The experiment in Garage is a function we use to run an algorithm. This
function is wrapped by a decorator called wrap_experiment
, which defines the
scope of an experiment, sets up the log directory and what to be saved in
Below is a simple experiment launcher. The first parameter of the experiment
function must be ctxt
, which is used to pass the experiment’s context into
the inner function.
from garage import wrap_experiment
def my_first_experiment(ctxt=None):
print('Hello World!')
Running the example launcher will generate outputs like the following
is the current directory).
2020-08-20 15:18:53 | [my_first_experiment] Logging to CUR_DIR/data/local/experiment/my_first_experiment
Hello World!
The followings are some useful parameters of wrap_experiment
. You can see
details of its parameters here.
log_dir: The custom log directory to log to.
snapshot_mode: Policy for which snapshots to keep. The last iteration will be saved by default. Here are acceptable inputs.
, only the last iteration will be saved.'all'
, all iterations will be saved.'gap'
, every snapshot_gap iterations are saved.'none'
, do not save snapshots.
snapshot_gap: Gap between snapshot iterations. Waits this number of iterations before taking another snapshot.
Here is an example to set a custom log directory:
from garage import wrap_experiment
def my_first_experiment(ctxt=None):
print('Hello World!')
You can check this user guide for how to write and run an experiment in detail.
This page was authored by Ruofu Wang (@yeukfu).