters (int): Number of iterations to run conjugate gradient
        residual_tol (float): Tolerence for convergence.

        torch.Tensor: Solution x* for equation Ax = b.

    p = b.clone()
    r = b.clone()
    x = torch.zeros_like(b)
    rdotr =, r)

    for _ in range(cg_iters):
        z = f_Ax(p)
        v = rdotr /, z)
        x += v * p
        r -= v * z
        newrdotr =, r)
        mu = newrdotr / rdotr
        p = r + mu * p

        rdotr = newrdotr
        if rdotr < residual_tol:
    return x

[docs]class ConjugateGradientOptimizer(Optimizer): """Performs constrained optimization via backtracking line search. The search direction is computed using a conjugate gradient algorithm, which gives x = A^{-1}g, where A is a second order approximation of the constraint and g is the gradient of the loss function. Args: params (iterable): Iterable of parameters to optimize. max_constraint_value (float): Maximum constraint value. cg_iters (int): The number of CG iterations used to calculate A^-1 g max_backtracks (int): Max number of iterations for backtrack linesearch. backtrack_ratio (float): backtrack ratio for backtracking line search. hvp_reg_coeff (float): A small value so that A -> A + reg*I. It is used by Hessian Vector Product calculation. accept_violation (bool): whether to accept the descent step if it violates the line search condition after exhausting all backtracking budgets. """ def __init__(self, params, max_constraint_value, cg_iters=10, max_backtracks=15, backtrack_ratio=0.8, hvp_reg_coeff=1e-5, accept_violation=False): super().__init__(params, {}) self._max_constraint_value = max_constraint_value self._cg_iters = cg_iters self._max_backtracks = max_backtracks self._backtrack_ratio = backtrack_ratio self._hvp_reg_coeff = hvp_reg_coeff self._accept_violation = accept_violation
[docs] def step(self, f_loss, f_constraint): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Take an optimization step. Args: f_loss (callable): Function to compute the loss. f_constraint (callable): Function to compute the constraint value. """ # Collect trainable parameters and gradients params = [] grads = [] for group in self.param_groups: for p in group['params']: if p.grad is not None: params.append(p) grads.append(p.grad.reshape(-1)) flat_loss_grads = # Build Hessian-vector-product function f_Ax = _build_hessian_vector_product(f_constraint, params, self._hvp_reg_coeff) # Compute step direction step_dir = _conjugate_gradient(f_Ax, flat_loss_grads, self._cg_iters) # Replace nan with 0. step_dir[] = 0. # Compute step size step_size = np.sqrt(2.0 * self._max_constraint_value * (1. / (, f_Ax(step_dir)) + 1e-8))) if np.isnan(step_size): step_size = 1. descent_step = step_size * step_dir # Update parameters using backtracking line search self._backtracking_line_search(params, descent_step, f_loss, f_constraint)
@property def state(self): """dict: The hyper-parameters of the optimizer.""" return { 'max_constraint_value': self._max_constraint_value, 'cg_iters': self._cg_iters, 'max_backtracks': self._max_backtracks, 'backtrack_ratio': self._backtrack_ratio, 'hvp_reg_coeff': self._hvp_reg_coeff, 'accept_violation': self._accept_violation, } @state.setter def state(self, state): # _max_constraint_value doesn't have a default value in __init__. # The rest of thsese should match those default values. # These values should only actually get used when unpickling a self._max_constraint_value = state.get('max_constraint_value', 0.01) self._cg_iters = state.get('cg_iters', 10) self._max_backtracks = state.get('max_backtracks', 15) self._backtrack_ratio = state.get('backtrack_ratio', 0.8) self._hvp_reg_coeff = state.get('hvp_reg_coeff', 1e-5) self._accept_violation = state.get('accept_violation', False) def __setstate__(self, state): """Restore the optimizer state. Args: state (dict): State dictionary. """ if 'hvp_reg_coeff' not in state['state']: warnings.warn( 'Resuming ConjugateGradientOptimizer with lost state. ' 'This behavior is fixed if pickling from garage>=2020.02.0.') self.defaults = state['defaults'] # Set the fields manually so that the setter gets called. self.state = state['state'] self.param_groups = state['param_groups'] def _backtracking_line_search(self, params, descent_step, f_loss, f_constraint): prev_params = [p.clone() for p in params] ratio_list = self._backtrack_ratio**np.arange(self._max_backtracks) loss_before = f_loss() param_shapes = [p.shape or torch.Size([1]) for p in params] descent_step = unflatten_tensors(descent_step, param_shapes) assert len(descent_step) == len(params) for ratio in ratio_list: for step, prev_param, param in zip(descent_step, prev_params, params): step = ratio * step new_param = - step = loss = f_loss() constraint_val = f_constraint() if (loss < loss_before and constraint_val <= self._max_constraint_value): break if ((torch.isnan(loss) or torch.isnan(constraint_val) or loss >= loss_before or constraint_val >= self._max_constraint_value) and not self._accept_violation): logger.log('Line search condition violated. Rejecting the step!') if torch.isnan(loss): logger.log('Violated because loss is NaN') if torch.isnan(constraint_val): logger.log('Violated because constraint is NaN') if loss >= loss_before: logger.log('Violated because loss not improving') if constraint_val >= self._max_constraint_value: logger.log('Violated because constraint is violated') for prev, cur in zip(prev_params, params): =