Source code for garage._functions

"""Functions exposed directly in the garage namespace."""
from collections import defaultdict

from dowel import tabular
import numpy as np

from garage import EpisodeBatch, StepType
from import discount_cumsum, stack_tensor_dict_list

class _Default:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    """A wrapper class to represent default arguments.

        val (object): Argument value.


    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val

[docs]def make_optimizer(optimizer_type, module=None, **kwargs): """Create an optimizer for pyTorch & tensorflow algos. Args: optimizer_type (Union[type, tuple[type, dict]]): Type of optimizer. This can be an optimizer type such as 'torch.optim.Adam' or a tuple of type and dictionary, where dictionary contains arguments to initialize the optimizer e.g. (torch.optim.Adam, {'lr' : 1e-3}) module (optional): If the optimizer type is a `torch.optimizer`. The `torch.nn.Module` module whose parameters needs to be optimized must be specify. kwargs (dict): Other keyword arguments to initialize optimizer. This is not used when `optimizer_type` is tuple. Returns: torch.optim.Optimizer: Constructed optimizer. Raises: ValueError: Raises value error when `optimizer_type` is tuple, and non-default argument is passed in `kwargs`. """ if isinstance(optimizer_type, tuple): opt_type, opt_args = optimizer_type for name, arg in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(arg, _Default): raise ValueError('Should not specify {} and explicit \ optimizer args at the same time'.format(name)) if module is not None: return opt_type(module.parameters(), **opt_args) else: return opt_type(**opt_args) opt_args = { k: v.val if isinstance(v, _Default) else v for k, v in kwargs.items() } if module is not None: return optimizer_type(module.parameters(), **opt_args) else: return optimizer_type(**opt_args)
[docs]def rollout(env, agent, *, max_episode_length=np.inf, animated=False, speedup=1, deterministic=False): """Sample a single episode of the agent in the environment. Args: agent (Policy): Policy used to select actions. env (Environment): Environment to perform actions in. max_episode_length (int): If the episode reaches this many timesteps, it is truncated. animated (bool): If true, render the environment after each step. speedup (float): Factor by which to decrease the wait time between rendered steps. Only relevant, if animated == true. deterministic (bool): If true, use the mean action returned by the stochastic policy instead of sampling from the returned action distribution. Returns: dict[str, np.ndarray or dict]: Dictionary, with keys: * observations(np.array): Flattened array of observations. There should be one more of these than actions. Note that observations[i] (for i < len(observations) - 1) was used by the agent to choose actions[i]. Should have shape :math:`(T + 1, S^*)`, i.e. the unflattened observation space of the current environment. * actions(np.array): Non-flattened array of actions. Should have shape :math:`(T, S^*)`, i.e. the unflattened action space of the current environment. * rewards(np.array): Array of rewards of shape :math:`(T,)`, i.e. a 1D array of length timesteps. * agent_infos(Dict[str, np.array]): Dictionary of stacked, non-flattened `agent_info` arrays. * env_infos(Dict[str, np.array]): Dictionary of stacked, non-flattened `env_info` arrays. * dones(np.array): Array of termination signals. """ del speedup env_steps = [] agent_infos = [] observations = [] last_obs = env.reset()[0] agent.reset() episode_length = 0 if animated: env.visualize() while episode_length < (max_episode_length or np.inf): a, agent_info = agent.get_action(last_obs) if deterministic and 'mean' in agent_info: a = agent_info['mean'] es = env.step(a) env_steps.append(es) observations.append(last_obs) agent_infos.append(agent_info) episode_length += 1 if es.last: break last_obs = es.observation return dict( observations=np.array(observations), actions=np.array([es.action for es in env_steps]), rewards=np.array([es.reward for es in env_steps]), agent_infos=stack_tensor_dict_list(agent_infos), env_infos=stack_tensor_dict_list([es.env_info for es in env_steps]), dones=np.array([es.terminal for es in env_steps]), )
