Task Embedding Algorithm.

class TaskEmbeddingWorker(*, seed, max_episode_length, worker_number)

Bases: garage.sampler.DefaultWorker

Inheritance diagram of

A sampler worker for Task Embedding Algorithm.

In addition to DefaultWorker, this worker adds one-hot task id to env_info, and adds latent and latent infos to agent_info.

  • seed (int) – The seed to use to intialize random number generators.
  • max_episode_length (int or float) – The maximum length of episodes to sample. Can be (floating point) infinity.
  • worker_number (int) – The number of the worker where this update is occurring. This argument is used to set a different seed for each worker.

The worker’s agent.

Type:Policy or None

The worker’s environment.

Type:Environment or None

Begin a new episode.


Take a single time-step in the current episode.

True iff the episode is done, either due to the environment
indicating termination of due to reaching max_episode_length.
Return type:bool

Collect the current episode, clearing the internal buffer.

One-hot task id is saved in env_infos[‘task_onehot’]. Latent is saved in agent_infos[‘latent’]. Latent infos are saved in agent_infos[‘latent_info_name’], where info_name is the original latent info name.

A batch of the episodes completed since the last call
to collect_episode().
Return type:EpisodeBatch

Initialize a worker.

update_agent(self, agent_update)

Update an agent, assuming it implements Policy.

Parameters:agent_update (np.ndarray or dict or Policy) – If a tuple, dict, or np.ndarray, these should be parameters to agent, which should have been generated by calling Policy.get_param_values. Alternatively, a policy itself. Note that other implementations of Worker may take different types for this parameter.
update_env(self, env_update)

Use any non-None env_update as a new environment.

A simple env update function. If env_update is not None, it should be the complete new environment.

This allows changing environments by passing the new environment as env_update into obtain_samples.

Parameters:env_update (Environment or EnvUpdate or None) – The environment to replace the existing env with. Note that other implementations of Worker may take different types for this parameter.
Raises:TypeError – If env_update is not one of the documented types.

Sample a single episode of the agent in the environment.

Returns:The collected episode.
Return type:EpisodeBatch

Close the worker’s environment.