
This is an implementation of an on policy batch sampler.

Uses a data parallel design. Included is a sampler that deploys sampler workers. The sampler workers must implement some type of set agent parameters function, and a rollout function.

class RaySampler(agents, envs, *, worker_factory=None, max_episode_length=None, is_tf_worker=False, seed=get_seed(), n_workers=psutil.cpu_count(logical=False), worker_class=DefaultWorker, worker_args=None)

Bases: garage.sampler.sampler.Sampler

Inheritance diagram of garage.sampler.ray_sampler.RaySampler

Samples episodes in a data-parallel fashion using a Ray cluster.

The sampler need to be created either from a worker factory or from parameters which can construct a worker factory. See the __init__ method of WorkerFactory for the detail of these parameters.

  • agents (list[Policy]) – Agents to distribute across workers.

  • envs (list[Environment]) – Environments to distribute across workers.

  • worker_factory (WorkerFactory) – Used for worker behavior. Either this param or params after this are required to construct a sampler.

  • max_episode_length (int) – Params used to construct a worker factory. The maximum length episodes which will be sampled.

  • is_tf_worker (bool) – Whether it is workers for TFTrainer.

  • seed (int) – The seed to use to initialize random number generators.

  • n_workers (int) – The number of workers to use.

  • worker_class (type) – Class of the workers. Instances should implement the Worker interface.

  • worker_args (dict or None) – Additional arguments that should be passed to the worker.

classmethod from_worker_factory(worker_factory, agents, envs)

Construct this sampler.

  • worker_factory (WorkerFactory) – Pickleable factory for creating workers. Should be transmitted to other processes / nodes where work needs to be done, then workers should be constructed there.

  • agents (Policy or List[Policy]) – Agent(s) to use to sample episodes. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly worker_factory.n_workers, and will be spread across the workers.

  • envs (Environment or List[Environment]) – Environment from which episodes are sampled. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly worker_factory.n_workers, and will be spread across the workers.


An instance of cls.

Return type



Initialize a new ray worker.

obtain_samples(itr, num_samples, agent_update, env_update=None)

Sample the policy for new episodes.

  • itr (int) – Iteration number.

  • num_samples (int) – Number of steps the the sampler should collect.

  • agent_update (object) – Value which will be passed into the agent_update_fn before sampling episodes. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly factory.n_workers, and will be spread across the workers.

  • env_update (object) – Value which will be passed into the env_update_fn before sampling episodes. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly factory.n_workers, and will be spread across the workers.


Batch of gathered episodes.

Return type


obtain_exact_episodes(n_eps_per_worker, agent_update, env_update=None)

Sample an exact number of episodes per worker.

  • n_eps_per_worker (int) – Exact number of episodes to gather for each worker.

  • agent_update (object) – Value which will be passed into the agent_update_fn before sampling episodes. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly factory.n_workers, and will be spread across the workers.

  • env_update (object) – Value which will be passed into the env_update_fn before sampling episodes. If a list is passed in, it must have length exactly factory.n_workers, and will be spread across the workers.


Batch of gathered episodes. Always in worker

order. In other words, first all episodes from worker 0, then all episodes from worker 1, etc.

Return type



Shuts down the worker.

class SamplerWorker(worker_id, env, agent_pkl, worker_factory)

Constructs a single sampler worker.

  • worker_id (int) – The ID of this worker.

  • env (Environment) – Environment to sample form.

  • agent_pkl (bytes) – Pickled Policy to sample with.

  • worker_factory (WorkerFactory) – Factory to construct this worker’s behavior.

update(agent_update, env_update)

Update the agent and environment.

  • agent_update (object) – Agent update.

  • env_update (object) – Environment update.


The worker id.

Return type



Sample one episode of the agent in the environment.


Worker ID and batch of samples.

Return type

tuple[int, EpisodeBatch]


Shuts down the worker.