[docs]def obtain_evaluation_episodes(policy, env, max_episode_length=1000, num_eps=100, deterministic=True): """Sample the policy for num_eps episodes and return average values. Args: policy (Policy): Policy to use as the actor when gathering samples. env (Environment): The environement used to obtain episodes. max_episode_length (int): Maximum episode length. The episode will truncated when length of episode reaches max_episode_length. num_eps (int): Number of episodes. deterministic (bool): Whether the a deterministic approach is used in rollout. Returns: EpisodeBatch: Evaluation episodes, representing the best current performance of the algorithm. """ episodes = [] # Use a finite length rollout for evaluation. for _ in range(num_eps): eps = rollout(env, policy, max_episode_length=max_episode_length, deterministic=deterministic) episodes.append(eps) return EpisodeBatch.from_list(env.spec, episodes)
[docs]def log_multitask_performance(itr, batch, discount, name_map=None): r"""Log performance of episodes from multiple tasks. Args: itr (int): Iteration number to be logged. batch (EpisodeBatch): Batch of episodes. The episodes should have either the "task_name" or "task_id" `env_infos`. If the "task_name" is not present, then `name_map` is required, and should map from task id's to task names. discount (float): Discount used in computing returns. name_map (dict[int, str] or None): Mapping from task id's to task names. Optional if the "task_name" environment info is present. Note that if provided, all tasks listed in this map will be logged, even if there are no episodes present for them. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Undiscounted returns averaged across all tasks. Has shape :math:`(N \bullet [T])`. """ eps_by_name = defaultdict(list) for eps in batch.split(): task_name = '__unnamed_task__' if 'task_name' in eps.env_infos: task_name = eps.env_infos['task_name'][0] elif 'task_id' in eps.env_infos: name_map = {} if name_map is None else name_map task_id = eps.env_infos['task_id'][0] task_name = name_map.get(task_id, 'Task #{}'.format(task_id)) eps_by_name[task_name].append(eps) if name_map is None: task_names = eps_by_name.keys() else: task_names = name_map.values() for task_name in task_names: if task_name in eps_by_name: episodes = eps_by_name[task_name] log_performance(itr, EpisodeBatch.concatenate(*episodes), discount, prefix=task_name) else: with tabular.prefix(task_name + '/'): tabular.record('Iteration', itr) tabular.record('NumEpisodes', 0) tabular.record('AverageDiscountedReturn', np.nan) tabular.record('AverageReturn', np.nan) tabular.record('StdReturn', np.nan) tabular.record('MaxReturn', np.nan) tabular.record('MinReturn', np.nan) tabular.record('TerminationRate', np.nan) tabular.record('SuccessRate', np.nan) return log_performance(itr, batch, discount=discount, prefix='Average')
[docs]def log_performance(itr, batch, discount, prefix='Evaluation'): """Evaluate the performance of an algorithm on a batch of episodes. Args: itr (int): Iteration number. batch (EpisodeBatch): The episodes to evaluate with. discount (float): Discount value, from algorithm's property. prefix (str): Prefix to add to all logged keys. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Undiscounted returns. """ returns = [] undiscounted_returns = [] termination = [] success = [] for eps in batch.split(): returns.append(discount_cumsum(eps.rewards, discount)) undiscounted_returns.append(sum(eps.rewards)) termination.append( float( any(step_type == StepType.TERMINAL for step_type in eps.step_types))) if 'success' in eps.env_infos: success.append(float(eps.env_infos['success'].any())) average_discounted_return = np.mean([rtn[0] for rtn in returns]) with tabular.prefix(prefix + '/'): tabular.record('Iteration', itr) tabular.record('NumEpisodes', len(returns)) tabular.record('AverageDiscountedReturn', average_discounted_return) tabular.record('AverageReturn', np.mean(undiscounted_returns)) tabular.record('StdReturn', np.std(undiscounted_returns)) tabular.record('MaxReturn', np.max(undiscounted_returns)) tabular.record('MinReturn', np.min(undiscounted_returns)) tabular.record('TerminationRate', np.mean(termination)) if success: tabular.record('SuccessRate', np.mean(success)) return undiscounted_returns