Train a Policy to Solve an Environment¶
This page will guide you how to train a policy to solve an environment.
Define the Experiment¶
In garage, we train a policy in an experiment, which is a function wrapped by a
decorator called wrap_experiment
. Below is an simple example.
could have some arguments. You can see the experiments doc
for details of running experiments.
def my_first_experiment():
Construct a Trainer¶
Within the experiment, we need a Trainer
to set up important state (such
as a TensorFlow Session) for training a policy. To construct a Trainer
, an
experiment context called ctxt
is needed. This is used to create the
snapshotter, and we can set it None
here to make it simple.
Garage supports both PyTorch and TensorFlow. If you use TensorFlow, you should
use TFTrainer
Besides, in order to produce determinism, you can set a seed for the random number generator.
def my_first_experiment(ctxt=None, seed=1):
# PyTorch
trainer = Trainer(ctxt)
# TensorFlow
with TFTrainer(ctxt) as trainer:
Construct an Environment¶
Garage supports many environments. You can also implement your own environment
like this. In this example, we choose CartPole-V1
env = GymEnv('CartPole-v1')
Construct a Policy and an Algorithm¶
Construct your policy and choose an algorithm to train it. Here, we use
and TRPO
, you can also implement your own algorithm
like this. The policy should be compatible with the
environment’s observations and action space (CNN for image observations,
discrete policy for discrete action spaces, etc). The action space of
is discrete so we choose a discrete policy here. Besides, as an
on policy algorithm, we need a sampler to make samples. Here we use the basic
policy = CategoricalMLPPolicy(name='policy',
hidden_sizes=(32, 32))
baseline = LinearFeatureBaseline(env_spec=env.spec)
sampler = LocalSampler(agents=policy,
algo = TRPO(env_spec=env.spec,
Tell the Trainer How to Train the Policy¶
The final step is calling trainer.setup
and trainer.train
to co-ordinate
training the policy.
trainer.setup(algo, env)
trainer.train(n_epochs=100, batch_size=4000)
Run the Experiment¶
To run the experiment, simply call the experiment function you just defined.
my_first_experiment(seed=3) # changes the seed to 3
Usually these will appear at the end of your launcher script, but your experiment functions are regular Python functions, and can be imported anywhere.
See below for a full example.
Example: Train TRPO to Solve CartPole-v1
In the above steps, we construct the required components to train a
with TRPO
to solve CartPole-v1
and wrap all into an
experiment function. You can find the full example in examples/tf/
which is also pasted below:
Running the above should produce output like:
2020-06-25 14:03:46 | [trpo_cartpole] Logging to /home/ruofu/garage/data/local/experiment/trpo_cartpole_4
2020-06-25 14:03:48 | [trpo_cartpole] Obtaining samples...
Sampling [####################################] 100%
2020-06-25 14:03:52 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Logging diagnostics...
2020-06-25 14:03:52 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Optimizing policy...
2020-06-25 14:03:52 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Computing loss before
2020-06-25 14:03:52 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Computing KL before
2020-06-25 14:03:52 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Optimizing
2020-06-25 14:03:52 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Start CG optimization:
#parameters: 1282, #inputs: 186, #subsample_inputs: 186
2020-06-25 14:03:52 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | computing loss before
2020-06-25 14:03:52 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | computing gradient
2020-06-25 14:03:52 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | gradient computed
2020-06-25 14:03:52 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | computing descent direction
2020-06-25 14:03:53 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | descent direction computed
2020-06-25 14:03:53 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | backtrack iters: 10
2020-06-25 14:03:53 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | optimization finished
2020-06-25 14:03:53 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Computing KL after
2020-06-25 14:03:53 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Computing loss after
2020-06-25 14:03:53 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Fitting baseline...
2020-06-25 14:03:53 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Saving snapshot...
2020-06-25 14:03:53 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Saved
2020-06-25 14:03:53 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | Time 4.66 s
2020-06-25 14:03:53 | [trpo_cartpole] epoch #0 | EpochTime 4.66 s
--------------------------------------- --------------
Evaluation/AverageDiscountedReturn 19.045
Evaluation/AverageReturn 21.5054
Evaluation/TerminationRate 1
Evaluation/Iteration 0
Evaluation/MaxReturn 58
Evaluation/MinReturn 8
Evaluation/NumEpisodes 186
Evaluation/StdReturn 10.0511
Extras/EpisodeRewardMean 22.22
LinearFeatureBaseline/ExplainedVariance 4.14581e-08
TotalEnvSteps 4000
policy/Entropy 3.22253
policy/KL 9.75289e-05
policy/KLBefore 0
policy/LossAfter -0.5136
policy/LossBefore -0.513123
policy/Perplexity 25.0916
policy/dLoss 0.000476599
--------------------------------------- --------------
This page was authored by Ruofu Wang (@yeukfu).