Module for RL2.

This module contains RL2, RL2Worker and the environment wrapper for RL2.

class RL2Env(env)

Bases: garage.Wrapper

Inheritance diagram of

Environment wrapper for RL2.

In RL2, observation is concatenated with previous action, reward and terminal signal to form new observation.

Parameters:env (Environment) – An env that will be wrapped.

The observation space specification.


The environment specification.


The action space specification.


A list of string representing the supported render modes.


Call reset on wrapped env.

The first observation conforming to
dict: The episode-level information.
Note that this is not part of env_info provided in step(). It contains information of he entire episode, which could be needed to determine the first action (e.g. in the case of goal-conditioned or MTRL.)
Return type:numpy.ndarray
step(self, action)

Call step on wrapped env.

Parameters:action (np.ndarray) – An action provided by the agent.
Returns:The environment step resulting from the action.
Return type:EnvStep
Raises:RuntimeError – if step() is called after the environment has been constructed and reset() has not been called.
render(self, mode)

Render the wrapped environment.

Parameters:mode (str) – the mode to render with. The string must be present in self.render_modes.
Returns:the return value for render, depending on each env.
Return type:object

Creates a visualization of the wrapped environment.


Close the wrapped env.

class RL2Worker(*, seed, max_episode_length, worker_number, n_episodes_per_trial=2)

Bases: garage.sampler.DefaultWorker

Inheritance diagram of

Initialize a worker for RL2.

In RL2, policy does not reset between epsiodes in each meta batch. Policy only resets once at the beginning of a trial/meta batch.

  • seed (int) – The seed to use to intialize random number generators.
  • max_episode_length (int or float) – The maximum length of episodes to sample. Can be (floating point) infinity.
  • worker_number (int) – The number of the worker where this update is occurring. This argument is used to set a different seed for each worker.
  • n_episodes_per_trial (int) – Number of episodes sampled per trial/meta-batch. Policy resets in the beginning of a meta batch, and obtain n_episodes_per_trial episodes in one meta batch.

The worker’s agent.

Type:Policy or None

The worker’s environment.

Type:Environment or None

Begin a new episode.


Sample a single episode of the agent in the environment.

Returns:The collected episode.
Return type:EpisodeBatch

Initialize a worker.

update_agent(self, agent_update)

Update an agent, assuming it implements Policy.

Parameters:agent_update (np.ndarray or dict or Policy) – If a tuple, dict, or np.ndarray, these should be parameters to agent, which should have been generated by calling Policy.get_param_values. Alternatively, a policy itself. Note that other implementations of Worker may take different types for this parameter.
update_env(self, env_update)

Use any non-None env_update as a new environment.

A simple env update function. If env_update is not None, it should be the complete new environment.

This allows changing environments by passing the new environment as env_update into obtain_samples.

Parameters:env_update (Environment or EnvUpdate or None) – The environment to replace the existing env with. Note that other implementations of Worker may take different types for this parameter.
Raises:TypeError – If env_update is not one of the documented types.

Take a single time-step in the current episode.

Returns:True iff the episode is done, either due to the environment indicating termination of due to reaching max_episode_length.
Return type:bool

Collect the current episode, clearing the internal buffer.

A batch of the episodes completed since the last call
to collect_episode().
Return type:EpisodeBatch

Close the worker’s environment.

class NoResetPolicy(policy)

A policy that does not reset.

For RL2 meta-test, the policy should not reset after meta-RL adapation. The hidden state will be retained as it is where the adaptation takes place.

Parameters:policy ( – Policy itself.
Returns:The wrapped policy that does not reset.

Environment reset function.

get_action(self, obs)

Get a single action from this policy for the input observation.

Parameters:obs (numpy.ndarray) – Observation from environment.
Returns:Predicted action dict: Agent into
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Return values of params.

Returns:Policy parameters values.
Return type:np.ndarray
set_param_values(self, params)

Set param values.

Parameters:params (np.ndarray) – A numpy array of parameter values.
class RL2AdaptedPolicy(policy)

A RL2 policy after adaptation.

Parameters:policy ( – Policy itself.

Environment reset function.

get_action(self, obs)

Get a single action from this policy for the input observation.

Parameters:obs (numpy.ndarray) – Observation from environment.
Returns:Predicated action dict: Agent info.
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Return values of params.

Returns:Policy parameter values np.ndarray: Initial hidden state, which will be set every time
the policy is used for meta-test.
Return type:np.ndarray
set_param_values(self, params)

Set param values.

Parameters:params (Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]) – Two numpy array of parameter values, one of the network parameters, one for the initial hidden state.
class RL2(rl2_max_episode_length, meta_batch_size, task_sampler, meta_evaluator, n_epochs_per_eval, **inner_algo_args)

Bases:, abc.ABC

Inheritance diagram of



When sampling for RL^2, there are more than one environments to be sampled from. In the original implementation, within each task/environment, all episodes sampled will be concatenated into one single episode, and fed to the inner algorithm. Thus, returns and advantages are calculated across the episode.

RL2Worker is required in sampling for RL2. See example/tf/ for reference.

User should not instantiate RL2 directly. Currently garage supports PPO and TRPO as inner algorithm. Refer to garage/tf/algos/ and garage/tf/algos/

  • rl2_max_episode_length (int) – Maximum length for episodess with respect to RL^2. Note that it is different from the maximum episode length for the inner algorithm.
  • meta_batch_size (int) – Meta batch size.
  • task_sampler (TaskSampler) – Task sampler.
  • meta_evaluator (MetaEvaluator) – Evaluator for meta-RL algorithms.
  • n_epochs_per_eval (int) – If meta_evaluator is passed, meta-evaluation will be performed every n_epochs_per_eval epochs.
  • inner_algo_args (dict) – Arguments for inner algorithm.

Policy to be used.


Maximum length of an episode.

train(self, runner)

Obtain samplers and start actual training for each epoch.

Parameters:runner (LocalRunner) – Experiment runner, which provides services such as snapshotting and sampler control.
Returns:The average return in last epoch.
Return type:float
train_once(self, itr, paths)

Perform one step of policy optimization given one batch of samples.

  • itr (int) – Iteration number.
  • paths (list[dict]) – A list of collected paths.

Average return.

Return type:



Return a policy used before adaptation to a specific task.

Each time it is retrieved, this policy should only be evaluated in one task.

The policy used to obtain samples that are later used for
meta-RL adaptation.
Return type:Policy
adapt_policy(self, exploration_policy, exploration_episodes)

Produce a policy adapted for a task.

  • exploration_policy (Policy) – A policy which was returned from get_exploration_policy(), and which generated exploration_episodes by interacting with an environment. The caller may not use this object after passing it into this method.
  • exploration_episodes (EpisodeBatch) – episodes to adapt to, generated by exploration_policy exploring the environment.

A policy adapted to the task represented by the


Return type:
