Reinforcement learning algorithms which use NumPy as a numerical backend.

class CEM(env_spec, policy, baseline, n_samples, discount=0.99, max_episode_length=500, init_std=1, best_frac=0.05, extra_std=1.0, extra_decay_time=100)


Inheritance diagram of

Cross Entropy Method.

CEM works by iteratively optimizing a gaussian distribution of policy.

In each epoch, CEM does the following: 1. Sample n_samples policies from a gaussian distribution of

mean cur_mean and std cur_std.
  1. Collect episodes for each policy.
  2. Update cur_mean and cur_std by doing Maximum Likelihood Estimation over the n_best top policies in terms of return.
  • env_spec (EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • policy ( – Action policy.
  • baseline ( – Baseline for GAE (Generalized Advantage Estimation).
  • n_samples (int) – Number of policies sampled in one epoch.
  • discount (float) – Environment reward discount.
  • max_episode_length (int) – Maximum length of a single episode.
  • best_frac (float) – The best fraction.
  • init_std (float) – Initial std for policy param distribution.
  • extra_std (float) – Decaying std added to param distribution.
  • extra_decay_time (float) – Epochs that it takes to decay extra std.
train(self, runner)

Initialize variables and start training.

Parameters:runner (LocalRunner) – Experiment runner, which provides services such as snapshotting and sampler control.
Returns:The average return in last epoch cycle.
Return type:float
train_once(self, itr, paths)

Perform one step of policy optimization given one batch of samples.

  • itr (int) – Iteration number.
  • paths (list[dict]) – A list of collected paths.

The average return of epoch cycle.

Return type:


class CMAES(env_spec, policy, baseline, n_samples, discount=0.99, max_episode_length=500, sigma0=1.0)


Inheritance diagram of

Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy.


The CMA-ES method can hardly learn a successful policy even for simple task. It is still maintained here only for consistency with original rllab paper.

  • env_spec (EnvSpec) – Environment specification.
  • policy ( – Action policy.
  • baseline ( – Baseline for GAE (Generalized Advantage Estimation).
  • n_samples (int) – Number of policies sampled in one epoch.
  • discount (float) – Environment reward discount.
  • max_episode_length (int) – Maximum length of a single episode.
  • sigma0 (float) – Initial std for param distribution.
train(self, runner)

Initialize variables and start training.

Parameters:runner (LocalRunner) – LocalRunner is passed to give algorithm the access to runner.step_epochs(), which provides services such as snapshotting and sampler control.
Returns:The average return in last epoch cycle.
Return type:float
train_once(self, itr, paths)

Perform one step of policy optimization given one batch of samples.

  • itr (int) – Iteration number.
  • paths (list[dict]) – A list of collected paths.

The average return in last epoch cycle.

Return type:


class MetaRLAlgorithm

Bases:, abc.ABC

Inheritance diagram of

Base class for Meta-RL Algorithms.


Return a policy used before adaptation to a specific task.

Each time it is retrieved, this policy should only be evaluated in one task.

The policy used to obtain samples, which are later used for
meta-RL adaptation.
Return type:Policy
adapt_policy(self, exploration_policy, exploration_episodes)

Produce a policy adapted for a task.

  • exploration_policy (Policy) – A policy which was returned from get_exploration_policy(), and which generated exploration_trajectories by interacting with an environment. The caller may not use this object after passing it into this method.
  • exploration_episodes (EpisodeBatch) – Episodes with which to adapt. These are generated by exploration_policy while exploring the environment.

A policy adapted to the task represented by the


Return type:


train(self, runner)

Obtain samplers and start actual training for each epoch.

Parameters:runner (LocalRunner) – LocalRunner is passed to give algorithm the access to runner.step_epochs(), which provides services such as snapshotting and sampler control.
class NOP


Inheritance diagram of

NOP (no optimization performed) policy search algorithm.


Initialize the optimization procedure.

optimize_policy(self, paths)

Optimize the policy using the samples.

Parameters:paths (list[dict]) – A list of collected paths.
train(self, runner)

Obtain samplers and start actual training for each epoch.

Parameters:runner (LocalRunner) – LocalRunner is passed to give algorithm the access to runner.step_epochs(), which provides services such as snapshotting and sampler control.
class RLAlgorithm

Bases: abc.ABC

Inheritance diagram of

Base class for all the algorithms.


If the field sampler_cls exists, it will be by LocalRunner.setup to initialize a sampler.

train(self, runner)

Obtain samplers and start actual training for each epoch.

Parameters:runner (LocalRunner) – LocalRunner is passed to give algorithm the access to runner.step_epochs(), which provides services such as snapshotting and sampler control.